Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People

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Diamond Member
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Mar 11, 2015
This is how blacks feel about Thomas. But right-wing whites love him. Why? Because Thomas is working to help them get their pro white agenda accomplished. They consider anyone black who opposes black progress as independent thinkers. Funny how that is.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Throughout Black History Month, we recall the achievements of Black Americans. These include the champions of the Civil Rights Movement—monumental leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker. The first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, also looms large; Marshall fought for civil rights long before assuming his rightful position in the highest court in the land. Marshall led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and was known for fighting segregation in schools, a fight which culminated in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

That type of legacy is deserving of the utmost regard and respect during Black History Month and every other day—and it stands in stark contrast to his successor on the court, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas was nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush and has served on the high court since 1991. But he is no Thurgood Marshall. Where Marshall fought tooth and nail to upend threats to equity, civil rights, and justice, Thomas fights to take America back. He fights against the working class and minorities, finding unique ways to fight against the Black community he hails from in the process. It's why Black Americans shouldn't celebrate Justice Thomas during Black History Month. He simply doesn't deserve it.

The Black community doesn't celebrate Thomas because Thomas does everything in his power to make life worse for us.

Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

Notice who has responded. The white racists all love Thomas. And it is for the reasons outlined in the article.

Take the fight to access the ballot, one Blacks have fought for for generations. From not having the right to vote at all to poll taxes, literacy tests, gerrymandering, redistricting, and voter intimidation, you name it, Black voters faced it.

But those facts don't stop Justice Thomas for fighting to keep people who look like him from the polls. In 2013, Thomas voted with the majority in Shelby County v Holder to gut the Voting Rights Act, arguing racism in voting no longer existed and that enough progress had been made that the pre-clearance standard was no longer needed. This action and misguided ruling allowed Southern states in particular to advance rapid fire voter ID laws and voter suppression tactics designed to limit Black access to the ballot.

But Thomas' most egregious judicial take runs in stark contrast to his predecessor Thurgood Marshall's legacy. Where Marshall fought for equity in education and broke a system of education segregation, Thomas seeks to reinstate it by opposing affirmative action. Thomas argued that affirmative action creates "a narcotic of dependency" where there should be "an ethic of responsibility and independence," bemoaning the "ideology of victimhood" that allows the marginalized to "make demands on society for reparations and recompense."

Thomas has remained staunchly against affirmative action for decades, despite once claiming that without it, "God only knows where I'd be today."
Notice who has responded. The white racists all love Thomas. And it is for the reasons outlined in the article.

Take the fight to access the ballot, one Blacks have fought for for generations. From not having the right to vote at all to poll taxes, literacy tests, gerrymandering, redistricting, and voter intimidation, you name it, Black voters faced it.

But those facts don't stop Justice Thomas for fighting to keep people who look like him from the polls. In 2013, Thomas voted with the majority in Shelby County v Holder to gut the Voting Rights Act, arguing racism in voting no longer existed and that enough progress had been made that the pre-clearance standard was no longer needed. This action and misguided ruling allowed Southern states in particular to advance rapid fire voter ID laws and voter suppression tactics designed to limit Black access to the ballot.

But Thomas' most egregious judicial take runs in stark contrast to his predecessor Thurgood Marshall's legacy. Where Marshall fought for equity in education and broke a system of education segregation, Thomas seeks to reinstate it by opposing affirmative action. Thomas argued that affirmative action creates "a narcotic of dependency" where there should be "an ethic of responsibility and independence," bemoaning the "ideology of victimhood" that allows the marginalized to "make demands on society for reparations and recompense."

Thomas has remained staunchly against affirmative action for decades, despite once claiming that without it, "God only knows where I'd be today."

You belong to the party of the KKK. No wonder you hate Justice Thomas.
Notice who has responded. The white racists all love Thomas. And it is for the reasons outlined in the article.

Take the fight to access the ballot, one Blacks have fought for for generations. From not having the right to vote at all to poll taxes, literacy tests, gerrymandering, redistricting, and voter intimidation, you name it, Black voters faced it.

But those facts don't stop Justice Thomas for fighting to keep people who look like him from the polls. In 2013, Thomas voted with the majority in Shelby County v Holder to gut the Voting Rights Act, arguing racism in voting no longer existed and that enough progress had been made that the pre-clearance standard was no longer needed. This action and misguided ruling allowed Southern states in particular to advance rapid fire voter ID laws and voter suppression tactics designed to limit Black access to the ballot.

But Thomas' most egregious judicial take runs in stark contrast to his predecessor Thurgood Marshall's legacy. Where Marshall fought for equity in education and broke a system of education segregation, Thomas seeks to reinstate it by opposing affirmative action. Thomas argued that affirmative action creates "a narcotic of dependency" where there should be "an ethic of responsibility and independence," bemoaning the "ideology of victimhood" that allows the marginalized to "make demands on society for reparations and recompense."

Thomas has remained staunchly against affirmative action for decades, despite once claiming that without it, "God only knows where I'd be today."

Clarence Thomas’ Long Battle Against Affirmative Action​

When Clarence Thomas was accepted to Yale Law School in 1971, the school’s stated goal was for students of color like him to make up about 10% of its incoming class. It was part of the nationwide affirmative action movement in which schools and workplaces actively recruited women and people of color into arenas where they had long been underrepresented.

For decades, many universities have considered race as one admissions factor to help create a diverse student body. Thomas has long remained staunchly opposed to affirmative action.

In 1980, Thomas said at a meeting of Black conservatives, “You had to prove yourself every day because the presumption was that you were dumb and didn’t deserve to be there on merit.”

But Thomas “was at war with himself” on affirmative action, according to the biography Supreme Discomfort by Kevin Merida and Michael Fletcher. In 1983, as head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), he said that affirmative action laws were of “paramount importance” to him. “But for them, God only knows where I would be today,” he said.

Thomas would come to believe that affirmative action harms the very people it claims to benefit, writing in a later Supreme Court opinion that Black and Hispanic students “who likely would have excelled at less elite schools are placed in a position where underperformance is all but inevitable” and that would negatively impact their self-confidence.

“Clarence Thomas stands to be one of the great beneficiaries in American life of affirmative action,”
-Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy

Yet he opposed the very policy that got his eventually to the SCIOTUS. Today Thomas is hailed as a great black role model by the white racist subculture because he helped gut the equal opportunity for nonwhites that same subculture has always opposed.
You are an angry boy who points fingers at everyone else for your self perpetuated misery
Wrong. I am a well-educated accomplished black man that opposes the continuing racism coming from whites like you. Now don't give me that angry black boy shit when white men are mad about shit they have made up.

Clarence Thomas’ Long Battle Against Affirmative Action​

When Clarence Thomas was accepted to Yale Law School in 1971, the school’s stated goal was for students of color like him to make up about 10% of its incoming class. It was part of the nationwide affirmative action movement in which schools and workplaces actively recruited women and people of color into arenas where they had long been underrepresented.

For decades, many universities have considered race as one admissions factor to help create a diverse student body. Thomas has long remained staunchly opposed to affirmative action.

In 1980, Thomas said at a meeting of Black conservatives, “You had to prove yourself every day because the presumption was that you were dumb and didn’t deserve to be there on merit.”

But Thomas “was at war with himself” on affirmative action, according to the biography Supreme Discomfort by Kevin Merida and Michael Fletcher. In 1983, as head of the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), he said that affirmative action laws were of “paramount importance” to him. “But for them, God only knows where I would be today,” he said.

Thomas would come to believe that affirmative action harms the very people it claims to benefit, writing in a later Supreme Court opinion that Black and Hispanic students “who likely would have excelled at less elite schools are placed in a position where underperformance is all but inevitable” and that would negatively impact their self-confidence.

“Clarence Thomas stands to be one of the great beneficiaries in American life of affirmative action,”
-Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy

Yet he opposed the very policy that got his eventually to the SCIOTUS. Today Thomas is hailed as a great black role model by the white racist subculture because he helped gut the equal opportunity for nonwhites that same subculture has always opposed.
This is how blacks feel about Thomas. But right-wing whites love him. Why? Because Thomas is working to help them get their pro white agenda accomplished. They consider anyone black who opposes black progress as independent thinkers. Funny how that is.

Clarence Thomas Is Not a Black Hero—He's an Enemy of Black People​

Throughout Black History Month, we recall the achievements of Black Americans. These include the champions of the Civil Rights Movement—monumental leaders like Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, Medgar Evers, Fannie Lou Hamer, and Ella Baker. The first Black Supreme Court Justice, Thurgood Marshall, also looms large; Marshall fought for civil rights long before assuming his rightful position in the highest court in the land. Marshall led the NAACP Legal Defense Fund and was known for fighting segregation in schools, a fight which culminated in the landmark Brown v. Board of Education decision.

That type of legacy is deserving of the utmost regard and respect during Black History Month and every other day—and it stands in stark contrast to his successor on the court, Justice Clarence Thomas.

Thomas was nominated by Republican President George H.W. Bush and has served on the high court since 1991. But he is no Thurgood Marshall. Where Marshall fought tooth and nail to upend threats to equity, civil rights, and justice, Thomas fights to take America back. He fights against the working class and minorities, finding unique ways to fight against the Black community he hails from in the process. It's why Black Americans shouldn't celebrate Justice Thomas during Black History Month. He simply doesn't deserve it.

The Black community doesn't celebrate Thomas because Thomas does everything in his power to make life worse for us.

Black History Month isn't a time to glorify a threat to Black progress. Clarence Thomas has proven himself time and time again to be an enemy to Black people. Who needs white supremacists when a Black man who benefited from civil rights wins is leading the charge to destroy the very policies that made his career possible?

Screw you race baiter, Marshall and his cronies on on the court were responsible for killing more blacks than probably any others in history, with the exception of the waring tribes on the African Continent itself.

Screw you race baiter, Marshall and his cronies on on the court were responsible for killing more blacks than probably any others in history, with the exception of the waring tribes on the African Continent itself.

Liar. We blacks know Marshall's record.
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