Charges filed in shooting of Kansas City teen who rang wrong doorbell

Only an idiot wouldn't go for a gun when some strange black teenager knocks on their door. they are the most violent demographic in the country for the last 6 decades, i.e. o 80% of that man's entire life. He should be left alone; let black people fix their own shitty patterns of behavior and their feral 'culture' of criminal worship.
Don't open the fucking door if you are terrified. You can't execute someone for knocking on your door, no matter how much of a racist piece if shit you are.
Don't open the fucking door if you are terrified.

What makes you think that stops the animals? Want to look up what kind of neighborhood it was? Most elderly people get stuck in neighborhoods that turn into ghettos around them and have little choice but to stay there and deal with all the scum people like you want to encourage in their violence and thuggery.
What makes you think that stops the animals? Want to look up what kind of neighborhood it was? Most elderly people get stuck in neighborhoods that turn into ghettos around them and have little choice but to stay there and deal with all the scum people like you want to encourage in their violence and thuggery.
You can't shoot black teenagers for knocking in your door. What planet do you live on?
Funny thing is.....

Insecure fragile cucks like you have feared black people since this country existed.....even tho, these people have DONE NOTHING TO those founding fathers you so love......NOTHING......

Inspite the bondage, the torture, the rape, the murder, the dehumanization...those black folks you feared were still expected to harbor no resentment and engage in the game of "respectability politics" -- behave and prove to us you are worthy of rights -- even tho that is something your yourselves have never had to prove to be worthy of your rights...

That whole fear of that strong big black buck is what you insecure cucks have used to justify our brutalization for centuries....Nothing in the Constitution says we have to prove shit to you

I'm sorry Biff, but with your history here, I'm going to assume you're being sarcastic, which means you actually think I'm a pretty cool dude!! :)
If democrats get their way, nothing is a shootable offense. They expect you to stand there and get robbed, raped, stabbed, or shot and not be able to defend yourself.

Exactly, especially white people. We can't have all these old white people sitting on all that stuff and defending themselves from feral Democrats.
What makes you think that stops the animals? Want to look up what kind of neighborhood it was? Most elderly people get stuck in neighborhoods that turn into ghettos around them and have little choice but to stay there and deal with all the scum people like you want to encourage in their violence and thuggery.
as a side note,,
my son lives in this neighborhood, and due to obamas program of building slums/section 8 housing into the suburbs, just down the street is a brand new multi hundred unit project housing with little to no accessible resources like grocery store and other daily needs outlets,,
since then there has been a rise in burglaries and car breakins along with loud activities going long into the night,,

whats even funnier close to me they just closed a section 8 housing that had several hundred units and it wasnt but 20 yrs old,,
same reports of crime and the building are destroyed,,
I wonder if Lester had just watched this video about an old couple in their 90s opening the door to a man who beat both of them with a blunt object, killing the husband. The couple was obviously retired and trying to live out their lives in peace. That peace was brutally disrupted for no other reason than they were white. I'm sure this type of story would put any old person on edge:

And of course it's pretty common. As I said earlier black people bring this sort of reaction on themselves, and will continue to do so as they get highly rewarded by the Democrats for being feral animals.
as a side note,,
my son lives in this neighborhood, and due to obamas program of building slums/section 8 housing into the suburbs, just down the street is a brand new multi hundred unit project housing with little to no accessible resources like grocery store and other daily needs outlets,,
since then there has been a rise in burglaries and car breakins along with loud activities going long into the night,,

whats even funnier close to me they just closed a section 8 housing that had several hundred units and it wasnt but 20 yrs old,,
same reports of crime and the building are destroyed,,

Same thing here, just a few blocks away they built a massive slew of apartments, and in less than 20 years it's a ghetto and the city is buying up the apartments and turning it into Section 8 Slum Town; used to be a really nice neighborhood. Now it's Murder City and WhoreTown.
Triggered? 😄

Not at all, but obviously YOU are, otherwise you wouldn't have opened your brown nosing shit hole to spew out some ignorant rhetoric.


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