Chick-Fil-A: One Expense Cup of Water! Is the backslash too much?


The guy is toxic. With that one video he proved to be rude, arrogant and nasty, and displayed poor judgment in posting it. No one would want to hire someone who so clearly possesses those qualities.

I also wonder about this. The assumption is that every last company to which he applied knew about the video. That doesn't smell quite right. Given the qualities he has already displayed, I wouldn't be surprised if something else were at play.

He isnt being punished because he went off on Chik fil A. He is being punished because he is a rude arrogant asshole.

The guy is toxic. With that one video he proved to be rude, arrogant and nasty, and displayed poor judgment in posting it. No one would want to hire someone who so clearly possesses those qualities.

I also wonder about this. The assumption is that every last company to which he applied knew about the video. That doesn't smell quite right. Given the qualities he has already displayed, I wouldn't be surprised if something else were at play.

He isnt being punished because he went off on Chik fil A. He is being punished because he is a rude arrogant asshole.

Oh........absolutely. That's a major offense. Being rude and arrogant is not something that Americans will stand for. Everyone knows that.

The guy is toxic. With that one video he proved to be rude, arrogant and nasty, and displayed poor judgment in posting it. No one would want to hire someone who so clearly possesses those qualities.

I also wonder about this. The assumption is that every last company to which he applied knew about the video. That doesn't smell quite right. Given the qualities he has already displayed, I wouldn't be surprised if something else were at play.

He isnt being punished because he went off on Chik fil A. He is being punished because he is a rude arrogant asshole.
Yep. Why in the world would an employer want to hire someone that nasty? Plenty of other fish in the sea.

Maybe someone will consider him if he gets some help and works through his issues.

I wonder if he's applied to Starbucks.

He should be blaming the gays for his job loss. After all, if they wouldn't have stirred up the shit with Chik-fil-A in the first place, he wouldl've never been in the mindset to do what he did.
The moron says he still stands behind his actions. Maybe, if he apologized, someone might hire him again.
I recall the same posters who think it was a good thing he was fired, screaming "Freedom of Speech" when the guy from Duck Dynasty was fired.

I agree that berating a waitress at Chick-Fil-A was rude. This woman didn't make the decision to discriminate against gays. Any protest should have been directed at those who made the decision.

That being said, there is no excuse for ruining anyone's life over his actions. And I do find it hard to believe this was a factor in his second firing.
I recall the same posters who think it was a good thing he was fired, screaming "Freedom of Speech" when the guy from Duck Dynasty was fired.

I agree that berating a waitress at Chick-Fil-A was rude. This woman didn't make the decision to discriminate against gays. Any protest should have been directed at those who made the decision.

That being said, there is no excuse for ruining anyone's life over his actions. And I do find it hard to believe this was a factor in his second firing.

How did anyone n the Chick Fil A scenario discriminate against you?
I recall the same posters who think it was a good thing he was fired, screaming "Freedom of Speech" when the guy from Duck Dynasty was fired.

I agree that berating a waitress at Chick-Fil-A was rude. This woman didn't make the decision to discriminate against gays. Any protest should have been directed at those who made the decision.

That being said, there is no excuse for ruining anyone's life over his actions. And I do find it hard to believe this was a factor in his second firing.
He ruined his own life. Unlike Chik Fil A there was no organized campaign against him by employers. He has no one to blame but himself.

The guy is toxic. With that one video he proved to be rude, arrogant and nasty, and displayed poor judgment in posting it. No one would want to hire someone who so clearly possesses those qualities.

I also wonder about this. The assumption is that every last company to which he applied knew about the video. That doesn't smell quite right. Given the qualities he has already displayed, I wouldn't be surprised if something else were at play.

He isnt being punished because he went off on Chik fil A. He is being punished because he is a rude arrogant asshole.

Oh........absolutely. That's a major offense. Being rude and arrogant is not something that Americans will stand for. Everyone knows that.
Every employer knwos that, is what you mean. Right, sparky?
This guy did more than open his mouth to some girl at the drive through window. If that was all he did no one would care. He videotaped it himself. He wasn't caught on someone else's candid camera. He was so proud of himself that he posted his video online. It was his pride that made him so toxic. He thought he was humiliating this young girl who exhibited grace and respect. He thought that people would see that video and find him brave and principled. He thought that the girl was clumsy and doltish.

His fatal mistake was being proud of himself. That's why no one wants him.
Good. He deserves it. Aren't there any gay companies that want to hire a Christian hater?

In the article it's stated not even the gay friendly companies wanted anything to do with him. What he did was arrogant and he is definitely a self-righteous asshole, but for that one act should be destroyed the way he has been?

If it were an isolated incident then I would agree that the punishment might be too harsh. But I am thinking that this guy made hubris his ideology. I doubt the company fired him because of what he did at CF. More then likely they were looking for a reason and found it.

The guy is toxic. With that one video he proved to be rude, arrogant and nasty, and displayed poor judgment in posting it. No one would want to hire someone who so clearly possesses those qualities.

I also wonder about this. The assumption is that every last company to which he applied knew about the video. That doesn't smell quite right. Given the qualities he has already displayed, I wouldn't be surprised if something else were at play.


You have got to be kidding. We are officially in upside down backward land. How can you NOT be railing on the PC police for ruining this man's life? It is your purpose in life. What the fuck, earmuffs?
He loves PC when it supports his bigotry.
Adam Mark Smith still unemployed and on food stamps after being fired for berating Chick-fil-A staff Daily Mail Online

A few years ago during the hate on Chick-Fil-A leftist campaign, an Elitist liberal with a six figure salary took it upon himself to order a free glass of water and verbally assault an innocent Chick-Fil-A worker. He video-taped it and it went viral. I remember at the time, I thought the guy was a horrendous person and an arrogant SOB.

Most people agreed, even his employer who fired him. This once rich man is now in ruins and on food stamps.

The story goes, 3 years later he has yet to find employment. The video has surfaced and employers refuse to hire him, even gay friendly employers want nothing to do with him. He lost all him savings, his house to foreclosure and now he and his wife and 4 kids are on food stamps.

He was an arrogant ass and still stands behind his actions, but is the punishment worth the crime? I do feel for the guy. He is an asshole and no doubt he treats others like shit, but any one of us could be destroyed if some of our actions were caught on video.

An ex-CFO and Chick-fil-A protestor who lost his job after posting a video rant against one of the chain's employees has since lost his home and lives on food stamps.

Adam Mark Smith, 37, who worked for an Arizona-based medical device manufacturer, was shamed after the 2012 YouTube video was posted showing him berating employee Rachel Elizabeth.

The video which expressed his disdain over the firm's anti-gay marriage stance went viral, and left him unemployed and forced to lose his home.

Nearly three years later, the married father of four is still searching for a job and his family previously had to give away possessions before he was hired and fired again, according to ABC.

hings were looking rough for Smith and his wife, Amy, along with their four sons after they lost their home and moved into an RV
Read more: Adam Mark Smith still unemployed and on food stamps after being fired for berating Chick-fil-A staff Daily Mail Online
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Actions have consequences.

You reap what you sow

If this ass wants my sympathy he can look in the dictionary between shit and syphilis
He loves PC when it supports his bigotry.
Yeah, all the marches in the streets against this guy; all the threats against him; all the national demands that his career is destroyed, all the news stories for weeks on end, the wall-to-wall coverage on MSNBC.


Nice try. But not even close.

But it's nice to know my little posts cause the PC Police here such trauma.

Pavlov's dogs.

this guy was a real douche.....berating a cashier? o how much guts does that take....a cashier who has to be nice no matter what is said...fuck em....let his wife go to work and i am sure he can find a job...perhaps not just the job he thinks he is worthy of....i dont know of one single construction company or road crew company that runs a check on facebook or any other viral thing.....he needs to start at the bottom...where bottom feeders belong....
He loves PC when it supports his bigotry.
Yeah, all the marches in the streets against this guy; all the threats against him; all the national demands that his career is destroyed, all the news stories for weeks on end, the wall-to-wall coverage on MSNBC.


Nice try. But not even close.

But it's nice to know my little posts cause the PC Police here such trauma.

Pavlov's dogs.


Oh! It's not the PC police because there were no marches in the streets! I've never marched in the streets over any of the idiot remarks that have gotten people canned over the years! It's official...I'm not a member of the PC police!! Weeeeeeeee!

Mac......the guy said and did stupid shit and it got filmed. He was punished for it. This is what you are steadfastly against over....and over....and over....and over.....and over....and over....and over.......again. Now....the fact that his punishment was dished out with less national attention due to the fact that he's not a well known figure makes it just fine by you? How odd.

You aren't consistent, my friend.

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