Christ said if we have faith enough, we could move mountains


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
That is LITERALLY true.

I have had three moments of total despair, where I turned to God, and begged him to show me the way.

In all three cases, I got an answer.
Strong faith is the only requirement to making a prayer work.

Faith cannot be measured on a scale, nor can it be calculated on a spread sheet.

Faith comes when you've abandoned all else, and thrown yourself completely into God's hands, and begged him to show you the way.

I have done this three times in my life, and the results were always dramatic and life-changing.
"If we have faith enough ..."

Provides a convenient out if god doesn't come through.

What gets you through hard times is your own character and inner strength.

But yes, it's surely true that believing a god had some part in it means he did.

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That is LITERALLY true.

I have had three moments of total despair, where I turned to God, and begged him to show me the way.

In all three cases, I got an answer.

Strong faith is the only requirement to making a prayer work.

Faith cannot be measured on a scale, nor can it be calculated on a spread sheet.

Faith comes when you've abandoned all else, and thrown yourself completely into God's hands, and begged him to show you the way.

I have done this three times in my life, and the results were always dramatic and life-changing.
Strong faith is NOT a requirement for 'making prayer work'

First of all, prayers are answered...always
There's nothing you did to take credit for

Secondly, strong faith is not a requirement,
let alone, the only requirement...
if that were the case, that means you earned it
and that takes the glory and credit away from God's grace!

Furthermore, Jesus told His disciples,
faith, the size of a mustard seed, could move mountains.
God's Word contradicts your statement,
and frankly, it's an outright lie!

Furthermore still, just by your own statements,
I fail to see a strong faith, let alone, actual faith.

Begging God doesn't suggest faith at all.
Faith doesn't just 'come about'
faith doesn't look to God, when all else fails

Real faith turns to God first
Real faith knows God is in control
Real faith doesn't beg God for anything
Real faith doesn't come from desperation

Real faith rests in the faithfulness of God
knowing, God already knows what's going on.
Real faith knows God will see us through,
and prays for the strength until He does.
Christ said if we have faith enough, we could move mountains
That is LITERALLY true.
Only if by "LITERALLY" you mean NOT REAL mountains!

This is a perfect example of why people believe Don THE Con.
Only if by "LITERALLY" you mean NOT REAL mountains!

This is a perfect example of why people believe Don THE Con.

How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. Few find it. (Matthew 7:14)
That is LITERALLY true.

I have had three moments of total despair, where I turned to God, and begged him to show me the way.

In all three cases, I got an answer.
you literally moved a mountain?
you literally moved a mountain?

Apparently some mining operations do move literal mountains--and generally fall afoul of the EPA.

As a child I told most of the mountains in Nevada to uproot themselves and go be thrown into the sea (Mark 11), but to my astonishment all of them remained exactly where they were. (I chose Nevada mountains because I thought the mountains in Idaho were too pretty to toss into the sea.) Then we covered figurative speech and idioms in school so I left off trying to uproot the mountains in Nevada--probably much to the relief of everyone. I can imagine the puzzlement of the residents of Battle Mountain waking up one morning and finding their mountain gone.

Besides, I learned some figurative mountains could be even larger and heavier. Faith can move those mountains, but it often takes as much work as moving a literal mountain.
Christ said if we have faith enough, we could move mountains

Archimedes said,

"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."

200 years before Jesus and Archimedes never claimed to be a god.
Archimedes said,

"Give me a lever long enough and a fulcrum on which to place it, and I shall move the world."

200 years before Jesus and Archimedes never claimed to be a god.

Love the story of Archimedes! It is an inspiration to bored math students everywhere. As legend has it, he was ordered to go before a General, and declined saying he had to finish his math diagram. The soldier killed him.

So yes, students, math is so important, people give their lives over leaving an unfinished math problem. Remember that when you are tempted to not complete a math assignment.

Archimedes was killed for being a mathematician; Jesus was killed for being God. Standing up for who/what you are has its risks.
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints published 7 lectures on the subject of faith. Youtube has these lectures on their site for our listening pleasure:

The answer can be found in Ezekiel if I recollect.. Mountains referred to governments and waters to peoples ..It says the waters will be above the mountains meaning the peoples will be higher up then their governments ...Remember Hebrew is a poetic toungue and one must know the slang terms to understand it..Everything is explainable if you have the keys to the puzzles course Jesus never said it it was borrowed from The Jewish scriptures.... Are you happy now Hobe you could have answered it for them if you wanted to ..
My apologies I meant Isaiah you can find a reference in Isaiah 2 if I am not mistaken...

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