Christians, do NOT abandon Christ's teachings in light of the evil that has overtaken America


Platinum Member
Dec 25, 2009
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

Thank you K9Buck.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
The evil will be gone come January 20, 2021.

As for Christians, far too many need to reflect upon their support for the likes of Trump.
We cannot save the world or man kind from its ultimate demise and judgment. But we can go on following Gods word for us to be caretakers of the earth, serving God by taking care of the poor ,oppressed and sick. And going about being involved in the Great Commission. And as the poster said, let us do no violence to each other. Jesus taught us to Love not only one another but also our enemies those who hate us and oppress us. Until the final judgement may all believers go about not just living, but spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ. Amen.
The American right is an affront to the teachings of Jesus on every level. They nail Jesus to the cross all over again every Sunday to silence the voice that tells them all this fear, hate, greed and pride is wrong. I seriously do not understand how they can reject the very words of Jesus outright and instead just imagine he would approve of all this wrath.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I'm more of a "Christian sympathizer." While the true Christians suppress their urge to throw Toro off the rooftop, I'm the type that would actually take pleasure in doing that.

It's kinda like the difference between "moderate Muslims" and "radical Muslims."
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I'm more of a "Christian sympathizer." While the true Christians suppress their urge to throw Toro off the rooftop, I'm the type that would actually take pleasure in doing that.

It's kinda like the difference between "moderate Muslims" and "radical Muslims."

I understand. But we are commanded to resist sin and what you're describing is a GRAVE sin. Jesus will deal with the unbelievers. Do not burden yourself with such things and certainly do NOT disobey Christ. In the end, the nonbelievers will be gone, everything will be perfect and you will be VERY thankful that you did NOT give in to temptation.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I am a Christian. Whether or not I am a good one will be determined at the end by someone far above my pay grade. That being said, I am also a soldier. I spent my entire adult life carrying a "sword" for my nation and my God. I would nudge you in the direction of millennia of history of Christian soldiers fighting for the survival of other Christians and even non-Christian innocent human life. I intend to fight; to fight as I was trained and to fight to my last drop of blood. I plan to be a damned righteous thorn in the sides of all our enemies and I plan to tear down as much of their neo-black kingdom as my mortality allows. But . . . all of that is in the future, the very near future. I would also urge other capable Christians to do the same. God doesn't give people things he doesn't want them to have. He forged my mind into a living sword decades ago. By His will I shall use it until it breaks.
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We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I am a Christian. Whether or not I am a good one will be determined at the end by someone far above my pay grade. That being said, I am also a soldier. I spent my entire adult life carrying a "sword" for my nation and my God. I would nudge you in the direction of millennia of history of Christian soldiers fighting for the survival of other Christians and even non-Christian innocent human life. I intend to fight; to fight as I was trained and to fight to my last drop of blood. I plan to be a damned righteous thorn in the sides of all our enemies and I plan to tear down as much of their neo-black kingdom as my mortality allows. But . . . all of that is in the future, the very near future. I would also urge other capable Christians to do the same. God doesn't give people things he doesn't want them to have. He forged my mind into a living sword decades ago. By His will I shall use it until it breaks.

I understand. It is a struggle for me too. I believe in truth, fairness and righteousness. When I see blatant evil being done, particularly by authorities, it angers me greatly!

I am NOT a pacifist. I DO believe that there are times when it is morally acceptable (meaning, acceptable to God) to engage in violence.

For me, I suppose I would have to consider if I could justify my violence to Jesus. I believe such instances are likely few and far between.
I understand. It is a struggle for me too. I believe in truth, fairness and righteousness. When I see blatant evil being done, particularly by authorities, it angers me greatly!

I am a Christian.

And your hypocrisy and support of blatant evil is against God's word.

You're also a snowflake pussy for wanting a safe space that challenges your tender feelings.

Jesus would be disgusted.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
What do you mean "Christians, do NOT abandon Christ's teachings in light of the evil that has overtaken America"? They abandoned Christ's teaching to support Don the Devil from the beginning. Of course they didn't know he was screwing a playmate and a stripper on the side behind his pregnant wife's back. They did know he bragged about grabbing women by the pu$$y and they did not forsake him after finding out about the two bimbos or the felony conspiracy to pay them hush money to keep is infidelity silent until after election so they wouldn't find out in time and that he lied like rug, denying he ever knew the women as if he were Peter denying Christ. Of course he didn't cry about it like Peter. He just signed the checks and called fake news.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I am a Christian. Whether or not I am a good one will be determined at the end by someone far above my pay grade. That being said, I am also a soldier. I spent my entire adult life carrying a "sword" for my nation and my God. I would nudge you in the direction of millennia of history of Christian soldiers fighting for the survival of other Christians and even non-Christian innocent human life. I intend to fight; to fight as I was trained and to fight to my last drop of blood. I plan to be a damned righteous thorn in the sides of all our enemies and I plan to tear down as much of their neo-black kingdom as my mortality allows. But . . . all of that is in the future, the very near future. I would also urge other capable Christians to do the same. God doesn't give people things he doesn't want them to have. He forged my mind into a living sword decades ago. By His will I shall use it until it breaks.

I understand. It is a struggle for me too. I believe in truth, fairness and righteousness. When I see blatant evil being done, particularly by authorities, it angers me greatly!

I am NOT a pacifist. I DO believe that there are times when it is morally acceptable (meaning, acceptable to God) to engage in violence.

For me, I suppose I would have to consider if I could justify my violence to Jesus. I believe such instances are likely few and far between.

I absolutely understand the point of your message in this thread and I agree with it. The thing is, each of us must embrace and endure our faith in very personal ways. Faith is a very long and arduous journey for each of us. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I were attacked, whilst on vacation, by a cult of redneck deer skull worshippers. Sounds insane, I know—and believe me . . . it was as unsettling an experience as it gets. However, I've come to believe that particular experience was a nudge from above, a sort of message telling me I've become too complacent; too comfortable in our lives of sinful excess.

You see, up until last year I was still running missions in various shithole (forgive me) geographic locations for Uncle Sam. But since leaving the Army I have been living "the good life" so to speak, spending the advance for my first novel on all kinds of materialistic crap and out there convincing everyone how awesome I am. Meanwhile the skillset I had developed over decades atrophies and there are so many people out there suffering with so little. Perhaps I can make a difference again in some small way or perhaps not. Either way I have no choice but to try. Where God leads I will follow.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I am a Christian. Whether or not I am a good one will be determined at the end by someone far above my pay grade. That being said, I am also a soldier. I spent my entire adult life carrying a "sword" for my nation and my God. I would nudge you in the direction of millennia of history of Christian soldiers fighting for the survival of other Christians and even non-Christian innocent human life. I intend to fight; to fight as I was trained and to fight to my last drop of blood. I plan to be a damned righteous thorn in the sides of all our enemies and I plan to tear down as much of their neo-black kingdom as my mortality allows. But . . . all of that is in the future, the very near future. I would also urge other capable Christians to do the same. God doesn't give people things he doesn't want them to have. He forged my mind into a living sword decades ago. By His will I shall use it until it breaks.

I understand. It is a struggle for me too. I believe in truth, fairness and righteousness. When I see blatant evil being done, particularly by authorities, it angers me greatly!

I am NOT a pacifist. I DO believe that there are times when it is morally acceptable (meaning, acceptable to God) to engage in violence.

For me, I suppose I would have to consider if I could justify my violence to Jesus. I believe such instances are likely few and far between.

I absolutely understand the point of your message in this thread and I agree with it. The thing is, each of us must embrace and endure our faith in very personal ways. Faith is a very long and arduous journey for each of us. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I were attacked, whilst on vacation, by a cult of redneck deer skull worshippers. Sounds insane, I know—and believe me . . . it was as unsettling an experience as it gets. However, I've come to believe that particular experience was a nudge from above, a sort of message telling me I've become too complacent; too comfortable in our lives of sinful excess.

You see, up until last year I was still running missions in various shithole (forgive me) geographic locations for Uncle Sam. But since leaving the Army I have been living "the good life" so to speak, spending the advance for my first novel on all kinds of materialistic crap and out there convincing everyone how awesome I am. Meanwhile the skillset I had developed over decades atrophies and there are so many people out there suffering with so little. Perhaps I can make a difference again in some small way or perhaps not. Either way I have no choice but to try. Where God leads I will follow.

I understand. We believe in God and know that we must be able to justify our actions to him. The unbeliever has no such restraints. They invent their own "morality' which, usually, translates into doing lots of terrible things to their fellow man.

It may come to be that we will have to do things that we would rather not do, but are compelled to do so by the evil that confronts us.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

I am a Christian. Whether or not I am a good one will be determined at the end by someone far above my pay grade. That being said, I am also a soldier. I spent my entire adult life carrying a "sword" for my nation and my God. I would nudge you in the direction of millennia of history of Christian soldiers fighting for the survival of other Christians and even non-Christian innocent human life. I intend to fight; to fight as I was trained and to fight to my last drop of blood. I plan to be a damned righteous thorn in the sides of all our enemies and I plan to tear down as much of their neo-black kingdom as my mortality allows. But . . . all of that is in the future, the very near future. I would also urge other capable Christians to do the same. God doesn't give people things he doesn't want them to have. He forged my mind into a living sword decades ago. By His will I shall use it until it breaks.

I understand. It is a struggle for me too. I believe in truth, fairness and righteousness. When I see blatant evil being done, particularly by authorities, it angers me greatly!

I am NOT a pacifist. I DO believe that there are times when it is morally acceptable (meaning, acceptable to God) to engage in violence.

For me, I suppose I would have to consider if I could justify my violence to Jesus. I believe such instances are likely few and far between.

I absolutely understand the point of your message in this thread and I agree with it. The thing is, each of us must embrace and endure our faith in very personal ways. Faith is a very long and arduous journey for each of us. A couple of weeks ago my wife and I were attacked, whilst on vacation, by a cult of redneck deer skull worshippers. Sounds insane, I know—and believe me . . . it was as unsettling an experience as it gets. However, I've come to believe that particular experience was a nudge from above, a sort of message telling me I've become too complacent; too comfortable in our lives of sinful excess.

You see, up until last year I was still running missions in various shithole (forgive me) geographic locations for Uncle Sam. But since leaving the Army I have been living "the good life" so to speak, spending the advance for my first novel on all kinds of materialistic crap and out there convincing everyone how awesome I am. Meanwhile the skillset I had developed over decades atrophies and there are so many people out there suffering with so little. Perhaps I can make a difference again in some small way or perhaps not. Either way I have no choice but to try. Where God leads I will follow.
So now that you are out of the shit holes, you are working to become a kinder, gentler, more nurturing human being? A worthy goal. Good luck with it. Don't forget all of your skills. The truly meek will not inherit the earth anytime soon.
We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!

We already knew that Earth and mankind would NOT have a happy ending. We know that this world is ruled by Satan and that a majority of its inhabitants knowingly or unknowingly serve him. We have been told that, at a time of God's choosing, Jesus will return to Earth to collect his flock and then destroy Satan and his followers.

Do not fight the evil that is upon us by disobeying the teachings of Jesus and engaging in sin yourself, such as doing harm to others. On the contrary and, in the face of such evil, make Jesus proud to call you one of his!

Remember, NOTHING you do will save this planet nor mankind. God and Jesus have already seen what happens in the end. They are not confined to time, as are we. They know what is going to happen and they told us what is going to happen. Be a good Christian and let the process play out. In the end, evil will be destroyed, Jesus will set up his permanent kingdom here on Earth and Jesus will proudly claim you as his true and faithful follower!
The evil will be gone come January 20, 2021.

As for Christians, far too many need to reflect upon their support for the likes of Trump.

Remember, your surrender to evil is not a victory.

PLEASE consider for ONE SECOND......

Where we would be today had the Founding Fathers and early Americans had the attitude of the OP !!!

I'll tell you where.....we'd be British.

Telling Christians to back down and accept at a time like this is, in and of itself, PURE EVIL.
The American right is an affront to the teachings of Jesus on every level. They nail Ble1ssJesus to the cross all over again every Sunday to silence the voice that tells them all this fear, hate, greed and pride is wrong. I seriously do not understand how they can reject the very words of Jesus outright and instead just imagine he would approve of all this wrath.
Blessed is he who forgives those who have been lead astray.

PLEASE consider for ONE SECOND......

Where we would be today had the Founding Fathers and early Americans had the attitude of the OP !!!

I'll tell you where.....we'd be British.

Telling Christians to back down and accept at a time like this is, in and of itself, PURE EVIL.
I looked back over K9s thread and posts in the thread. Where did he tell Christians to back down?
I on the other hand, accuse the Christian religious right in this country of backing down on their beliefs in acceptance of DJT, in full view of what the man says, believes and does.
Your complaint is not with people like him preaching the teachings of Jesus. It is with people like me, denouncing the social Christian right for their support of a false leader that does not even try honor their core beliefs by word or deed.

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