Clips of the Real Donald Trump - for Those Who Obsess Over the Media Version

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021
The version of Trump presented by the media bears little resemblance to the actual Donald Trump. To know the real President Trump, one must see and hear him for themselves, not just believe the clickbait headlines.

As a public service, this thread will include clips of Trump as Trump, not Trump as the Orange Bogeyman the world of advocacy journalism depicts. Here, you will see the unvarnished, unfiltered and unedited Trump.

Feel free to post clips of Trump at his worst, if you contend that the media image is actually the true Trump. But know media opinion pieces disguised as news stories, please.

Here Trump talks about Joe Biden. These are the kind of clips that make the media fear him so much. He calls the media out, and they retaliate by creating an evil and disgusting parody of an evil politician and pretend that is the real Trump.

Post the clips that most offend you. Clips of Trump, not some pseudo-journalist crying about Trump.
Are you kidding? Do you know how many clips are out there of Trump saying stupid, batshit crazy things? Do you know about his compulsive lying? (you must, unless you are intellectually stunted)

That was not done by the media, that was done by your King.
You also have to realize the other side of that same coin.......any video or story of the positive side of Trump is also a form of clickbait, Cherry picked to show an opposing view. Those same news sources do the same with Biden or any other public figure.

No news sources stick with 'just the facts, ma'am'. ALL of them may start with a fact, yet spin it with their opinion in order to influence the viewers......this is the current state of journalism as a whole. They do this with anything 'news worthy'
Trump is what he is, rotten, and any attempt to paint him as anything else is pathetic.

One of the odd things for me is how hard they try to get other to agree with their view of the man.

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