CNN murder coverage


Gold Member
Sep 22, 2009
Two days ago I flipped on CNN and it had extensive coverage of two white guys that forced a woman to take 15000 dollars out of the bank and then took her home, sexually assaulted the daughter, killed the family and burned down the house.

This crime happened at the roughly the same time as Christian/Newsom murders. Those murderers have been tried already.

My question is: Did I just miss the CNN coverage of the mugshots and detailed timeline of the C/N murderers or is this a case of one heinous crime being more newsworthy because of the race of the perps?
Two days ago I flipped on CNN and it had extensive coverage of two white guys that forced a woman to take 15000 dollars out of the bank and then took her home, sexually assaulted the daughter, killed the family and burned down the house.

This crime happened at the roughly the same time as Christian/Newsom murders. Those murderers have been tried already.

My question is: Did I just miss the CNN coverage of the mugshots and detailed timeline of the C/N murderers or is this a case of one heinous crime being more newsworthy because of the race of the perps?

the disconnect you detect is symptomatic. Putting warranted felons faces in newspapers is now a no no now because well, if there is a racial imbalance among said felons, that has been pronounced as an example of racist intent....
The media reports black-on-white crime only locally.

White-on-black crime is reported nationally, repeatedly, lustily.

Stats show:

The former is more common than the latter.
This is a pretty comprehensive report on race and crime, drawn from FBI statistics.

The Color of Crime

As for media coverage, let me ask you this:

Have you heard of James Byrd? How about Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom?

Answer is probably "yes" and "who?"

Heard of the Wichita Massacre?

Probably not.
Links please, gentlemen?

If you want crime broken down by race, all you have to do is tour the cdc site.

" Rates were substantially higher for males than for females and for American Indians/Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) and blacks than for whites and Hispanics. Rates were highest for persons aged 20--24 years. For method of injury, the three highest rates were reported for firearms, poisonings, and hanging/strangulation/suffocation. "

" Homicides occurred at higher rates among males and young adult blacks and most often involved the use of firearms in the home or on a street/highway. Homicides were precipitated primarily by an argument over something other than money or property or in conjunction with another crime. "

Surveillance for Violent Deaths --- National Violent Death Reporting System, 16 States, 2005
The Chanan Christian and Christopher Newsom murders were particularly heinous. Both were repeatedly raped, sodomized, had the shit beaten out of them ... it was a long list of atrocities done to those kids. The last person accused was just recently tried and convicted. I think she got the death sentence along with the other three or four people involved. I don't know that the parents of those two kids will ever get over the hell they've been through.
CNN was at it again this weekend, during the death penalty phase. Pictures of the perps and victims, detailed descriptions of the crimes involved, including sexual violation of the teenage daughter.

I just don't remember CNN going through the list for the Christian/Newsom rapist-murderers. Huge double standard when it comes to talking about heinous crimes depending on the race of the perp.

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