CNN quiz on public knowledge re global warming

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Gold Member
May 10, 2014
This was posted on today in their tech section. Sorry but it's no longer formatted for taking the quiz. I just thought the correct answers were interesting.

1. Let's say you're at a party with all the world's working climate scientists. If you were able to poll each of them, what percentage of the scientists would tell you climate change is real and we humans are causing it?

58% or 97%

97%! "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97% or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position," according to NASA.

2. What percentage of Americans know the answer to Question 1?

10% or 50%

10%! According to the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, only 1 in 10 Americans knows that there's near-consensus among scientists that climate change is real and caused by humans. So if you got Question 1 right, hooray! You're in the hyperenlightened 10%! Go tell a friend ...

3. In the United States, what is the biggest contributor to climate change?

Electricity use or Transportation

Electricity! But it's close. Thirty-one percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from burning coal, gas and oil for electricity, compared to 21% for transportation, like driving cars, according to the EPA.

4. When it comes to information about climate change, which person -- or group of people -- are Americans more likely to say they trust?

Pope Francis or Family and friends

Family and friends! Sixty-seven percent of Americans "strongly" or "somewhat" trust family and friends for information about global warming, according to a survey by researchers at Yale University and George Mason University, released in March 2015. Only 50% trust Pope Francis, who, this summer, released an encyclical on the moral injustice of climate change, for that sort of information. Perhaps surprisingly, climate scientists are the most trusted group (70%), followed by other kinds of scientists (64%), TV weather reporters (60%) and personal primary care doctors (57%). Only a few of you likely are primary care doctors, but I bet all of you qualify as family or friends to someone. Use that as an excuse to start a conversation.

5. Which country would you say is more skeptical of climate science?

United States or Norway

Norway! The United States has the reputation for being an international laggard on climate change, but this country isn't the world's most skeptical. "Australia has the highest proportion of skeptics at 17%, followed by Norway (15%), New Zealand (13%) and the USA (12%)," write the authors of a May 2015 study published in Global Environmental Change. "At the other extreme, only 2% of the Spanish and 4% of Germans and Swiss are climate skeptics, while the proportion of skeptics in all other countries is only 10% or less." The authors looked at 14 industrialized countries.

6. What percentage of Americans do you think would say they are either "extremely" or "very" sure that climate change is not happening?

9% or 28%

9%! The same percentage of Americans also believe vaccines are more dangerous than disease. In other words: It's a fringe view. Neither view, for the record, is supported by science. Those numbers come from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication.

7. Which of these Republican candidates for the 2016 U.S. presidency has said climate change is real, is caused by people, and is a problem.

Lindsey Graham or Donald Trump

Lindsey Graham! Sen. Lindsey Graham, from South Carolina, has acknowledged the reality of climate science. Graham, who is not a front-runner, helped write bipartisan climate legislation in 2009 and 2010 before withdrawing his support, according to new reports. "I know I'm not a scientist, but here's the problem I've got with some people in my party: When you ask the scientists what's going on, why don't you believe them?" he asked the late-night talk show host Seth Meyers earlier this summer. "If I went to 10 doctors and nine said, 'Hey you're gonna die,' and one says, "You're fine,' why would I believe the one guy?" Donald Trump, the real estate tycoon and reality TV star, meanwhile, told CNN's Jake Tapper, in June, that he is "not a huge believer in the global warming phenomenon."

8. Which country has contributed the most, overall, to climate change?

China or United States

United States! Since 1850, the United States has emitted 366 gigatons of carbon dioxide; China has emitted 150 gigatons, according to the World Resources Institute. Pretty soon, China likely will pass the United States as the world's largest contributor to climate change, and already emits more carbon dioxide per year than the United States. But thinking about these numbers in the longer term makes sense. They tell us how much each country is to blame for the warming already locked into place.

9. We're hearing a lot about climate change in the news this year. First, there was Pope Francis' bold encyclical on climate. Then, President Obama's Clean Power Plan, which aims to cut power plant emissions considerably. But what percentage of Americans rarely or never talks about climate change?

48% or 74%

74%! Three-quarters of Americans say they rarely or never hear someone they know talk about climate change, according to Yale surveys published in 2015. And it's getting worse over time. In 2008, 60% of people surveyed said they talked rarely or never about climate change, which is considerably lower. This is a huge problem. People are likely to trust the views of their family and friends on this important topic, but fewer are speaking up!

10. Speaking of the Clean Power Plan, you may have heard it's controversial because it proposes cutting back on coal for power generation -- and ramping up renewable energy use in the United States. It's likely to get stuck in a legal battle. But what percentage of Americans support strict emissions limits on coal power plants?

40% or 70%

70%! "Seven in 10 Americans (70%) support setting strict carbon dioxide emission limits on existing coal-fired plants to reduce global warming and improve public health, even though the cost of electricity would likely increase," according to a survey from Yale University and George Mason University, published in 2015. Majorities in nearly every state support that type of action, which is the basis of the Clean Power Plan.
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1. Let's say you're at a party with all the world's Catholic Priests. If you were able to poll each of them, what percentage of the Priests would tell you God is real and we humans are made by him?

58% or 97%



:rofl: :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:
1. Let's say you're at a party with all the world's Democrats. If you were able to poll each of them, what percentage of the Democrats would tell you that they intend to undermine America to the point of no return, in order to create a totalitarian Communist utopia??

0% or 100%

0%! They definitely don't want you to know that!
This was posted on today in their tech section. Sorry but it's no longer formatted for taking the quiz. I just thought the correct answers were interesting.

1. Let's say you're at a party with all the world's working climate scientists. If you were able to poll each of them, what percentage of the scientists would tell you climate change is real and we humans are causing it?

58% or 97%

97%! "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals1 show that 97% or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities. In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position," according to NASA.

2. What percentage of Americans know the answer to Question 1?

10% or 50%

10%! According to the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication, only 1 in 10 Americans knows that there's near-consensus among scientists that climate change is real and caused by humans. So if you got Question 1 right, hooray! You're in the hyperenlightened 10%! Go tell a friend ...

3. In the United States, what is the biggest contributor to climate change?

Electricity use or Transportation

Electricity! But it's close. Thirty-one percent of U.S. greenhouse gas emissions come from burning coal, gas and oil for electricity, compared to 21% for transportation, like driving cars, according to the EPA.

4. When it comes to information about climate change, which person -- or group of people -- are Americans more likely to say they trust?

Pope Francis or Family and friends

Family and friends! Sixty-seven percent of Americans "strongly" or "somewhat" trust family and friends for information about global warming, according to a survey by researchers at Yale University and George Mason University, released in March 2015. Only 50% trust Pope Francis, who, this summer, released an encyclical on the moral injustice of climate change, for that sort of information. Perhaps surprisingly, climate scientists are the most trusted group (70%), followed by other kinds of scientists (64%), TV weather reporters (60%) and personal primary care doctors (57%). Only a few of you likely are primary care doctors, but I bet all of you qualify as family or friends to someone. Use that as an excuse to start a conversation.

5. Which country would you say is more skeptical of climate science?

United States or Norway

Norway! The United States has the reputation for being an international laggard on climate change, but this country isn't the world's most skeptical. "Australia has the highest proportion of skeptics at 17%, followed by Norway (15%), New Zealand (13%) and the USA (12%)," write the authors of a May 2015 study published in Global Environmental Change. "At the other extreme, only 2% of the Spanish and 4% of Germans and Swiss are climate skeptics, while the proportion of skeptics in all other countries is only 10% or less." The authors looked at 14 industrialized countries.

6. What percentage of Americans do you think would say they are either "extremely" or "very" sure that climate change is not happening?

9% or 28%

9%! The same percentage of Americans also believe vaccines are more dangerous than disease. In other words: It's a fringe view. Neither view, for the record, is supported by science. Those numbers come from the Yale Project on Climate Change Communication.

7. Which of these Republican candidates for the 2016 U.S. presidency has said climate change is real, is caused by people, and is a problem.

Lindsey Graham or Donald Trump

Lindsey Graham! Sen. Lindsey Graham, from South Carolina, has acknowledged the reality of climate science. Graham, who is not a front-runner, helped write bipartisan climate legislation in 2009 and 2010 before withdrawing his support, according to new reports. "I know I'm not a scientist, but here's the problem I've got with some people in my party: When you ask the scientists what's going on, why don't you believe them?" he asked the late-night talk show host Seth Meyers earlier this summer. "If I went to 10 doctors and nine said, 'Hey you're gonna die,' and one says, "You're fine,' why would I believe the one guy?" Donald Trump, the real estate tycoon and reality TV star, meanwhile, told CNN's Jake Tapper, in June, that he is "not a huge believer in the global warming phenomenon."

8. Which country has contributed the most, overall, to climate change?

China or United States

United States! Since 1850, the United States has emitted 366 gigatons of carbon dioxide; China has emitted 150 gigatons, according to the World Resources Institute. Pretty soon, China likely will pass the United States as the world's largest contributor to climate change, and already emits more carbon dioxide per year than the United States. But thinking about these numbers in the longer term makes sense. They tell us how much each country is to blame for the warming already locked into place.

9. We're hearing a lot about climate change in the news this year. First, there was Pope Francis' bold encyclical on climate. Then, President Obama's Clean Power Plan, which aims to cut power plant emissions considerably. But what percentage of Americans rarely or never talks about climate change?

48% or 74%

74%! Three-quarters of Americans say they rarely or never hear someone they know talk about climate change, according to Yale surveys published in 2015. And it's getting worse over time. In 2008, 60% of people surveyed said they talked rarely or never about climate change, which is considerably lower. This is a huge problem. People are likely to trust the views of their family and friends on this important topic, but fewer are speaking up!

10. Speaking of the Clean Power Plan, you may have heard it's controversial because it proposes cutting back on coal for power generation -- and ramping up renewable energy use in the United States. It's likely to get stuck in a legal battle. But what percentage of Americans support strict emissions limits on coal power plants?

40% or 70%

70%! "Seven in 10 Americans (70%) support setting strict carbon dioxide emission limits on existing coal-fired plants to reduce global warming and improve public health, even though the cost of electricity would likely increase," according to a survey from Yale University and George Mason University, published in 2015. Majorities in nearly every state support that type of action, which is the basis of the Clean Power Plan.
so dude, how many people took this poll you posted results from?

25? since that's all who watch CNN.
CNN needs to be slapped for stupidity. That phoney 97% is now the number of Climate Scientists that think Pepsi is better than Coke.. Just make up a question that was never EVER ASKED of climate scientists -- and the answer is 97%..

The desperation is amazing. Weather Channel was talking about NASA launching -- wait for this ----

Wait -------

Wait =======

OPERATION OMG A campaign to try to break thru the rejection of their Climate Change propaganda by massive multi-media presentations of melting ice and violent weather and the like.

It's is the largest HISSY FIT ever thrown by a world-reknown scientific organization..

At least NASA is gonna "launch" something eh?? Think I'll start an Operation OMG thread so we can all follow the progress..
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So, come again? How, exactly do you explain all those studies, polls, surveys and reviews finding the high numbers they find?
well, I guess it's fitting for CNN (the commie news network/DNC mouthpiece) to propagandize Globull warming. oh wait, they changed it to Climate change didn't they.

what a scam. first we have the EPA causing a disaster of our rivers that WE THE PEOPLE will have to pay for cleaning it up. and they are still trying to scam you with something they called globull warming at first, and then changed it to Climate change because the Earth wasn't warming.
So, come again? How, exactly do you explain all those studies, polls, surveys and reviews finding the high numbers they find?
So again, how many took the survey? 25? Hahahaha
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.
well, I guess it's fitting for CNN (the commie news network/DNC mouthpiece) to propagandize Globull warming. oh wait, they changed it to Climate change didn't they.

what a scam. first we have the EPA causing a disaster of our rivers that WE THE PEOPLE will have to pay for cleaning it up. and they are still trying to scam you with something they called globull warming at first, and then changed it to Climate change because the Earth wasn't warming.
Dearest little Stephanie. The EPA did not cause that disaster. A company that abandoned that mine nearly a century ago created a disaster waiting to happen. An employee of a contractor that was trying to make sure that this did not happen, made a mistake, and the worst happened. Had they not been trying to clean up the mess that a mining company left for us, at taxpayers expense, this would have happened down the road.

So, no matter what, a capitalist created a mess, took the profits, and left us, the taxpayers to clean up the mess. Typical of the people you support, Stephanie. Privatize the profits, socialize the costs.
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.

If insults were explanations, you'd be Wikipedia

So you have no experiments and you're reaffirming that AR5's bet-the-farm concept of "excess heat" is a farce

well, I guess it's fitting for CNN (the commie news network/DNC mouthpiece) to propagandize Globull warming. oh wait, they changed it to Climate change didn't they.

what a scam. first we have the EPA causing a disaster of our rivers that WE THE PEOPLE will have to pay for cleaning it up. and they are still trying to scam you with something they called globull warming at first, and then changed it to Climate change because the Earth wasn't warming.
Dearest little Stephanie. The EPA did not cause that disaster. A company that abandoned that mine nearly a century ago created a disaster waiting to happen. An employee of a contractor that was trying to make sure that this did not happen, made a mistake, and the worst happened. Had they not been trying to clean up the mess that a mining company left for us, at taxpayers expense, this would have happened down the road.

So, no matter what, a capitalist created a mess, took the profits, and left us, the taxpayers to clean up the mess. Typical of the people you support, Stephanie. Privatize the profits, socialize the costs.

The company and his EPA Bosses should all be in prison
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.

If insults were explanations, you'd be Wikipedia

So you have no experiments and you're reaffirming that AR5's bet-the-farm concept of "excess heat" is a farce


I'm reaffirming that you're an idiot and that trying to talk to you about anything is a waste of time.
well, I guess it's fitting for CNN (the commie news network/DNC mouthpiece) to propagandize Globull warming. oh wait, they changed it to Climate change didn't they.

what a scam. first we have the EPA causing a disaster of our rivers that WE THE PEOPLE will have to pay for cleaning it up. and they are still trying to scam you with something they called globull warming at first, and then changed it to Climate change because the Earth wasn't warming.
Dearest little Stephanie. The EPA did not cause that disaster. A company that abandoned that mine nearly a century ago created a disaster waiting to happen. An employee of a contractor that was trying to make sure that this did not happen, made a mistake, and the worst happened. Had they not been trying to clean up the mess that a mining company left for us, at taxpayers expense, this would have happened down the road.

So, no matter what, a capitalist created a mess, took the profits, and left us, the taxpayers to clean up the mess. Typical of the people you support, Stephanie. Privatize the profits, socialize the costs.

The company and his EPA Bosses should all be in prison

On what charge?
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.
AGW Questions

1. Can you point to any repeatable experiment that shows an additional 120PPM of CO2 raising temperature?

None that you would accept or understand.

AGW Questions
2. What is excess heat and why did the IPCC bet the farm on it in AR5?

I'm not here to teach you English.

AGW Questions
3. I represent the son of the Nigerian Finance Minister who is falsely imprisoned. The son is willing to split with you on a 50% .05% basis the proceeds of the sale of certain diamonds the father left before he went to Barbados. We need your Social Security number and password for all your accounts because if you believe AGW you'll believe anything

Fuck you Frank.

If insults were explanations, you'd be Wikipedia

So you have no experiments and you're reaffirming that AR5's bet-the-farm concept of "excess heat" is a farce


I'm reaffirming that you're an idiot and that trying to talk to you about anything is a waste of time.

Or, as I said, you have no repeatable experiments and posting a chart with no temperature axis does not provide a link between CO2 and temperature, and AR5 describes "excess heat" as if it were real.

You're as fucked as Steve Martin at the rental counter in Planes, Trains and Automobiles
well, I guess it's fitting for CNN (the commie news network/DNC mouthpiece) to propagandize Globull warming. oh wait, they changed it to Climate change didn't they.

what a scam. first we have the EPA causing a disaster of our rivers that WE THE PEOPLE will have to pay for cleaning it up. and they are still trying to scam you with something they called globull warming at first, and then changed it to Climate change because the Earth wasn't warming.
Dearest little Stephanie. The EPA did not cause that disaster. A company that abandoned that mine nearly a century ago created a disaster waiting to happen. An employee of a contractor that was trying to make sure that this did not happen, made a mistake, and the worst happened. Had they not been trying to clean up the mess that a mining company left for us, at taxpayers expense, this would have happened down the road.

So, no matter what, a capitalist created a mess, took the profits, and left us, the taxpayers to clean up the mess. Typical of the people you support, Stephanie. Privatize the profits, socialize the costs.

The company and his EPA Bosses should all be in prison

On what charge?

Environmental terrorism. It was no accident, they knowingly and willfully caused the spill. We have to find out who at the EPA ordered them to cause the spill
Oh for Christ's sake. Why don't you go check yourself in.
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