Caught on Tape: NPR Executive Savages Conservatives, Christians & Tea Party Members

My bad....O'Keefe got out of his jail sentence.

Oh, it's a little bit worse than that for you.

Not ONLY did he not get any jail time, he was only found guilty of entering a fderal building under false pretense.

That is what he DOES......that's the entire POINT of his videos.

That's what whistleblowers do.

So your attack was unfounded.
New phenononem uncovered. the left cozies up with terrorists and slams Christian.. kewel.. but :cuckoo:

I seriously got sick to my stomach when I watched this. Is this what we have become? Screaming at little children? There is no way I would have controlled my violent temper if I had personally witnessed this.


I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.
James O'Keefe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Lets remember how this young man works.

He is known to Dr tape.

for you people to jump right up and believe what this guy hands to someone is proof of your inability to decern fact from fiction

From your own Wikipedia link:

O'Keefe's recordings led to demands by black leaders to withdraw public financing of Planned Parenthood,[46] and to a protest in Washington D.C. by African-Americans pastors who accused Planned Parenthood of perpetrating "genocide" on blacks.[40] Alveda King, a black minister and a niece of Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., who had two abortions herself,[47] also supported the campaign.

Several members of U. S. Congress introduced a resolution praising O'Keefe and Giles' work in October 2009
New phenononem uncovered. the left cozies up with terrorists and slams Christian.. kewel.. but :cuckoo:

I seriously got sick to my stomach when I watched this. Is this what we have become? Screaming at little children? There is no way I would have controlled my violent temper if I had personally witnessed this.


I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.

you'll have to prove I was in that video or you'll have to stfu.. which is it? I also don't think you can prove they were Tea Partiers.. btw how's the Flee baggers? You seen em?
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New phenononem uncovered. the left cozies up with terrorists and slams Christian.. kewel.. but :cuckoo:

I seriously got sick to my stomach when I watched this. Is this what we have become? Screaming at little children? There is no way I would have controlled my violent temper if I had personally witnessed this.


I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.
you mean CAIR didnt edit that video?
New phenononem uncovered. the left cozies up with terrorists and slams Christian.. kewel.. but :cuckoo:

I seriously got sick to my stomach when I watched this. Is this what we have become? Screaming at little children? There is no way I would have controlled my violent temper if I had personally witnessed this.


I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.

Another Liberal who's STUCK ON STUPID!!

That video was debunked long ago.

As I said twice in that thread, it was actually a video of people protesting not against the fundraiser, but against the two speakers who were to preach that Sharia Law should be implemented in the USA.
New phenononem uncovered. the left cozies up with terrorists and slams Christian.. kewel.. but :cuckoo:

I seriously got sick to my stomach when I watched this. Is this what we have become? Screaming at little children? There is no way I would have controlled my violent temper if I had personally witnessed this.


I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.

By the way......this is just another DIVERSIONARY TACTIC to try and take the focus off of this video of NPR's bias.

Even NPR has said what Schiller says in the video is appalling.
New phenononem uncovered. the left cozies up with terrorists and slams Christian.. kewel.. but :cuckoo:

I seriously got sick to my stomach when I watched this. Is this what we have become? Screaming at little children? There is no way I would have controlled my violent temper if I had personally witnessed this.


I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.

you'll have to prove I was in that video or you'll have to stfu.. which is it?

Your stupidity amazes me. I suppose others may be as stupid as you, but it is really hard to imagine. Read the post very slowly, over and over and you might discover I'm pointing out your comments in response to the video.

Only a self absorbed moron would believe my post suggested you were in the video.
On another thread these same libs who defend this guy will be trashing Fox News. Kind of ironic.
I refer Willow Tree and her fellow hypocrites to the thead "A Scene That Should Make Every American Want To Puke" and the video linked here; her comments and the comments of other echo chamber fools exposes their hypocrisy in response to this video tenfold.

you'll have to prove I was in that video or you'll have to stfu.. which is it?

Your stupidity amazes me. I suppose others may be as stupid as you, but it is really hard to imagine. Read the post very slowly, over and over and you might discover I'm pointing out your comments in response to the video.

Only a self absorbed moron would believe my post suggested you were in the video.

Oh,, you only meant to say I was LIKE the people in the video.. I sea.. you make me sick
So, your contention is that the man in the video speaking is not Schiller?

My contention is to consider the source of the story. Undercover conservative looking for 'gotcha' story. What else is new?

I see no problem with this statement:
“The current Republican Party, particularly the Tea Party, is fanatically involved in people’s personal lives and very fundamental Christian – I wouldn’t even call it Christian. It’s this weird evangelical kind of move,” declared Schiller, who runs NPR’s foundation.

I would hardly call that 'savaging' the Tea Party. The GOP has been hijacked by extremists.
That's all he said*? Then there's no story at all. Faux outrage.

* - Thank you for clicking the OP link, so that I didn't have to!
Schiller would have the right to be as biased as Chris Matthews or Jon Stewart or any of the so-called mainstream media celebreties if the US taxpayers including Christians and Zionists and Tea Party members weren't forced to pay her freaking salary.
Or just like O'Reilly, Hannity, Greta, Beck?
I don't dismiss his comments at all. He's right on the money.

Okay,, he's right on the money.. why would he cozy up with the Muslim Brotherhood?

He's right on the money about who has taken over the GOP party. What happened to the moderates? What happened to the GOP being about fiscal issues?

Where is the legislation from the House Republican Majority on economic matters?

They promised that would be their only focus. Yet instead, there have been assaults on Planned Parenthood, unions, women, and homosexuals. Purely ideological, and nothing to do with the economy or jobs. They have lied to America, and broken their campaign promises.

Why hasn't the House Republican Majority "gotten the message sent by the voters in November"?

What are you doing, Speaker Boehner?

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