Chuck Grassley: More Scalias if Senate goes nuclear

This is really something I feel let down by today's gop over. If either party wants to fillibuster over the qualifications, or even ideology, of a nominee, esp a judicial nominee ... fillibuster away. Though the Bork confirmation hearings were a disaster for the dems, because the man was overly qualified, and he just didn't see a right to privacy. Reagan got elected, and it was his perogative, and even right (-:, to nominate people who shared his view of the constitution ... provided they were qualified by professional accomplishment. And the dems really energized the whole federalist thing, which btw I gotta say is intellectually bogus, imo.

But, this fight is simply about not wanting Obama to get ANY judge on the DC circuit, and for over 200 years thats NEVER been a reason to fillibuster. A potus has the constitutional power to get his nominees. It's Adivise and Consent, it's not you don't get no judges.

The Senate has not been as nuts as the House, but ... hell. The idiot grassley is right. Obama should pull the nomation, blow up fillibuster and nominate some radical. See how they like that. Forget Scalia. Appoint somebody from the damn William Kunstler Fund for Racial Justice. That'll shake things up.
I believe we should move passage of a bill to a 70 vote threshold. This could eliminate some of the bad obamacare type laws.

If it were up to me, I'd require 3/4 passage in both Houses to pass a bill. Simple majority in either house to repeal a bill. It would eliminate the partisanship and make both sides actually work something out to get a bill everyone likes.

Nothing would pass.

Might as well have a Theocracy.

That would be OK with me. The shit that has been passed lately is harming far more people than it will ever help. This country was founded on the ide that the MINORITY had rights worth protecting. The Founders didn't want the MOB to run roughshod over the little people. We are perilously close to mob rule.

You won't like it if it happens.
Well, Avatar, until citizens united we at least knew who was trying to buy senate seats, and prior to th 17th amend we did not. So, I think Roberts already accomplished what you wish for. No control over special interests.
Well, Avatar, until citizens united we at least knew who was trying to buy senate seats, and prior to th 17th amend we did not. So, I think Roberts already accomplished what you wish for. No control over special interests.

Yes. Clearly a ruling that overturned a decade old law forbidding people or groups of people from criticizing incumbants before an election is the problem. [/sarcasm]
I remember when the Republicans had the majority in the Senate as well as the House and Bush couldn't get his nominees through their confirmation. Big ol Teddy Kennedy had so many of them locked up in procedural votes that they considered getting rid of the fillibuster closure rule. I thought it was a bad idea then and I think it's a bad idea now.

What happens when you have an unstoppable majority? You get the nighmare you call Obamacare and things like it. The only time I really feel safe is when those maggots in Washington are home on vacation.

Besides, since Barry has become President, we now have 'executive order' as the way to rule the nation. Be careful what you wish for liberals, you might wake up and have a conservative in the White House and he or she (thinking Sarah Palin here just for a nightmare scenario for the left) might just make your life a living hell.

When are you folks going to learn that Washington is over-bloated, too ineffectual, too expensive, too ignorant, too much in bed with lobbyists to be what you want them to be. The more power you give them the less they can govern.

Bush got everyone of his judges in place except Harriet Myers.
If it were up to me, I'd require 3/4 passage in both Houses to pass a bill. Simple majority in either house to repeal a bill. It would eliminate the partisanship and make both sides actually work something out to get a bill everyone likes.

Nothing would pass.

Might as well have a Theocracy.

That would be OK with me. The shit that has been passed lately is harming far more people than it will ever help. This country was founded on the ide that the MINORITY had rights worth protecting. The Founders didn't want the MOB to run roughshod over the little people. We are perilously close to mob rule.

You won't like it if it happens.

Of course it would.

Now you are being honest.


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