"Climategate" a FRAUD!!!

BBC: Do you agree that from 1995 to the present there has been no statistically-significant global warming

Phil Jones: Yes

BBC News - Q&A: Professor Phil Jones

Isn't that the same guy who's records are poor. Why would you believe him, except that he's confirming your prejudice? It's laughable that you would post that cite. You can't prove the veracity of a statement just by repeating it and on top of it repeating something from someone that in other threads deniers have bashed for his record keeping. You're talking in circles, westy. I guess that's what you have to do when you've lost the scientific battle.

First, it's not MY Statement!

Second, you are totally unarmed for any scientific battle

Third, this is like Jesus saying, "Christianity...meh"

Totally unarmed maybe, but not brainless, like you. I've spent my whole career in the scientific arena. That's why I can spot the denier BS so easily. Nice try, but your statement is laughable. That's why I'm able to discuss the topic in my own words and not have to depend on biased sources for info.
Isn't that the same guy who's records are poor. Why would you believe him, except that he's confirming your prejudice? It's laughable that you would post that cite. You can't prove the veracity of a statement just by repeating it and on top of it repeating something from someone that in other threads deniers have bashed for his record keeping. You're talking in circles, westy. I guess that's what you have to do when you've lost the scientific battle.

First, it's not MY Statement!

Second, you are totally unarmed for any scientific battle

Third, this is like Jesus saying, "Christianity...meh"

Totally unarmed maybe, but not brainless, like you. I've spent my whole career in the scientific arena. That's why I can spot the denier BS so easily. Nice try, but your statement is laughable. That's why I'm able to discuss the topic in my own words and not have to depend on biased sources for info.

As what? The janitor? Not that I'm trying to insult janitors as they do wonderful work and are some truly great people. But you? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
If you keep repeatuing the same crap, so will I.

Of course, it's obvious that the deniers don't have a leg to stand on. The most laughable thing I've seen lately is the quoting of a scientist as saying there hasn't been warming in 15 years at the same time that they're bashing him for poor record keeping. You can't have it both ways!!!

No konrad, poor konrad,

It is you clowns that are trying to have it both ways. PJ loses records so he doesn't have to turn them over to sceptics (that's called dodging open debate moron) then when he realizes he's in deep shite he admits that yes in fact there has been no warming since 1998
and now with these so called hearings the world gets to see just how politicised and far removed from actual science the whole cult actually is.

They have screwed themselves over because of this. And we are actually quite happy because now the whole house of cards is going to come down even faster due to their hubris.

Enjoy your moment in the sun because it's going to start getting dark real soon.

Remember the last time AGW went before an open court it lost it's ass. It's coming again real soon.

Now you're just being a douchebag punk, westy. Grow up. You talk in circles that doesn't don't make sense. It may fly in the court of public opinion, but to scientists it just doesn't cut the mustard.

:lol::lol::lol: You crack me up you're so clueless. :lol::lol::lol:
And we have a Political Hack Attorney Gerneral in Virginia who is challenging the research that Mann did while he was at the University. He is on a witch hunt that he hopes will bring him notoriaty. He is wasting tax payers money on his selfish agenda. Maybe his efforts will even put him on the ticket with Palin in 2012.

And we have a Political Hack Attorney Gerneral in Virginia who is challenging the research that Mann did while he was at the University. He is on a witch hunt that he hopes will bring him notoriaty. He is wasting tax payers money on his selfish agenda. Maybe his efforts will even put him on the ticket with Palin in 2012.


Actually there is considerable evidence of both academic and actual fraud in the case of Mr. Mann. If indeed it is proven that he manufactured the data for his hockey stick graph (as it looks very likely he did) then all of the legislation that has been passed because of that graph is based on false data. Additionally he recieved hundreds of thousands of dollars from the American Taxpayer. If it is found that he used that money for the production of false data then you have an additional charge of fraud. And if he was doing it with others then you have an additional charge of conspiracy.

None of this would have happened however if Mann and the rest of the AGW crowd had been forthcoming with information when it was requested (as they are required by law to do) so it beggars the question. Why didn't they just release the information when asked for it?

Where Mann did his "Research"
The guys on our side aren't dodging open debates and having the tracks of their junk "science" covered over by sham inquiries.

They don't dodge?!?! LOL!!! They dodge EVERYTHING. The very notion that climatologists are performing "junk" science should be enough to get anything thrown out. A trial requires actual proof and, while you may quibble about procedures and conclusions, to characterize the science as such would be easily disproved and the deniers' position shown to be prejudiced and untenable on a legal basis. You can't say AGW scientists are lying and then go lying yourself. You'd be laughed out of court.

Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Foxtrot

I repeat What the fucking fuck?

All their thinking is done by Charlie Foxtrot. The have a new military acronym they need to learn though in the near future after this shit DOES go to court...


Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.
They don't dodge?!?! LOL!!! They dodge EVERYTHING. The very notion that climatologists are performing "junk" science should be enough to get anything thrown out. A trial requires actual proof and, while you may quibble about procedures and conclusions, to characterize the science as such would be easily disproved and the deniers' position shown to be prejudiced and untenable on a legal basis. You can't say AGW scientists are lying and then go lying yourself. You'd be laughed out of court.

Climategate U-turn: Astonishment as scientist at centre of global warming email row admits data not well organised | Mail Online

Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Foxtrot

I repeat What the fucking fuck?

All their thinking is done by Charlie Foxtrot. The have a new military acronym they need to learn though in the near future after this shit DOES go to court...


Bend Over, Here It Comes Again.

Preceded by SNAFU, Situation Normal All Fucked Up.
And the same for the people that are accusing the scientists of fraud.

Well if its not fraud, s0n, what would you call it???

Personally, I always thought the term "disinformation" was the most applicable.

From Wikipedia....................

Disinformation is intentionally false or inaccurate information that is spread deliberately. It is synonymous with and sometimes called Black propaganda.
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By the way.........here is a great article called, "How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science"..................How Climate-Change Fanatics Corrupted Science

Perhaps the most interesting passage here >>>>>

The secular religion of global warming has all the elements of a religious faith: original sin (we are polluting the planet), ritual (separate your waste for recycling), redemption (renounce economic growth) and the sale of indulgences (carbon offsets). We are told that we must have faith (all argument must end, as Al Gore likes to say) and must persecute heretics (global warming skeptics are like Holocaust deniers, we are told).

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