Caught lyingWH Blames Big Sis for Release of Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants This Week


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
By Jim Hoft
February 27, 2013

Oblamer and company say:
It’s Janet’s fault.

The Obama Administration blamed Secretary of Homeland Security for the decision to release hundreds of illegal immigrants in Texas, Louisiana and Florida.
They’re blaming Big Sis Janet Napolitano.
The Politico reported:

The White House was unaware of Immigration Customs and Enforcement’s decision to release detainees until the agency announced it, press secretary Jay Carney said Wednesday.

“This was a decision made by a career officials at ICE without any input from the White House, as a result of fiscal uncertainty over the continuing resolution, as well as possible sequestration,” Carney said.​


Read more:
White House Blames Big Sis for Release of Hundreds of Illegal Immigrants This Week | The Gateway Pundit

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