"CNN, How Much CROW Are You Going To Eat?"

Its like when blacks and Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage in California, when the left get an election result they don't like they work to undermine the will of the people.

They have been after Trump since the night of the election. Hillary refuses to concede, the whole recount drama which amounted to nothing, they ranted on about Trumps tax returns for weeks, then the whole Russia conspiracy, its never ending.
I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.

Oh, so the only contribution to the discussion you are offering is an attempt to irritate Conservatives by pretending to be an annoying, ignorant ass?! Got it.

And you are STILL clinging to the idea that Hillary won the 'popularity contest' rather than the Presidency this past election...how...pathetic. How's that working out for her / you, by the way? :p

(Poor dear didn't even get a 'Participation Trophy' for such an impressive accomplishment.)

Works every time!!!!
I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.

Oh, so the only contribution to the discussion you are offering is an attempt to irritate Conservatives by pretending to be an annoying, ignorant ass?! Got it.

And you are STILL clinging to the idea that Hillary won the 'popularity contest' rather than the Presidency this past election...how...pathetic. How's that working out for her / you, by the way? :p

(Poor dear didn't even get a 'Participation Trophy' for such an impressive accomplishment.)

Works every time!!!!
No, snowflake, it doesn't. You're the only one who doesn't get that.
Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)

Post the collision evidence. Show us how Putin flipped all those Hillary voters in key swing states

Are you saying the stories generated from the hacked dnc emails did not effect things ? Trump himself couldn't stop talking about it!
Former NH Gov. Calls Out CNN, ‘How Much Crow Are You Going To Eat?’

"Camerota said that Sununu should be gravely concerned if there was any collusion between the Trump administration and Russian government officials.

I don’t see any evidence of collusion, do you?” asked Sununu. He followed up by saying that the lack of evidence should end the media’s reporting on the subject.

Sununu also believes that anything that would have been found against Trump or his staff, would have already been uncovered.

You’re seven months into the investigation,” Sununu said.

Camerota came back and said that the governor’s point was unfair and that the real investigation was just beginning.

To which the governor replied frankly, “How much crow are you going to eat?”

CNN, like snowflakes on this board, attempt to defend the left's 'WITCH HUNT' against Trump - that was begun by admitted Trump-hating Obama loyalist Brennan based on ZERO evidence of criminal activity, ZERO evidence of collusion, and information the NSA and FBI declared had ZERO Foreign Intel Value - despite a complete lack of evidence to support their claims based on the fact that their 'Witch Hunt' isn't over yet'.

"Yeah, I know there was never any evidence and there was never any evidence of collusion, but you just wait...we'll find something! We'll keep digging until we do...and THEN you'll see.."

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/---- Don't you wish all Libs would work this hard to make a living and pay their own way?
Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)

To get back on topic cuppy cakes:

what evidence do we have after 7 months?
Far less than 7 months...

1. nobody was going to pursue this seriously in the period Nov 2016 - January 2017, until the dust had settled

2. the GOP has had control of both chambers of Congress and have heretofore been unwilling to pursue this with subpoena power

3. Mueller has only been at-it for a week and is still pulling together staff and resources

4. Mueller will not hesitate to subpoena and dig and - if warranted - indict

More like 7 days rather than 7 months, but...

Not to worry...

It's coming...

It's coming...
You keep saying that's there's no evidence even as investigators tell you that they have evidence.
Let's see a REAL quote from ANY investigator that makes that statement or admit you are a liar. There are only lies that infer that, not real statements.
Are you saying the stories generated from the hacked dnc emails did not effect things ? Trump himself couldn't stop talking about it!

So fuking what igmo, showing the truth to the voters is what the news is supposed to do. SO WHAT???? lying bs poster the same post in a thousand threads and they all men NOTHING but the dimshits are dying and they are trying to bring the country down with them.
Its like when blacks and Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage in California, when the left get an election result they don't like they work to undermine the will of the people.

They have been after Trump since the night of the election. Hillary refuses to concede, the whole recount drama which amounted to nothing, they ranted on about Trumps tax returns for weeks, then the whole Russia conspiracy, its never ending.

Speaking of. What happened to Trumps claim about all those illegal votes? Or all the buses of voters from mass going over to New Hampshire to vote?
How many times have snowflakes been asked to do so yet have not been able to do so yet? Have we surpassed 1,000 times so far?

I posted it, and the Trumptards cried at me in response. It's all they can do.

But don't worry, Trump snowflakes. It's just the internet. After your disgrace is finalized, you can just create a new sock account, and with that new account, you can pretend you never supported the Trump-traitor.
Its like when blacks and Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage in California, when the left get an election result they don't like they work to undermine the will of the people.

They have been after Trump since the night of the election. Hillary refuses to concede, the whole recount drama which amounted to nothing, they ranted on about Trumps tax returns for weeks, then the whole Russia conspiracy, its never ending.

Speaking of. What happened to Trumps claim about all those illegal votes? Or all the buses of voters from mass going over to New Hampshire to vote?

Are you trying to deflect? I have seen leftists trying to deflect and that's what it looks like. Does discussing the lowlife traitorous scum left's attempts to overturn elections and the will of the people make you uncomfortable? I think we all know the answer.
Its like when blacks and Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage in California, when the left get an election result they don't like they work to undermine the will of the people.

They have been after Trump since the night of the election. Hillary refuses to concede, the whole recount drama which amounted to nothing, they ranted on about Trumps tax returns for weeks, then the whole Russia conspiracy, its never ending.

Speaking of. What happened to Trumps claim about all those illegal votes? Or all the buses of voters from mass going over to New Hampshire to vote?

Are you trying to deflect? I have seen leftists trying to deflect and that's what it looks like. Does discussing the lowlife traitorous scum left's attempts to overturn elections and the will of the people make you uncomfortable? I think we all know the answer.

No need to deflect .There's a whole lot of Russian smoke out there.

Just having fun pointing out righty hypocrisy after 8 years of obama witch hunting .

To this day you go with the story that obama used the IRS to target people . Even after all the investigation and zero evidence.

At least wh Russia , there's a lot of questionable behavior .
I posted it, and the Trumptards cried at me in response. It's all they can do.
You posted no evidence, snowflake.

Evidently you think you are smarter than the Director of the National Intelligence Agency, smarter than the head of the CIA, smarter than the Ex-Director of the FBI, smarter than the Director of the NSA, smarter than the head of the House Intel Committee, and smarter than D-Diane Feinstein - ALL of whom have either testified before Congress or declared to the press, "THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY CRIME, AND THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF 'COLLUSION'.

Let me know when you get any expert - anyone who really matters and knows what the hell is going on - agrees with you and / or when you snowflakes find any REAL evidence.

ANOTHER new day, STILL no evidence...
Its like when blacks and Hispanics voted to ban gay marriage in California, when the left get an election result they don't like they work to undermine the will of the people.

They have been after Trump since the night of the election. Hillary refuses to concede, the whole recount drama which amounted to nothing, they ranted on about Trumps tax returns for weeks, then the whole Russia conspiracy, its never ending.

Speaking of. What happened to Trumps claim about all those illegal votes? Or all the buses of voters from mass going over to New Hampshire to vote?

Are you trying to deflect? I have seen leftists trying to deflect and that's what it looks like. Does discussing the lowlife traitorous scum left's attempts to overturn elections and the will of the people make you uncomfortable? I think we all know the answer.

No need to deflect .There's a whole lot of Russian smoke out there.

Just having fun pointing out righty hypocrisy after 8 years of obama witch hunting .

To this day you go with the story that obama used the IRS to target people . Even after all the investigation and zero evidence.

At least wh Russia , there's a lot of questionable behavior .

With all due respect, Timmy...claiming that there's "smoke" when you're coming up on a year of investigations is pretty lame! Quite frankly...I'm not even seeing smoke at this point. You've had dozens of allegations made by anonymous sources...none of which have now been backed up with proof. In my opinion you've been played by the Democratic leadership and the liberal media. Neither wants you asking why Hillary Clinton REALLY lost that election because they don't want you arriving at the obvious conclusion that what THEY did got Donald Trump behind a desk in the Oval Office!
Brian Williams:

I want to share with all of you, a moment that transpired on air at this network tonight during the eight p.m. hour with Chris Hayes. For all those who would like to know how the people in our intelligence and counterintelligence community view this story tonight, listen to our own intelligence expert, a veteran of many years in the field … Malcolm Nance.

Malcolm Nance statement:

Some of these contacts are so suspicious that they would have warranted their own counter intelligence investigation. This nation is in a counterintelligence investigation; they are in a spy hunt over at the FBI, and now we have this story, should it prove true, of an American citizen, who is the Senior Advisor to the President of the United States, attempting to establish, what we call in the intelligence community, covert communications with a hostile nation’s potential intelligence agency or senior leadership?

That crosses the line to the espionage act of 1917. This cannot be explained—put aside the other 18 contacts with Russiathis one incident requires Jared Kushner and all of his immediate staff to have their clearance pulled right now, and to have the FBI descend on there to determine if this is hostile intelligence in the White House, one step from the President.

The 11th Hour with Brian Williams on MSNBC
Talk about irony ! For YEARS righties stalked Obama and Hillary for Begahzi and later her emails . Trump constantly ran wh phoney stories during his run.

Well turnabout is fair play . You reap what you sow .
And the wheel keeps turning. It could be stopped by real statesmen, but not this cycle.
Trump-snowflakes ...


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