Clinton Foundation: Only 6% Goes to Direct Aid. The Rest? Their Personal Piggie Bank.


Diamond Member
Sep 4, 2013
Charity watchdog Clinton Foundation a slush fund New York Post anyone surprised by anything the Clinton's do? According to the NY Post the Clinton Foundation took in $140 million in 2013. So what did the people get in direct aid from the $140 million?

Per tax records $9 million. That is a 6.4% return on money given.

Meanwhile, the Clinton Foundation has been placed on a charity watch for "problematic activities. Quote:

"Charity Navigator put the foundation on its “watch list,” which warns potential donors about investing in problematic charities. The 23 charities on the list include the Rev. Al Sharpton’s troubled National Action Network, which is cited for failing to pay payroll taxes for several years."

Fucking thieves.....pure fucking thieves....
That is not my understanding. My understanding is that a lot of the money flows to the right places.

But nothing about the Clintons would surprise me
If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.
I made a thread about this 2 days ago, but no one must have known what I was talking about as the info is just now coming in a bit better.
If Hilary and Bill did this as the book says they did then they can F-off as far as my support.( Giving uranium to the Russians) well lets see how this plays out.
......All candidates use crooked money these days which needs to be changed but they keep passing the bills that it is ok.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?
If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.

Jake the article is from the NY Post. The data is the Clinton Foundation Federal Tax Return.

I would say it's pretty damn legit. :)
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.

Jake the article is from the NY Post. The data is the Clinton Foundation Federal Tax Return.

I would say it's pretty damn legit. :)

No it is not.... There is not one piece of evidence just here say so far from this book who claims it is factual.... geeeez lets find facts people.

The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.

Jake the article is from the NY Post. The data is the Clinton Foundation Federal Tax Return.

I would say it's pretty damn legit. :)

No it is not.... There is not one piece of evidence just here say so far from this book who claims it is factual.... geeeez lets find facts people.

Yeah, go with that.
The book is accurate. It was fact checked probably to death. Your post is barely literate.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.

Jake the article is from the NY Post. The data is the Clinton Foundation Federal Tax Return.

I would say it's pretty damn legit. :)

No it is not.... There is not one piece of evidence just here say so far from this book who claims it is factual.... geeeez lets find facts people.

Yeah, go with that.
The book is accurate. It was fact checked probably to death. Your post is barely literate.

Haaaa all someone has to do is write a book and you find it to be the actual fact, ....if it is down in print it must be true..
" illiterate peasant"

Poor Clingons, they were working almost for free while Billy was president, its time for them to cash out on it.
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
Peter Schweizer ( the books author ) has 0 direct evidence that Hillery actually intervened into this sale to the Russians, only patterns . He only has claims and hopes for it to be investigated, in which there is nothing to base on.
He only briefed/ interviewed Republicans what a surpise
The Author was a speechwriter for Bush, and is funded by the Koch brothers....Haaaa sums it up for me until there are actual facts presented.

The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

If true, this should disqualify her from nomination.

If false, everyone who has knowingly engaged in the falsehood is open to court action.

Jake the article is from the NY Post. The data is the Clinton Foundation Federal Tax Return.

I would say it's pretty damn legit. :)

No it is not.... There is not one piece of evidence just here say so far from this book who claims it is factual.... geeeez lets find facts people.

Yeah, go with that.
The book is accurate. It was fact checked probably to death. Your post is barely literate.

Haaaa all someone has to do is write a book and you find it to be the actual fact, ....if it is down in print it must be true..
" illiterate peasant"

LOL. The denial is strong in this one. Please point out which parts are not "actual fact." You understand the Clinton Foundation is resubmitting their tax reports to reflect the payments by foreign entities, right?
The Clinton's must of modeled their expenses after SarahPac. :laugh:
"Must have" You are illiterate as well as ignorant.
What does Sarah Palin have to do with anything? Nothing.
So focus on the issue here.
The Clinton Foundation is not a foundation at all. It is merely a PAC designed to give tax free income to support the Clinton lifestyle, which resembles that of the uber-wealthy. Meanwhile Hillary is roaming around in a luxury automobile (when she's not flying first class) pretending to be an ordinary American.
Does anyone really think people will be fooled by this?

Hey folks it's Rabbi! :fu:
Considering SarahPac also contributes almost nothing financially to it's advertised cause, it can be used a tie-in to this thread as a "per-example" of the OP implied Clinton scam. Using examples in the course of discussion, is nothing new, I'd bet you have done it yourself thousands of times and that would be just on these boards.
Therefore, implying illiteracy and ignorance is complete hypocrisy. Way to go Rabbi! :2up:
No, idiot. You are illiterate because you cant tell the difference between of and have.
If Palin's PAC did that does that make the Clinton's PAC OK? You are a lying little piece of sniveling shit hypocrite. Sarah is not running for the presidency. Clinton is. Sarah did not sell out government favorites in exchange for contributions to her PAC, Clinton did. Sarah's PAC is not resubmitting new tax reports to reflect foreign contributions which were omitted in previous years, Clinton's is.
See the difference, you worthless piece of shit? Go ahea, post a graph so your humiliation is complete.
The Rabbi condemns the use of tu quoque but has used the device himself many times.

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