Zone1 Catholics Wake Up


You're speaking to a person who came into your thread to state that they weren't interested in participating here -- post #8 "I’ve never been one to mix religion with politics" -- and then stayed for several posts to prove it.

How exactly am I mixing religion with government? I'm not politically motivated as you are and I certainly don't lower my standards because of my political bias. You have literally become what you hate.

Are you familiar with Fr. James Altman? He said what you just said, that you can't be a Catholic and vote democrat, and he was canceled for it.

Now there are well over a thousand Catholic priests, probably closer to "thousands", who have been canceled for telling truths such as the ones Fr. Altman is telling.

When a priest is canceled, the diocese takes not only his faculty for feeding his spiritual children, but also everything he has. If you can afford to offer financial support, this can be done at:

I donate regularly and I pray the first decade of every Rosary, as well as the first decade of every Divine Mercy Chaplet, for the canceled priests. And then I pray the second decade of both for those who canceled them. And then the third decades for all of the Christ haters.



Catholics Wake Up

My fellow Catholics, it is time to WAKE UP and come to grips with the fact the the Democrat Party is now a party of Pure Evil, from sodomy (gay marriage) to abortion to mutilating childrens' bodies in the name of transgenderism. No Catholic can ever vote for a Democrat anymore. Below are links mentioned in the video:
Biden supports mutilating children:
Biden accuses people who oppose mutilating children of being 'close to sinful'

COMMENT: No Christian can support evil with their vote. Its just that simple.

In US politics, true evil has manifested itself as the Democrat Party. Democrats promote:

  • Antisemitism
  • Groomers (teachers and others who push abnormal sexual lifestyles onto little kids)
  • Infanticide (abortion and late term abortion)
  • Marxism/Socialism
  • Child Genital Mutilation (many threads here on that already)
  • Stripping of Free Speech Rights
  • Stripping of Religious Rights
  • Stripping of Right to Bear Arms
  • CRT Hate and Racism
  • Election Theft
  • Open Borders
  • Destructive Monetary and Economic Policies
  • High Taxes
  • Massive Debt-Causing Spending

I could continue but those should be sufficient to horrify any good person who has even a minimal moral compass. Anyone who says that the Democrat Party does not support these things is an obvious liar. They are all provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.

The Democrat Party ultimately must be designated as a hate group and dissolved.
Catholics Wake Up

My fellow Catholics, it is time to WAKE UP and come to grips with the fact the the Democrat Party is now a party of Pure Evil, from sodomy (gay marriage) to abortion to mutilating childrens' bodies in the name of transgenderism. No Catholic can ever vote for a Democrat anymore. Below are links mentioned in the video:
Biden supports mutilating children:
Biden accuses people who oppose mutilating children of being 'close to sinful'

COMMENT: No Christian can support evil with their vote. Its just that simple.

The biggest evils in the Bible are murder, leading children into evil and sin, and sodomy. The Democrat Party embraces and promotes all of those::

Gay Marriage = Sodomy
Abortion = Murder and hurting children
Grooming = Leading children into evil and sin
Child Mutilation, which Democrats call Gender Affirmation Surgery = Hurting children and leading children into evil and sin

How can any Christian possibly vote for a democrat?
The biggest evils in the Bible are murder, leading children into evil and sin, and sodomy. The Democrat Party embraces and promotes all of those::

Gay Marriage = Sodomy
Abortion = Murder and hurting children
Grooming = Leading children into evil and sin
Child Mutilation, which Democrats call Gender Affirmation Surgery = Hurting children and leading children into evil and sin

How can any Christian possibly vote for a democrat?

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