Clown is sitting in a car outside my home for last hour, - Celcius temp, should I offer him coffee?


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
They haven't done this for many months, he's been out there for approx. an hour, seems I might be pissing off a few too many people with my brazen expose (I've sent some strong, revealing emails to U.S corporations and cc'ed the Stasi of late).

Should I pull a Goodfellas and offer him a coffee?
He could drive to any store for coffee. Give the poor guy a hand job. He's been out there for an hour.
They haven't done this for many months, he's been out there for approx. an hour, seems I might be pissing off a few too many people with my brazen expose (I've sent some strong, revealing emails to U.S corporations and cc'ed the Stasi of late).

Should I pull a Goodfellas and offer him a coffee?
I think that would be mighty social of you.

In all likelihood he did not choose to be there.
I'm having a hard time understand what you're saying.

Are you schizophrenic, or is there an actual clown in a car outside your house?

Or is it both?

I'm saying there is a guy was sitting in a car outside my home with no purpose or reason. He sat in the car for approx. an hour. Some experience this in the U.S and they call it Gang Stalking. Its a general tactic by the security apparatus. I never wanted to label it as I think it is too broadly defined, but I know they are trying to intimidate me.

This had happened numerous times to us, on top of the employment interference and other actions meant to intimidate. I generally didn't care, figured they were lowlifes on the clock, until finally. approx a year and a half ago one guy just gave me the death stare as I came back from the grocery store. I decided enough of this bs, and confronted him. Went up to him and asked him why he was parked there, he gave me some bs reason and said he was "waiting for his friend at the house at the corner". I pointed to the house and asked if he meant this one, and he said yes.

As fate would have it (or Divine Intervention"), the people who lived there pulled into the home a few seconds later, and he knew what was going to follow, I asked the owners if they knew this guy. "Nope, never seen him before in my life". He then tried to shift gears, "no I mean another house". Of course I was calling him out and telling him that I know he's full of shyte.

He then told me "sir, mind your own business, you are threatening me". That was a funny one. I told him I'm not threatening him, but if he or one of his cowardly pals intimidated my wife again that "you will see what happens". I then told the sob that I was going to call the cops.

Wouldn't you know it the rat bastard disappeared as soon as I stepped into my home. When I called the cops I asked them what I should do when some undercovers are sitting outside my home at all hours trying to intimidate me. They didn't want any details of his license plate or other information, only wanted my address and quickly told me, "if it happens again call us". We live near a school would she not want these details considering that this guy could be a creep? Clearly, they have me on their watch list in their DB, most certainly a joint op.

They have been blatant and bold. One time a woman literally parked in front of our home as I was mowing the lawn and my wife was cutting some leaves. I asked the lady if she needed any help as she just sat there watching us. She told me "no, I'm fine". I figured, what can I do? She sat there watching us for another 20 min. or so when I went to walk towards her car to ask her again in a more direct manner, she then peeled out as I was on route.

They've done this for years, on and off. Haven't done it for at least 6 months or so though. In fact, it was happening almost daily until I finally confronted the one sob, after that I didn't see anyone for probably a year. We are talking about cars outside at 1 or 2 in the morning. When I was working the late shift my wife would tell me someone would be out there really late. It sometimes worried her.

This is what happens when you blow the whistle. I'm never going to quit doing what I do, as I'm not a pansy, they did this to themselves, not the other way around. If they are in uniform, they will have my respect and support if they need it. Some scumbags harassing and trying to intimidate us (on more than one occasion they had a guy follow my wife in the grocery store making it plainly obvious)? Good luck with that. I grew up in the streets their parents would avoid.

Also, this has happened numerous places. In a library when a big dude probably 6'4 or so followed me closely until I walked him into a chair and asked him if he knew me. He told me "no, but I know where you live". He then got up and abruptly left. The librarian said she noticed him following me very closely too and was keeping an eye on him. Typical threats meant to have me back off.

They can do it all they want. You can be sure they have learned that it never has nor ever will work. They want us to lose everything, but you can be damned sure these sob's have cost this economy a great number of jobs. We have the right guy in the White House at the moment who won't turn a blind eye to covert Canadians in U.S corporations pushing interest in unions and anti-Americanism.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!
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They haven't done this for many months, he's been out there for approx. an hour, seems I might be pissing off a few too many people with my brazen expose (I've sent some strong, revealing emails to U.S corporations and cc'ed the Stasi of late).

Should I pull a Goodfellas and offer him a coffee?
Is it a clown that works in a circus or a freelance one?
They haven't done this for many months, he's been out there for approx. an hour, seems I might be pissing off a few too many people with my brazen expose (I've sent some strong, revealing emails to U.S corporations and cc'ed the Stasi of late).

Should I pull a Goodfellas and offer him a coffee?
I'm thinking banana in the tailpipe

I'm having a hard time understand what you're saying.

Are you schizophrenic, or is there an actual clown in a car outside your house?

Or is it both?

I'm saying there is a guy was sitting in a car outside my home with no purpose or reason. He sat in the car for approx. an hour. Some experience this in the U.S and they call it Gang Stalking. Its a general tactic by the security apparatus. I never wanted to label it as I think it is too broadly defined, but I know they are trying to intimidate me.

This had happened numerous times to us, on top of the employment interference and other actions meant to intimidate. I generally didn't care, figured they were lowlifes on the clock, until finally. approx a year and a half ago one guy just gave me the death stare as I came back from the grocery store. I decided enough of this bs, and confronted him. Went up to him and asked him why he was parked there, he gave me some bs reason and said he was "waiting for his friend at the house at the corner". I pointed to the house and asked if he meant this one, and he said yes.

As fate would have it (or Divine Intervention"), the people who lived there pulled into the home a few seconds later, and he knew what was going to follow, I asked the owners if they knew this guy. "Nope, never seen him before in my life". He then tried to shift gears, "no I mean another house". Of course I was calling him out and telling him that I know he's full of shyte.

He then told me "sir, mind your own business, you are threatening me". That was a funny one. I told him I'm not threatening him, but if he or one of his cowardly pals intimidated my wife again that "you will see what happens". I then told the sob that I was going to call the cops.

Wouldn't you know it the rat bastard disappeared as soon as I stepped into my home. When I called the cops I asked them what I should do when some undercovers are sitting outside my home at all hours trying to intimidate me. They didn't want any details of his license plate or other information, only wanted my address and quickly told me, "if it happens again call us". We live near a school would she not want these details considering that this guy could be a creep? Clearly, they have me on their watch list in their DB, most certainly a joint op.

They have been blatant and bold. One time a woman literally parked in front of our home as I was mowing the lawn and my wife was cutting some leaves. I asked the lady if she needed any help as she just sat there watching us. She told me "no, I'm fine". I figured, what can I do? She sat there watching us for another 20 min. or so when I went to walk towards her car to ask her again in a more direct manner, she then peeled out as I was on route.

They've done this for years, on and off. Haven't done it for at least 6 months or so though. In fact, it was happening almost daily until I finally confronted the one sob, after that I didn't see anyone for probably a year. We are talking about cars outside at 1 or 2 in the morning. When I was working the late shift my wife would tell me someone would be out there really late. It sometimes worried her.

This is what happens when you blow the whistle. I'm never going to quit doing what I do, as I'm not a pansy, they did this to themselves, not the other way around. If they are in uniform, they will have my respect and support if they need it. Some scumbags harassing and trying to intimidate us (on more than one occasion they had a guy follow my wife in the grocery store making it plainly obvious)? Good luck with that. I grew up in the streets their parents would avoid.

Also, this has happened numerous places. In a library when a big dude probably 6'4 or so followed me closely until I walked him into a chair and asked him if he knew me. He told me "no, but I know where you live". He then got up and abruptly left. The librarian said she noticed him following me very closely too and was keeping an eye on him. Typical threats meant to have me back off.

They can do it all they want. You can be sure they have learned that it never has nor ever will work. They want us to lose everything, but you can be damned sure these sob's have cost this economy a great number of jobs. We have the right guy in the White House at the moment who won't turn a blind eye to covert Canadians in U.S corporations pushing interest in unions and anti-Americanism.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!

Yep, gangstalking using a third party proxy is being used on thousands of citizens....not just for the purpose of intimidation but also as part of an experiment to find out the effectiveness of techtronic weapons.
I'm having a hard time understand what you're saying.

Are you schizophrenic, or is there an actual clown in a car outside your house?

Or is it both?

I'm saying there is a guy was sitting in a car outside my home with no purpose or reason. He sat in the car for approx. an hour. Some experience this in the U.S and they call it Gang Stalking. Its a general tactic by the security apparatus. I never wanted to label it as I think it is too broadly defined, but I know they are trying to intimidate me.

This had happened numerous times to us, on top of the employment interference and other actions meant to intimidate. I generally didn't care, figured they were lowlifes on the clock, until finally. approx a year and a half ago one guy just gave me the death stare as I came back from the grocery store. I decided enough of this bs, and confronted him. Went up to him and asked him why he was parked there, he gave me some bs reason and said he was "waiting for his friend at the house at the corner". I pointed to the house and asked if he meant this one, and he said yes.

As fate would have it (or Divine Intervention"), the people who lived there pulled into the home a few seconds later, and he knew what was going to follow, I asked the owners if they knew this guy. "Nope, never seen him before in my life". He then tried to shift gears, "no I mean another house". Of course I was calling him out and telling him that I know he's full of shyte.

He then told me "sir, mind your own business, you are threatening me". That was a funny one. I told him I'm not threatening him, but if he or one of his cowardly pals intimidated my wife again that "you will see what happens". I then told the sob that I was going to call the cops.

Wouldn't you know it the rat bastard disappeared as soon as I stepped into my home. When I called the cops I asked them what I should do when some undercovers are sitting outside my home at all hours trying to intimidate me. They didn't want any details of his license plate or other information, only wanted my address and quickly told me, "if it happens again call us". We live near a school would she not want these details considering that this guy could be a creep? Clearly, they have me on their watch list in their DB, most certainly a joint op.

They have been blatant and bold. One time a woman literally parked in front of our home as I was mowing the lawn and my wife was cutting some leaves. I asked the lady if she needed any help as she just sat there watching us. She told me "no, I'm fine". I figured, what can I do? She sat there watching us for another 20 min. or so when I went to walk towards her car to ask her again in a more direct manner, she then peeled out as I was on route.

They've done this for years, on and off. Haven't done it for at least 6 months or so though. In fact, it was happening almost daily until I finally confronted the one sob, after that I didn't see anyone for probably a year. We are talking about cars outside at 1 or 2 in the morning. When I was working the late shift my wife would tell me someone would be out there really late. It sometimes worried her.

This is what happens when you blow the whistle. I'm never going to quit doing what I do, as I'm not a pansy, they did this to themselves, not the other way around. If they are in uniform, they will have my respect and support if they need it. Some scumbags harassing and trying to intimidate us (on more than one occasion they had a guy follow my wife in the grocery store making it plainly obvious)? Good luck with that. I grew up in the streets their parents would avoid.

Also, this has happened numerous places. In a library when a big dude probably 6'4 or so followed me closely until I walked him into a chair and asked him if he knew me. He told me "no, but I know where you live". He then got up and abruptly left. The librarian said she noticed him following me very closely too and was keeping an eye on him. Typical threats meant to have me back off.

They can do it all they want. You can be sure they have learned that it never has nor ever will work. They want us to lose everything, but you can be damned sure these sob's have cost this economy a great number of jobs. We have the right guy in the White House at the moment who won't turn a blind eye to covert Canadians in U.S corporations pushing interest in unions and anti-Americanism.

Get 'er done Trump! God Bless America!

I had a similar incident one night, this guy sitting in a van at 2 am.

I went out and asked him why he was parked in front of my house, and he said he could do as he liked it was a public street. So I shined my flashlight in his face to get a good look at him and he blew up and got out of his van and threatened to kick my keister, lol. He was a big guy, true, but he had no chance, ahem.

He left after that and I havent seen him since.

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