Caucasian race ,Greed, Warmongering and exploitation the real problem for the world.


Gold Member
Jun 18, 2008
As I read through many of the titles of the threads on this race forum, people seem to forget, or they don't want to discuss the real problem in the world today, and for the forseable future, caucasian greed, racism, exploitation and their warmongering.

White people have been doing all of the above for hundreds of years.
Raping the natural resources of the earth, and stealing land from people
who were unable to defend themselves.

Their will come a time when the white usurpers will be dealt with on a global scale once and for all.

Black brown and yellow people of the world are getting fed up of white peopls trouble making antics, and their arrogance.:razz:

It is bad enough that they have now stolen billions of dollars from people all over the world, with this Wall street, and sub-prime glaobal mortgage collaspe, which was all orchestrated by greedy white men on Wall street.!!:razz:
Your posts remind me of Brand Nubian tracks.

[ame=]YouTube - Brand Nubian-Drop The Bomb[/ame]

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