"CNN, How Much CROW Are You Going To Eat?"

Have you convictions of these alleged 'corrupt Trump shills'? If so, I'd be willing to look at them.
Liberal Hypocrisy on Display:

Snowflakes insisted / still insist that, despite Comey testifying before Congress that Hillary DID break laws, Hillary is completely innocent because she was never indicted / convicted....

...while at the same time declaring Trump and his team are guilty based on accusations without evidence, indictments, or convictions.
Both the directors of the NSA and FBI declared under oath in testimony before Congress that those contacts DID NOT CONSTITUTE ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, NEVER SHOWED ANY EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and HAD NO INTEL VALUE.

No, they didn't. You're just making up crazy stories now. You have to. It's not like you can face reality. You'll still be screaming "NO EVIDENCE!" after Trump dies in prison.
Have you convictions of these alleged 'corrupt Trump shills'? If so, I'd be willing to look at them.
Liberal Hypocrisy on Display:

Snowflakes insisted / still insist that, despite Comey testifying before Congress that Hillary DID break laws, Hillary is completely innocent because she was never indicted / convicted....

...while at the same time declaring Trump and his team are guilty based on accusations without evidence, indictments, or convictions.
Its how they roll....or in this particular case, sob into their pillows.
Poor Leftist America Haring Morons are so stupid they don't realize that there was 24-7 Surveillance on Flynn Constantly and The FBI found No Evidence of Illicit Activities by Flynn.

In fact they used The Surveillance to exonerate him.

So I got to ask you Jizz Breathed Obama Sycophants, how in the Hell do you think you are going to pull off some Hail Mary indictment of Flynn and by proxy somehow try to prosecute Trump in even The Court of Public Opinion when they had all this Surveillance on The Trump Team and still absolutely found nothing!

There was more evidence to convict Clinton under RICO, Bribery, Perjury, Money Laundering, Treason and Espionage violations and she didn't even get a slap on the wrist.

WTF are you people so irrational for?

Go Burn a Flag or better yet burn down a Liberal Infested Shit Hole of a City instead!

It would be a whole lot better than engaging in your current exercise in futility!
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No, they didn't. You're just making up crazy stories now.
'Uh-uh' doesn't cut it snowflake, especially when the links to support have been repeatedly posted over and over in the past, after every re-occurring time when you snowflakes think enough time has passed for people to forget about it. I personally watched their testimonies on TV instead of being told what to think by CNN as you obviously were.
most media blow up every little thing to keep's there viewers tuned in, & make more money from advertiser's. you can lie & distort more if your viewers strongly support one view. keep that in mind when looking for the truth, forget it if you only want to reinforce your point of view
most media blow up every little thing to keep's there viewers tuned in, & make more money from advertiser's. you can lie & distort more if your viewers strongly support one view. keep that in mind when looking for the truth, forget it if you only want to reinforce your point of view
It's part money-making business, part liberal indoctrination.
Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)

Post the collision evidence. Show us how Putin flipped all those Hillary voters in key swing states
Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)

Post the collision evidence. Show us how Putin flipped all those Hillary voyers in key swing states
How many times have snowflakes been asked to do so yet have not been able to do so yet? Have we surpassed 1,000 times so far?
They got no problems positing Trump's tax returns which did nothing but embarrass them.

But they just can't seem to post any evidence.

Hell they can't even leak it or
manufacture it.

They got no problems positing Trump's tax returns...

Which they obtained ILLEGALLY, if I am not mistaken...

Interesting how the left has become so willing to break laws in order to try to 'take down' their political opponents...instead of actually trying to get more Americans to vote for them. :p
Can't refute the message, so attack the messenger. Good job regressive, GOOD JOB!

What message? Your hilariously stupid claim that investigators are required to publish highly classified intel during an active investigation, otherwise it has to be a fraud?

That's a kook talking point that only the most desperate and dishonest would use. Thus, every Trump-cultist relies on it exclusively.

And none of you will address that. Your talking point is laughable bullshit and you all know it, but it's all you have, so you'll keep repeating it like good little parrots.
the actual issue near as i could tell was CNN daily hashing this and finding trump guilty, daily.

now if we don't have an ounce of evidence against trump THAT WE CAN SEE IN THE PUBLIC, then how does the media know so well that trump is guilty? careful here, they can't know more than we do OF WHICH YOU JUST SAID we can't know a thing.

you just put a lot of paint on the floor between you and the door out of this one.
Show us The Blue Dress!

How about just one teensy Weensy tiny Whittle bit of Evidence!

Anything? Anything at all?

Can't you even leak some?
Both the directors of the NSA and FBI declared under oath in testimony before Congress that those contacts DID NOT CONSTITUTE ANY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY, NEVER SHOWED ANY EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION, and HAD NO INTEL VALUE.

No, they didn't. You're just making up crazy stories now. You have to. It's not like you can face reality. You'll still be screaming "NO EVIDENCE!" after Trump dies in prison.
We normal people are quiet and confident. In contrast, all the Trump cultists are in a state of hysterical meltdown. Clearly, even the Trump-cultists don't believe their own conspiracy theories. They just have to pretend they do, because if they don't, the other cultists will turn on them. And to a cultist, there's no bigger danger than another cultist who thinks you've betrayed the cult.

Oh, aside from Flynn, we have all this. Anyone saying "no evidence!" is ... what's the word ... oh yeah, lying.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Ex-CIA chief: Intel shows possibility Trump campaign was ‘actively conspiring, colluding with Russia’

Monday’s Russia hearing was a disaster for Trump – ThinkProgress


Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say


Also note that it's not required to be directly involved. If someone knows about it and cooperates with that person, that's conspiracy, and it's also a felony. And it seems both Trump and Pence knew about the actions of Flynn and others.

Accusations, assumptions and innuendo, is that really the best you can do?

Senators Feinstein and Grassley, Comey told them Trump is not a target.
Senator Feinstein, Rep. Burr, Nunes and others, no evidence of collusion at this time.

So where's the evidence of conspiracy, except in feeble minds.

Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)

Can't refute the message, so attack the messenger. Good job regressive, GOOD JOB!

There's no message. Son of Sununu says there's no evidence of collusion. Maybe. We'll see.
Look at the Trump-snowflakes flail. They're quoting corrupt Trump shills as if they mean something. Sununu, if you recall, had to resign in disgrace from the first Bush admin after accepting too many lavish gifts. (It would be totally fine to do that now, thanks to the decline of moral standards under Trump, but it wasn't fine then.)

Can't refute the message, so attack the messenger. Good job regressive, GOOD JOB!

There's no message. Son of Sununu says there's no evidence of collusion. Maybe. We'll see.

Yeah, Sununu is repeating what people with actual names have said, not what the media wants to imply.

18 Months of Illegal Wire Tapping Conducted by The Failed Obama Regime and nothing found.

Millions of Dollars

8 Months of Investigation conducted by 4 different investigative Committees and nothing found.

Millions more......

The Obama Regime's Head of National Intelligence telling everyone that there is no evidence to be found except for The Evidence of Illegal Unmasking and Illegal Dissemination of Classified Intel committed by The Failed Obama Regime to help a failing Clinton Campaign Drag an ugly old hag and Career Criminal across the finish line Proven To Be The Only Crimes actually committed?

And then seeing and hearing Hillary Clinton utter the words..

"I've Fallen & Can't Get Up!"


You keep saying that's there's no evidence even as investigators tell you that they have evidence.
We normal people are quiet and confident. In contrast, all the Trump cultists are in a state of hysterical meltdown. Clearly, even the Trump-cultists don't believe their own conspiracy theories. They just have to pretend they do, because if they don't, the other cultists will turn on them. And to a cultist, there's no bigger danger than another cultist who thinks you've betrayed the cult.

Oh, aside from Flynn, we have all this. Anyone saying "no evidence!" is ... what's the word ... oh yeah, lying.

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Exclusive: Trump campaign had at least 18 undisclosed contacts with Russians: sources

Ex-CIA chief: Intel shows possibility Trump campaign was ‘actively conspiring, colluding with Russia’

Monday’s Russia hearing was a disaster for Trump – ThinkProgress


Justice Department warned White House that Flynn could be vulnerable to Russian blackmail, officials say


Also note that it's not required to be directly involved. If someone knows about it and cooperates with that person, that's conspiracy, and it's also a felony. And it seems both Trump and Pence knew about the actions of Flynn and others.

LOL, phony baloney, hehehehehehe! Mammy, you gonna eat big crow, and you and I both know 2 things........when it happens, you will go to your alt, and 2. It is gonna sink the far leftist ship for YEARS!
18 Months of Illegal Wire Tapping Conducted by The Failed Obama Regime and nothing found.

Millions of Dollars

8 Months of Investigation conducted by 4 different investigative Committees and nothing found.

Millions more......

The Obama Regime's Head of National Intelligence telling everyone that there is no evidence to be found except for The Evidence of Illegal Unmasking and Illegal Dissemination of Classified Intel committed by The Failed Obama Regime to help a failing Clinton Campaign Drag an ugly old hag and Career Criminal across the finish line Proven To Be The Only Crimes actually committed?

And then seeing and hearing Hillary Clinton utter the words..

"I've Fallen & Can't Get Up!"


You keep saying that's there's no evidence even as investigators tell you that they have evidence.

No they do NOT! What investigators? You mean Diane Feinstein? How about Comey? All you have is anonymous sources, and if they were correct and honest, they could give their names and be protected as whistleblowers and be heroes.

As far as I see, you guys are in deep, deep, trouble. I can't wait, I just can't, because not only will the American public trust the MSM LESS than they do now, but they won't trust the Democrats at all. Your own phony narrative is going to sink you people, and we thank you very much.

The worst thing that ever happened is a special counsel for you people, because now it isn't going to be, "he said, she said" any longer. And, it frees up congressional resources to INVESTIGATE other things-)
I know it bothers you guys. Its like me bringing up the fact that Hillary got more votes than your Messiah. Just happy to rattle the cage of the dumb animals.

Oh, so the only contribution to the discussion you are offering is an attempt to irritate Conservatives by pretending to be an annoying, ignorant ass?! Got it.

And you are STILL clinging to the idea that Hillary won the 'popularity contest' rather than the Presidency this past election...how...pathetic. How's that working out for her / you, by the way? :p

(Poor dear didn't even get a 'Participation Trophy' for such an impressive accomplishment.)

pssssst......he's not pretending......he really is an annoying, ignorant ass

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