Cliven Bundy Must Be Held Accountable For Standoff, Officials Say

Wishing death on people. That's a new low for you Nutz.

I wish death upon ALL terrorists.

So, you'd want me to die? Some of those teapers are men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for you, you ingrate.

Yeah, you fit your name. You're nuts.

Oh, so now YOU work in law enforcement and wear a uniform?


What's the real reason you're afraid to discuss criminal bundy? Why the rather sorry attempt to deflect?

Hmmm ?
So, you'd want me to die? Some of those teapers are men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for you, you ingrate.

Yeah, you fit your name. You're nuts.

First of all, I am positive you are too much of a pussy to put yourself in harms way. Second, those teapers who were defending a criminal threatened an armed insurrection against my country. Third, those assholes went as far as to threaten to use women and children as human shields.

They are terrorists. They need to be eradicated the same as Muslim terrorists. These crazy fuckers have bombed buildings, went on shooting sprees and who knows what else. Why do you support terrorism?

Using women and children as human shields was the lowest.

Says the fake Injun who just cheered on watching fellow Americans die.. You two buffoons need to get a padded cell together.
I wish death upon ALL terrorists.

So, you'd want me to die? Some of those teapers are men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for you, you ingrate.

Yeah, you fit your name. You're nuts.

First of all, I am positive you are too much of a pussy to put yourself in harms way. Second, those teapers who were defending a criminal threatened an armed insurrection against my country. Third, those assholes went as far as to threaten to use women and children as human shields.

They are terrorists. They need to be eradicated the same as Muslim terrorists. These crazy fuckers have bombed buildings, went on shooting sprees and who knows what else. Why do you support terrorism?

Ha! And would you? You speak with all of this grandiose language, all this bravado, but would you really stand up to them when the time came? Hardly. And I would die for what I believe in, would you?

Do I support terrorism? No. Am I a terrorist? No. You don't even know what a terrorist is. Am I a terrorist for wanting limited government? Am I a terrorist for wanting our government to honor it's debts? Your McCarthyist attitude towards us Tea Partiers is in full bloom.

Apparently you have no issue with our president donating arms and weapons to Islamic states in the Middle East, or sitting idly by while a new terror group runs roughshod over Syria and Iraq. These people want to kill me and you. But when it comes to people expressing their beliefs, they are terrorists. Yet you ignore the atrocious behavior of Occupy. I don't wish death on anyone. And you sir are a flaming hypocrite.

Just how many liberals have gone on shooting sprees over the past two years? Huh? Do you hear me labeling every liberal I see as a murderer? Such elementary thought and reasoning only belongs in grade school.
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First of all, I am positive you are too much of a pussy to put yourself in harms way. Second, those teapers who were defending a criminal threatened an armed insurrection against my country. Third, those assholes went as far as to threaten to use women and children as human shields.

They are terrorists. They need to be eradicated the same as Muslim terrorists. These crazy fuckers have bombed buildings, went on shooting sprees and who knows what else. Why do you support terrorism?

Using women and children as human shields was the lowest.

Says the fake Injun who just cheered on watching fellow Americans die.. You two buffoons need to get a padded cell together.

Those padded cells aren't rated for that much bullshit at one time.
So, you'd want me to die? Some of those teapers are men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for you, you ingrate.

Yeah, you fit your name. You're nuts.

First of all, I am positive you are too much of a pussy to put yourself in harms way. Second, those teapers who were defending a criminal threatened an armed insurrection against my country. Third, those assholes went as far as to threaten to use women and children as human shields.

They are terrorists. They need to be eradicated the same as Muslim terrorists. These crazy fuckers have bombed buildings, went on shooting sprees and who knows what else. Why do you support terrorism?

Using women and children as human shields was the lowest.

Yep, they gave a whole new meaning to "women and children first" and they actually would have let them get shot.

I wish death upon ALL terrorists.

So, you'd want me to die? Some of those teapers are men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for you, you ingrate.

Yeah, you fit your name. You're nuts.

Oh, so now YOU work in law enforcement and wear a uniform?


What's the real reason you're afraid to discuss criminal bundy? Why the rather sorry attempt to deflect?

Hmmm ?

Do you? So determined to pass judgement, yet you are a pithy liberal on a forum, fantasizing about what brand of justice you want to dole out.

This thread is an attempt at deflection, so is your asinine attitude to my argument. So, why are you afraid to discuss the criminal Obama? Why the sorry attempt to deflect away from his constitutional transgressions?

Spare me.
He won't pay his bills, goes to court twice, racks up more debts he refuses to pay, demands tax payers pay for his cattle to graze and then his friends would put their wives out in front to get shot first.

RWs really do pick the damndest heroes.
First of all, I am positive you are too much of a pussy to put yourself in harms way. Second, those teapers who were defending a criminal threatened an armed insurrection against my country. Third, those assholes went as far as to threaten to use women and children as human shields.

They are terrorists. They need to be eradicated the same as Muslim terrorists. These crazy fuckers have bombed buildings, went on shooting sprees and who knows what else. Why do you support terrorism?

Using women and children as human shields was the lowest.

Yep, they gave a whole new meaning to "women and children first" and they actually would have let them get shot.


Oh? So why is Obama making them live and sleep in squalor at our border? Those children from Central and South America Lakhota was whining about. Do you guys really even care?

"Women and children first."

What a laugh.
So, you'd want me to die? Some of those teapers are men and women in uniform who put their lives on the line for you, you ingrate.

Yeah, you fit your name. You're nuts.

First of all, I am positive you are too much of a pussy to put yourself in harms way. Second, those teapers who were defending a criminal threatened an armed insurrection against my country. Third, those assholes went as far as to threaten to use women and children as human shields.

They are terrorists. They need to be eradicated the same as Muslim terrorists. These crazy fuckers have bombed buildings, went on shooting sprees and who knows what else. Why do you support terrorism?
Ha! And would you? You speak with all of this grandiose language, all this bravado, but would really stand up to them when the time came? Hardly. And I would die for what I believe in, would you?
Unlike you, I am an adult and have and will put myself in harms way to protect freedom and my nation. You, on the other hand, are a virgin child living in his grandmother's basement. I doubt you have any true beliefs. Hell, I have seen you change your belief system during the short time I have been on this forum.
Do I support terrorism? No. Am I a terrorist? No. You don't even know what a terrorist is. Am I a terrorist for wanting limited government? Am I a terrorist for wanting our government to honor it's debts? Your McCarthyist attitude towards us Tea Partiers is in full bloom.
:lmao: What a hypocrite! You want debts to be honored, yet you excuse Bundy's. :lol: Hypocrite.
Apparently you have no issue with our president donating arms and weapons to Islamic states in the Middle East, sits by while a new terror group runs roughshod over Syria and Iraq. These people want to kill me and you. I don't wish death on anyone.
:lol: Not sure how this is on topic...but pretty much EVERY administration has given arms to Muslims throughout the ME. Apparently, you are either a blithering idiot and extremely ignorant or you are blaming Obama for the crimes of his predecessors.
Just how many liberals have gone on shooting sprees over the past two years? Huh? Do you hear me labeling every liberal I see as a murderer? Such elementary thought and reasoning only belongs in grade school.

:lol: Don't know how many liberals have gone on shooting sprees...I am just talking about Teaper nutters and radical assholes who have killed in the name of hate and a so-called freedom.
Unlike you, I am an adult and have and will put myself in harms way to protect freedom and my nation. You, on the other hand, are a virgin child living in his grandmother's basement. I doubt you have any true beliefs. Hell, I have seen you change your belief system during the short time I have been on this forum.
Unlike you, I have an open mind. Which can be hardly said about you. You are no adult. Adults don't engage in name calling, personal insults, or wishing death and misfortune on people who believe differently than you do.

Go learn some manners before you lecture me.

What a hypocrite! You want debts to be honored, yet you excuse Bundy's. :lol: Hypocrite.
Who said anything about excusing them?

Not sure how this is on topic...but pretty much EVERY administration has given arms to Muslims throughout the ME. Apparently, you are either a blithering idiot and extremely ignorant or you are blaming Obama for the crimes of his predecessors.
No, Obama has a bad habit of blaming his crimes on his predecessors. And you're calling me ignorant?

Don't know how many liberals have gone on shooting sprees...I am just talking about Teaper nutters and radical assholes who have killed in the name of hate and a so-called freedom.
Sure, so what of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?
Unlike you, I have an open mind. Which can be hardly said about you. You are no adult. Adults don't engage in name calling, personal insults, or wishing death and misfortune on people who believe differently than you do.
Not on people of opposing views...people who threaten the security of this nation as they threaten revolution and threaten using women folk as human shields. That is a terrorist...nothing more.
Who said anything about excusing them?
Yet you support him...:lol:

No, Obama has a bad habit of blaming his crimes on his predecessors. And you're calling me ignorant?
:lol: Yes, I am calling you ignorant because you have no clue.

Sure, so what of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn?

When was that?
I wonder why you guys are so focused on Bundy, but not Obama? Obama has committed far more egregious crimes against the American people than Cliven failing to pay his land fee.

Is this because you don't want to hold him accountable for anything? "Oh he hasn't done anything wrong!" you say. Nonsense. Twelve times the Supreme Court says he has, unanimously.

Your priorities are mixed up. And this thread is nothing more than attempt to stir up the pot.

Bundy is a multimillionaire who's attempting to defraud the American taxpayer.

The teabaggers (Cop Killers) are financed by the Koch Brothers are helping him.

It's now known that Bundy owes more money than every other rancher in Nevada combined. Good job teabagger IDIOTS!
I agree. I hope the teaper lunatics try again, this time squeezing the trigger so they can be eradicated by the feds.

This may very well happen, but the Tea Partiers (that are present) will only lose that battle; because then the WAR begins.

Even if we lose every battle, we'll still win the WAR, isn't that ironic kid? will turn into terrorists running around shooting people and blowing shit up...oh, stats quo. :lol:
Bundy is just a couple of steps away from being a domestic terrorist. He is getting away with it by suckering all those nuts from Idaho and Montana into holding and pointing the guns, while he just talks.

I predict that he will lawyer up and work out a deal with the feds to pay off his debt if they do not pursue any more round ups and criminal charges.
Bundy is just a couple of steps away from being a domestic terrorist. He is getting away with it by suckering all those nuts from Idaho and Montana into holding and pointing the guns, while he just talks.

I predict that he will lawyer up and work out a deal with the feds to pay off his debt if they do not pursue any more round ups and criminal charges.

I hope the feds make an example out of Bundy by giving him the maximum penalties.
I wonder why you guys are so focused on Bundy, but not Obama? Obama has committed far more egregious crimes against the American people than Cliven failing to pay his land fee.

Is this because you don't want to hold him accountable for anything? "Oh he hasn't done anything wrong!" you say. Nonsense. Twelve times the Supreme Court says he has, unanimously.

Your priorities are mixed up. And this thread is nothing more than attempt to stir up the pot.

focused? we havent talked about Bundy in weeks you moron, and furthermore stop deflecting fat ass.
I wonder why you guys are so focused on Bundy, but not Obama? Obama has committed far more egregious crimes against the American people than Cliven failing to pay his land fee.

Is this because you don't want to hold him accountable for anything? "Oh he hasn't done anything wrong!" you say. Nonsense. Twelve times the Supreme Court says he has, unanimously.

Your priorities are mixed up. And this thread is nothing more than attempt to stir up the pot.

Duh, this thread is about Bundy. Take your Obama fixation somewhere else.

Take your Bundy fixation and shove it. I know why you are so obsessed with him. You know what Obama is doing is wrong. You have to have some sort of a distraction, don't you?

Of course you do. Besides, both men are lawbreakers, so why is one more vile than the other?

shut up fat ass. quit deflecting

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