Cliven Bundy Must Be Held Accountable For Standoff, Officials Say

The People of Murietta and Cliven Bundy are both fighting against government tyranny. It should spread, all across the country so that fighting government tyranny occurs in every city, town, hamlet and wide place in the road. The buses have been stopped in California, Virginia, Long Island and Chicago. They should be stopped at the border itself. Seizures of private property should not happen once in a while like it did with Bundy, but every time.

Moocher Bundy should pay his bills.

You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?
The People of Murietta and Cliven Bundy are both fighting against government tyranny. It should spread, all across the country so that fighting government tyranny occurs in every city, town, hamlet and wide place in the road. The buses have been stopped in California, Virginia, Long Island and Chicago. They should be stopped at the border itself. Seizures of private property should not happen once in a while like it did with Bundy, but every time.

Moocher Bundy should pay his bills.

You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

this isnt about AL dipshit
Moocher Bundy should pay his bills.

You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?

I've never seen a Native who supported big oppressive gov't. Fascinating.
Moocher Bundy should pay his bills.

You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

this isnt about AL dipshit

It's about your hypocritical agenda. Al Sharpton owes Federal taxes and you don't care. Whatever the agenda is you're on board. Useful idiots.
They have this fantasy that if they kill a cop...all of the cops will join their effort. :lmao:

Little do the know...when they kill a cop, his friends are going to get revenge, not violate their oath for nutter terrorists.

Exactly right, and these far right nuts are turning more and more cops against their cause.

These RW lunatics worship the military.....mostly because the military has no authority over them, and cannot do domestic policing. What if the Army and Marines were in charge of domestic policing?? The right wing nuts would be advocating fighting them , too.
Our police have been dealing with these cop hating pricks for a long time.

I hope these RW militia hacks move back into moms basement and get a life, and nothing but peace results. But, if they want a fight with some SWAT teams....hell, I'll turn on CNN and get some popcorn.

Yeah...for some reason these idiots think that if they kill a cop, the cops will magically join their cause. :lmao: As soon as they kill a cop, all hell is going to break loose, the cops aren't going to sympathize with them, they are going to fiercely avenge the death of their brother.

That works both ways. Cops serve the people, not the federal government.
You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

this isnt about AL dipshit

It's about your hypocritical agenda. Al Sharpton owes Federal taxes and you don't care. Whatever the agenda is you're on board. Useful idiots.

You Teapers are pathetic, trying to compare apples to oranges in your attempt to blame blackie for all of the ills of the world.
You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

this isnt about AL dipshit

It's about your hypocritical agenda. Al Sharpton owes Federal taxes and you don't care. Whatever the agenda is you're on board. Useful idiots.

well no, ive already stated when you morons brought up al before that he should be in court being held up on charges.
You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?

I've never seen a Native who supported big oppressive gov't. Fascinating.

That was then. This is now. The federal government is about the only protection that Native Americans have these days. Evil white land grabbers are still trying to steal what's left of native lands.
Moocher Bundy should pay his bills.

You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?

It's not a deflection whatsoever. Both owe money. Both should pay up. It's the amount with Bundy that is in dispute. Sharpton's back tax bill amount is not in dispute.

It's the tactics of the government " collection agency " that was an over the top military operation. It was a wild show of force that has occured before when government agencies begin to think themselveves as an army against the populace.

The sixties comes to mind:eusa_angel: Police brutality that spawn the Black Panthers. A push back against LBJ's and Dem policy that resulted in the Chicago riots. Pushing back against big government.

Pushing back against the man.

Abbie would be so pissed off at you progressives today. So called liberals cheering for the man. You fools cheering on big government. You assholes actually wanting government to kill civilians.

Abbie Hoffman would have stood with Bundy. Not your fucking government. I swear he would have led the charge against the BLM for pushing around little guys. Not your fucking government. It's a sorry state of affairs these days.

He's rolling over in his grave that people like you have the balls to call yourself liberal when all you are in reality are government stooges.

Abbie would hate you and everything you stand for.

this isnt about AL dipshit

It's about your hypocritical agenda. Al Sharpton owes Federal taxes and you don't care. Whatever the agenda is you're on board. Useful idiots.

You Teapers are pathetic, trying to compare apples to oranges in your attempt to blame blackie for all of the ills of the world.

Now you're defending a race hustler who makes a good living off inflammatory race baiting. Do you know what a "useful idiot" is?
Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?

I've never seen a Native who supported big oppressive gov't. Fascinating.

That was then. This is now. The federal government is about the only protection that Native Americans have these days. Evil white land grabbers are still trying to steal what's left of native lands.

Bundy is now stealing Native land? Oh my god.
You know what you get back to me on Bundy paying his bills that are by the way in dispute when Al Sharpton does. His back taxes owed are not in dispute.

Or maybe to get that moocher Sharpton for not paying millions in back taxes you should send in helicopters and armed agents to seize his house and all his other assets.

Yeah, you get the government to treat Sharpton like they are treating Bundy and I am with you all the way!:D

Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?

I've never seen a Native who supported big oppressive gov't. Fascinating.

When you think Lakhota think Elizabeth Warren :D
It's about your hypocritical agenda. Al Sharpton owes Federal taxes and you don't care. Whatever the agenda is you're on board. Useful idiots.

You Teapers are pathetic, trying to compare apples to oranges in your attempt to blame blackie for all of the ills of the world.

Now you're defending a race hustler who makes a good living off inflammatory race baiting. Do you know what a "useful idiot" is?

I am not defending anyone...that is another pathetic teaper tactic...attribute an argument to a person that they have not made. In addition to the 'red herring', it makes you look pretty pathetic and shows your hypocrisy. You forgive Cliven Bundy's criminal behavior but you want to lynch Al Sharpton.

See...YOU HAVE excused Bundy and YOU HAVE condemned Sharpton. All I have done is condemn Bundy and the idiot teapers who want an armed insurrection over the deadbeat. This thread is not about Sharpton...thus I have not given any opinion on his situation. Your comparison is a deflection and comparing apples to oranges.

Nonetheless, could you imagine the reaction these racist teapers would have if the New Black Panthers were in a standoff against the government in an effort to protect Al Sharpton? The teapers would flip a lid. :lol: Pure hypocrites...the whole lot of them.
It's about your hypocritical agenda. Al Sharpton owes Federal taxes and you don't care. Whatever the agenda is you're on board. Useful idiots.

You Teapers are pathetic, trying to compare apples to oranges in your attempt to blame blackie for all of the ills of the world.

Now you're defending a race hustler who makes a good living off inflammatory race baiting. Do you know what a "useful idiot" is?

How am I defending Sharpton? You know when a Teaper has no argument...they pull out their favorite red herring...AL SHARPTON. :lmao: How pathetic.
The situation was about the BLM's abuse. What do you expect them to say?

What BLM abuse? Please be specific...

He's supposed to get use of public land for free and for as long as he wants it. Just because a man's word used to count for something, it doesn't anymore and he should be able to ignore the bills he doesn't want to pay.

I mean, doesn't pick and choose which bills to pay even though they contracted to pay all of them?

Any American can ignore the bills they don't want to pay. Failure to pay bills is a civil matter that is handled in the civil courts, and not a matter handled with armed gunmen at your front door.

You lefties really would like to see some blood shed to show just how powerful the federal government really is.

How dare Americans occupy public property, without paying for the use of it. Perhaps if they crapped on the police cars, and raped a few women, you would consider it an honorable occupation, and give them your full support. However, these Americans clean up after themselves, shout pro American slogans, and act like civilized demonstrators. Can't have that.
Sharpton will continue to pay his tax bill and lawyers till the day he dies. At that point the tax collectors will confiscate his estate and recover all that is owed plus interest. As long as he makes payments while he is alive, he will be allowed to stay out of jail.
Bundy is not making any effort to pay his bill or even acknowledge it. Hence, he will loose his family ranch and his family will end up living in rented trailers in dusty little trailer parks outside of little desert towns. Clive may end spending his last days in a jail cell. The government is in no hurry. Clives property continues to increase in value and what he owes continues to grow as well. When the Bundy ranch gets auctioned off, the amount it brings compared to what Clive owes will determine whether he dies in a jail cell of not.
Another nutter deflection. Is Sharpton illegally grazing his cattle on government land and refusing to pay grazing fees?

I've never seen a Native who supported big oppressive gov't. Fascinating.

That was then. This is now. The federal government is about the only protection that Native Americans have these days. Evil white land grabbers are still trying to steal what's left of native lands.

You are such a government stooge. What a lie that the feds are FN's protectors.

This is what flagged me that you were not a member of First Nations. They'd throw you off of any given Rez for crying out loud. No one I know trust the Feds to be their protector. Give me a freaking break.


Here ya go sparky. This predates Bundy.

Nevada rancher and former Shoshone chief's range war with BLM predates Bundy standoff


Long before Cliven Bundy faced down federal agents in his dispute with the Bureau of Land Management over grazing rights, fellow Nevada rancher Raymond Yowell, an 84-year-old former Shoshone chief, watched as the BLM seized his herd.

Adding to that, since 2008 they've taken his money as well -- in the form of a piece of his Social Security checks.

Yowell's 132 head of cattle had grazed for decades on the South Fork Western Shoshone Indian Reservation in northeastern Nevada until 2002, when the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) -- the same agency at odds with Bundy -- seized them.

The federal agency sold the cattle at auction and used the proceeds to pay off the portion of back grazing fees it claimed Yowell owed. Once the cattle was sold, the agency sent Yowell a bill for the outstanding balance, some $180,000.

They've been garnishing his monthly Social Security checks since 2008 to satisfy the debt Yowell says he does not owe.

"There’s a definite pattern in the West, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late '80s, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures," Yowell said. "[Bundy's case] is the latest example of that pattern.

Nevada rancher and former Shoshone chief's range war with BLM predates Bundy standoff | Fox News
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I've never seen a Native who supported big oppressive gov't. Fascinating.

That was then. This is now. The federal government is about the only protection that Native Americans have these days. Evil white land grabbers are still trying to steal what's left of native lands.

You are such a government stooge. What a lie that the feds are FN's protectors.

This is what flagged me that you were not a member of First Nations. No one I know trust the Feds to be their protector. Give me a freaking break.


Here ya go sparky. This predates Bundy.

Nevada rancher and former Shoshone chief's range war with BLM predates Bundy standoff

"There’s a definite pattern in the West, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late '80s, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures," Yowell said. "[Bundy's case] is the latest example of that pattern.[/B]

Nevada rancher and former Shoshone chief's range war with BLM predates Bundy standoff | Fox News

Funny how the issue has been going on for decades...yet teaper idiots solely blame the Mulatto President.
It would be interesting to see a televised Bundy trial on TV.

I'd rather watch a televised shootout between teapers and the feds.

It wouldn't last long. They all talk and act like they are Rambo. But the majority of right wing nutjobs and militia goons have very little training other than plinking some cans on a fence or punching holes in a paper zombie target.

A few well trained SWAT teams with some armor and big guns would end that fight rather quickly. Probably not even long enough for a good commercial break.

You sure are a blood thirsty lot of left wing, federal government loving zealots. Not very bright, and not even savvy about gunfights, but you are definitely wanting to see the blood flow. Drop into that Democrat utopia of Chicago some weekend, and you can get all the blood and gore you want.

You think a few well trained SWAT teams, and some big guns could take care of that little problem? After all, those gang bangers have little military training, and none of them seem to be able to shoot straight. It shouldn't take long to bring peace to that city, right?
That was then. This is now. The federal government is about the only protection that Native Americans have these days. Evil white land grabbers are still trying to steal what's left of native lands.

You are such a government stooge. What a lie that the feds are FN's protectors.

This is what flagged me that you were not a member of First Nations. No one I know trust the Feds to be their protector. Give me a freaking break.


Here ya go sparky. This predates Bundy.

Nevada rancher and former Shoshone chief's range war with BLM predates Bundy standoff

"There’s a definite pattern in the West, beginning in the 1990s, maybe in the late '80s, of what I feel are illegal cattle seizures," Yowell said. "[Bundy's case] is the latest example of that pattern.[/B]

Nevada rancher and former Shoshone chief's range war with BLM predates Bundy standoff | Fox News

Funny how the issue has been going on for decades...yet teaper idiots solely blame the Mulatto President.

Funny how you make things up as you go along. What a dork!

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