Clinton’s Fmr. Campaign Manager Slams Hillary For Trashing Middle America: “This…This Was Bad”


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
And women are SO stupid, they vote the way their husbands tell them to.
Yet the arrogant bitch wonders why she isn't 50 points ahead???


Pssssst. She lost. She’s not running again. Time for you to move on.

Did you see the results from Pennsylvania last night? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Pssssst. She lost. She’s not running again. Time for you to move on.

Did you see the results from Pennsylvania last night? Be afraid. Be very afraid.
There was no Democrats running last hight. Just a lackluster Republican and a DINO who had some charisma.

Hate Pelosi, pro life hey maybe I would have votes for her too!
Pssssst. She lost. She’s not running again. Time for you to move on.

Did you see the results from Pennsylvania last night? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

So long as she opens her fat yap she's a fair target.

There are as yet no results in Pennsylvania.
And women are SO stupid, they vote the way their husbands tell them to.
Yet the arrogant bitch wonders why she isn't 50 points ahead???


The GOP need to keep her in the public eye and remind voters of the relationship between this fascist and many of her friends still in the Democratic Party. You can't just wipe away all the support they showed publicly, and voters need to know this before they go to the polls.

She might be a little bit worried about the whole Clinton Foundation investigation that is going on...who knows....
People only need to watch a few minutes of the Late Night TV Talk Shows to understand that the Democrat Bigots hate average mainstream middle class Voters and that they are attempting to import millions of uneducated racist Aztlan Nationalist to grow the Democrat voter base.
Democrats HATE the MIDDLE CLASS.
And women are SO stupid, they vote the way their husbands tell them to.
Yet the arrogant bitch wonders why she isn't 50 points ahead???


I see Hannity still has you all fired up about HRC. I think folks like you lament the fact that she did lose because you lost the opportunity to slam the hole Bejuz out of her as a POTUS. Get over it already.

I see Hannity still has you all wound up about HRC. I think folks like you are upset that she did not win because that did not afford you the opportunity to slam the holy bejebuz out of her as POTUS. Get over it already, HRC lost.
And she did it on foreign soil. She was speaking to an audience of her supporters in Mumbai..trashing the Americans who rejected her. Democrats are a treasonous bunch. Their staunchest support has always been overseas and they turned overseas, to the Russian KGB, for info to beat Trump.
And women are SO stupid, they vote the way their husbands tell them to.

She could never figure out why white women voted for the good of their families rather than for the good of Hillary Clinton. She said "we dont do well with married white women".

Decency is the great enemy of these people.
I see Hannity still has you all wound up about HRC. I think folks like you are upset that she did not win because that did not afford you the opportunity to slam the holy bejebuz out of her as POTUS. Get over it already, HRC lost.
When will she get over it?
When will she stop bashing every person that didnt vote for her?
When will she stop blaming everyone/everything for her loss?
Fact is, she is STILL in the limelight whining like a loser. She deserves everything she gets.
People only need to watch a few minutes of the Late Night TV Talk Shows to understand that the Democrat Bigots hate average mainstream middle class Voters and that they are attempting to import millions of uneducated racist Aztlan Nationalist to grow the Democrat voter base.
Democrats HATE the MIDDLE CLASS.
And those Azatlanders watch late night TV, with subtitles....No, Si, no?
Pssssst. She lost. She’s not running again. Time for you to move on.

Did you see the results from Pennsylvania last night? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

:lol: Hey psycho.....Lamb hasn't won anything......the seat won't exist after November. And you should look at his, pro-life, pro blue-collar...things the rest of you nitwits despise.
I see Hannity still has you all wound up about HRC. I think folks like you are upset that she did not win because that did not afford you the opportunity to slam the holy bejebuz out of her as POTUS. Get over it already, HRC lost.
When will she get over it?
When will she stop bashing every person that didnt vote for her?
When will she stop blaming everyone/everything for her loss?
Fact is, she is STILL in the limelight whining like a loser. She deserves everything she gets.
Some folks and lame horses takes more than one shot to put them down...
I see Hannity still has you all wound up about HRC. I think folks like you are upset that she did not win because that did not afford you the opportunity to slam the holy bejebuz out of her as POTUS. Get over it already, HRC lost.

She lost and she lost because Americans rejected her. You can whine all you want, I find that enjoyable. Keep whining she was cheated and then whine we should move on when we respond.

The Democrats chose Hillary,. A huge mistake you would love to forget (except when you whine she should have won). So dont expect to be allowed to forget. Out there trashing Americans again..she is the epitome of your party.
I see Hannity still has you all wound up about HRC. I think folks like you are upset that she did not win because that did not afford you the opportunity to slam the holy bejebuz out of her as POTUS. Get over it already, HRC lost.

She lost and she lost because Americans rejected her. You can whine all you want, I find that enjoyable. Keep whining she was cheated and then whine we should move on when we respond.

The Democrats chose Hillary,. A huge mistake you would love to forget (except when you whine she should have won). So dont expect to be allowed to forget. Out there trashing Americans again..she is the epitome of your party.
The electoral college rejected her not the ones that voted for her...
People only need to watch a few minutes of the Late Night TV Talk Shows to understand that the Democrat Bigots hate average mainstream middle class Voters and that they are attempting to import millions of uneducated racist Aztlan Nationalist to grow the Democrat voter base.
Democrats HATE the MIDDLE CLASS.

You win the Interwebs for the most bat shit crazy comment yet today. Congratulations!
People only need to watch a few minutes of the Late Night TV Talk Shows to understand that the Democrat Bigots hate average mainstream middle class Voters and that they are attempting to import millions of uneducated racist Aztlan Nationalist to grow the Democrat voter base.
Democrats HATE the MIDDLE CLASS.

You win the Interwebs for the most bat shit crazy comment yet today. Congratulations!

reality is your enemy

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