Catholic church "acquits" rapist priest

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV
  • The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of wrongdoing even though he admitted to assaulting the girls
  • The victims, whose ages range from five to 10 years old, live in the predominantly indigenous state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico
  • The mother of one of the victims reportedly sought a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, but was rebuffed
  • Since assuming the papacy, Pope Francis has said the church would remove bishops who cover up sex crimes by priests against children

Read more: Mexican priest with HIV who raped 30 young girls absolved by church
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I will never understand how a parent can continue to leave their children anywhere near a fucking catholic priest. These monsters have been raping children for 2000 years and still, the damn parents take their children to a catholic priest.

IOW, complicit in the constant molesting and raping of children are the church, the priests and the parents.
There is far more sexual abuse of children happening in public education. What's your plan?
Anyone who belongs to that outfit and supports it is just as guilty of the kiddie fiddler priests, anyone letting their children near them should have their children taken from them
Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV
  • The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of wrongdoing even though he admitted to assaulting the girls
  • The victims, whose ages range from five to 10 years old, live in the predominantly indigenous state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico
  • The mother of one of the victims reportedly sought a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, but was rebuffed
  • Since assuming the papacy, Pope Francis has said the church would remove bishops who cover up sex crimes by priests against children

Read more: Mexican priest with HIV who raped 30 young girls absolved by church
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I will never understand how a parent can continue to leave their children anywhere near a fucking catholic priest. These monsters have been raping children for 2000 years and still, the damn parents take their children to a catholic priest.

IOW, complicit in the constant molesting and raping of children are the church, the priests and the parents.
Without delving into a discussion about the doctrines of Catholicism, Luddly, I believe the core issue that should be addressed is why Catholic popes, bishops, cardinals, priests are granted special privileges by the governments of the world in that they are given the privilege of the Vatican and their appointed clergy privately handling reports and investigations of child abuse. They are also given privacy, protection and leniency of the Vatican's judicial court rather than facing a secular court of law (which is where they belong).

If this had been a Protestant minister, a Lutheran minister, a Methodist minister, a Baptist minister, a Pentecostal minister, a non denominational minister, etc. they would have been arrested and put on trial as a serial paedophile rapist by a secular court - they would face the same justice system you or I would be facing if we had broken the law. They would be sent to prison, not transferred to another parish where they could continue to rape children. That the Vatican enjoys such a privileged status and remains "above the law" globally could be one of the attractions for paedophiles / rapists to join the Roman Catholic Institution rather than to become a minister of some other denomination.
Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV
  • The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of wrongdoing even though he admitted to assaulting the girls
  • The victims, whose ages range from five to 10 years old, live in the predominantly indigenous state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico
  • The mother of one of the victims reportedly sought a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, but was rebuffed
  • Since assuming the papacy, Pope Francis has said the church would remove bishops who cover up sex crimes by priests against children

Read more: Mexican priest with HIV who raped 30 young girls absolved by church
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I will never understand how a parent can continue to leave their children anywhere near a fucking catholic priest. These monsters have been raping children for 2000 years and still, the damn parents take their children to a catholic priest.

IOW, complicit in the constant molesting and raping of children are the church, the priests and the parents. (The Friendly Atheist) is one news source that actually checked facts. There is no picture of Jose Garcia Ataulfo, no record that such a person ever worked in the diocese.

It is best not to spread rumors.

SIAME, the communications office of the Archdiocese of Mexico, has stated that the supposed priest José Ataulfo is not listed in their jurisdiction’s records, nor in those of the Archdiocese of Antequera, Oaxaca.

“This supposed priest does not belong to the Archdiocese of Mexico — as Anonymous Mexico asserts — much less has he been let off, as the post irresponsibly and maliciously states,” stated Fr. Hugo Valdemar Romero, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mexico.

The Catholic Church Acquitted an HIV-Infected Priest Who Raped 30 Girls, Say Gullible Websites

Of course we have no way of checking the story out to find out if its true or not, and I think the accusations are way too overboard to be true.
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Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV
  • The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of wrongdoing even though he admitted to assaulting the girls
  • The victims, whose ages range from five to 10 years old, live in the predominantly indigenous state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico
  • The mother of one of the victims reportedly sought a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, but was rebuffed
  • Since assuming the papacy, Pope Francis has said the church would remove bishops who cover up sex crimes by priests against children

Read more: Mexican priest with HIV who raped 30 young girls absolved by church
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I will never understand how a parent can continue to leave their children anywhere near a fucking catholic priest. These monsters have been raping children for 2000 years and still, the damn parents take their children to a catholic priest.

IOW, complicit in the constant molesting and raping of children are the church, the priests and the parents. (The Friendly Atheist) is one news source that actually checked facts. There is no picture of Jose Garcia Ataulfo, no record that such a person ever worked in the diocese.

It is best not to spread rumors.

SIAME, the communications office of the Archdiocese of Mexico, has stated that the supposed priest José Ataulfo is not listed in their jurisdiction’s records, nor in those of the Archdiocese of Antequera, Oaxaca.

“This supposed priest does not belong to the Archdiocese of Mexico — as Anonymous Mexico asserts — much less has he been let off, as the post irresponsibly and maliciously states,” stated Fr. Hugo Valdemar Romero, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mexico.

The Catholic Church Acquitted an HIV-Infected Priest Who Raped 30 Girls, Say Gullible Websites

Well that's an inconvenient truth LOL
Catholic Church ACQUITS Mexican priest who admitted raping 30 young girls even though he knew he was infected with HIV
  • The priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was cleared of wrongdoing even though he admitted to assaulting the girls
  • The victims, whose ages range from five to 10 years old, live in the predominantly indigenous state of Oaxaca in southern Mexico
  • The mother of one of the victims reportedly sought a meeting with Pope Francis in the Vatican, but was rebuffed
  • Since assuming the papacy, Pope Francis has said the church would remove bishops who cover up sex crimes by priests against children

Read more: Mexican priest with HIV who raped 30 young girls absolved by church
Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook

I will never understand how a parent can continue to leave their children anywhere near a fucking catholic priest. These monsters have been raping children for 2000 years and still, the damn parents take their children to a catholic priest.

IOW, complicit in the constant molesting and raping of children are the church, the priests and the parents. (The Friendly Atheist) is one news source that actually checked facts. There is no picture of Jose Garcia Ataulfo, no record that such a person ever worked in the diocese.

It is best not to spread rumors.

SIAME, the communications office of the Archdiocese of Mexico, has stated that the supposed priest José Ataulfo is not listed in their jurisdiction’s records, nor in those of the Archdiocese of Antequera, Oaxaca.

“This supposed priest does not belong to the Archdiocese of Mexico — as Anonymous Mexico asserts — much less has he been let off, as the post irresponsibly and maliciously states,” stated Fr. Hugo Valdemar Romero, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of Mexico.

The Catholic Church Acquitted an HIV-Infected Priest Who Raped 30 Girls, Say Gullible Websites

Thank you for checking this out.
Not so fast.

Here he is:


HIV-Infected Priest Who Confessed to Ra’ping Over 30 Young Girls, Acquitted by Catholic Church in Mexico

The Catholic Church has exonerated an HIV-infected priest who has confessed to raping close to 30 young girls between the ages of five and 10 years old.

According to a shocking report, the priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was forgiven of any offense by the Archdiocese of Mexico.
Ataulfo has admitted to sexually assaulting indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population.

The priest has yet to face any criminal charges, most likely due to the significant influence that the Catholic Church wields in Mexico, particularly in areas populated by indigenous ethnic groups.

This confirms Luddly's story. As for the Catholic people here, SassyIrishlass, Weatherman, Penelope, Meriwether, I would like to ask you a question. Why can you not put aside your concern for the reputation of Roman Catholicism and consider the suffering these children endured at the hands of this priest? He confessed. Why can't any of you accept that and address it? I would like to remind each of you that God sees everything. That none of you have shown any sign of compassion for these children ages 5 years old to 10 years old is highly disturbing. Your response concerning this story is very troubling. There is no excuse to insinuating the story is untrue or highly exaggerated. The priest confessed. What more would you need?
Not so fast.

Here he is:


HIV-Infected Priest Who Confessed to Ra’ping Over 30 Young Girls, Acquitted by Catholic Church in Mexico

The Catholic Church has exonerated an HIV-infected priest who has confessed to raping close to 30 young girls between the ages of five and 10 years old.

According to a shocking report, the priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was forgiven of any offense by the Archdiocese of Mexico.
Ataulfo has admitted to sexually assaulting indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population.

The priest has yet to face any criminal charges, most likely due to the significant influence that the Catholic Church wields in Mexico, particularly in areas populated by indigenous ethnic groups.

This confirms Luddly's story. As for the Catholic people here, SassyIrishlass, Weatherman, Penelope, Meriwether, I would like to ask you a question. Why can you not put aside your concern for the reputation of Roman Catholicism and consider the suffering these children endured at the hands of this priest? He confessed. Why can't any of you accept that and address it? I would like to remind each of you that God sees everything. That none of you have shown any sign of compassion for these children ages 5 years old to 10 years old is highly disturbing. Your response concerning this story is very troubling. There is no excuse to insinuating the story is untrue or highly exaggerated. The priest confessed. What more would you need?

Your source for the picture? One can find all sorts of images for that name. Need a source linking that image to a priest of that name in the diocese of Mexico, or the one that adjoins it.

No major news source is carrying this story, and it supposedly broke three days ago.
Here is another story coming out of Mexico about the case:

Así no Francisco: Absuelven a sacerdote con HIV que abusó de 30 niñas indígenas

Así no Francisco: Absuelven a sacerdote con HIV que abusó de 30 niñas indígenas
Desde que Jorge Omar Bergoglio asumió su pontificado como papa Francisco hizo uno de sus banderas la condena de la pedofilia que tanto ha manchado a la Iglesia Católica Apostólica Romana. Pero la condena no debe limitarse a las palabras sino que sería conveniente acompañarla con hechos. No ayuda al Obispo de Roma lo que está sucediendo en Oaxaca, México.
Por Urgente24

Lunes 19 de septiembre de 2016

16:23 hs


Al parecer la Arquidiócesis decidió absolver de cualquier delito y castigo a Ataulfo García, pese a la evidencia que salió a la opinión pública en julio.
El sacerdote José Ataulfo García fue absuelto de cualquier delito por la Arquidiócesis Primada de México tras confesar haber abusado sexualmente de decenas de niñas en la comunidad indígena de Oaxaca, según informa la plataforma 'Anonymous' de México. Al delito de abuso y violación de unas 30 niñas de entre 5 y 10 años, admitido por el propio clérigo, se suma el hecho de que García es portador de HIV.

Ni el Estado de México ni ninguna organización defensora de los derechos de la niñez se ha pronunciado sobre esta absolución, probablemente debido al respeto que la Iglesia Católica inspira en las zonas indígenas. Además, esta institución religiosa cuenta con una gran influencia en las instituciones mexicanas: de la gran cantidad de víctimas, solo 2 se atrevieron a denunciar oficialmente.

El sitio de internet citó a la revista "Hablemos de México"como fuente de la denuncia original, en julio, en respuesta a que la madre de una de las víctimas pidió reunirse con el papa Francisco; sin embargo, con escrito desde Roma se dio a conocer el dictamen del caso.

Con el caso de los Legionarios de Cristo, la creación clerical del degenerado sacerdote Marcial Maciel Degollado, México ya se encuentra saturado de denuncias sobre comportamiento condenable de curas católicos.

Pero en algunas ocasiones, prevaleció la justicia: luego de abusar sexualmente de un menor de edad hace más de 20 años y después de que en 2007 fuera acusado de delito de pederastia, el sacerdote Carlos López Valdez fue detenido e ingresado a prisión, de acuerdo a la revista Reforma, y el hombre quedó en el Reclusorio Preventivo Varonil Oriente.

Según lo denunciado, López Valdez fue acusado de pederastia en agosto del 2007 por el joven Jesús Romero, de quien abusó sexualmente durante 4 años (a partir de los 11 años de la víctima, quien era monaguillo, en la casa de López Valdez en Cuernavaca y en la Parroquia de San Agustín de las Cuevas, en Tlalpan, de donde era párroco), desde 1994 hasta 1998. Sabiendo esto, el Tribunal Eclesiástico de la Arquidiócesis Primada de México solicitó que se iniciara el juicio canónico contra Carlos.

Famoso fue el caso de Carlos Franco Pérez Méndez: madre y otros familiares del catequista Lenin Moisés López Jiménez encararon al vicario pastoral de la Catedral de Oaxaca, para declararse inocente de la acusación de violación agravada.

Lenin Moisés gritó: “Yo afirmo que el padre Carlos Franco Pérez Méndez me violó”.

Y el presbítero respondió: “¡Soy inocente de la infamia cometida contra mi persona!”.

Se afirmó que existe una lista de obispos y sacerdotes pederastas. El religioso fue identificado con el nombre de José Ataulfo García, quien era sacerdote en una comunidad indígena de Oaxaca.

A pesar del número de niñas de las que supuestamente abusó el sacerdote, únicamente 2 se atrevieron a denunciar.

Según la Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe, José Ataulfo García se encuentra libre de cualquier acusación.

Aquí el despacho de la web mexicana Sin Embargo:

El sacerdote José Ataulfo García confesó haber abusado sexualmente de al menos 30 niñas indígenas en Oaxaca a pesar de estar contagiado del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH), sin embargo, fue absuelto por la Arquidiócesis Primada de México, según Anonymous.

En julio pasado, el sacerdote confesó haber abusado de decenas de niñas de entre cinco y 10 años de edad siendo portador del VIH, luego de que los padres de dos menores interpusieron una denuncia en su contra.

La madre de una de las víctimas pretendía enviar el caso al Vaticano, sin embargo, este sólo fue turnado a la Arquidiócesis de México.

Después de tres meses de “indagar”, la Sagrada Congregación para la Doctrina de la Fe de México determinó que Ataulfo García “está libre de cualquier acusación”.

Las denuncias contra miembros de la Iglesia católica mexicana por pederastia han sido reclamadas por asociaciones civiles y padres de familia, pero las autoridades no han intervenidos y los responsables no son juzgados.

Ataulfo García es parte de una larga lista de sacerdotes pederastas en México, igual que Gerardo Silvestre Hernández, quien fue detenido en 2013 en agravio a un niño zapoteca, caso por el que se destapó un centenar de abusos cometidos por el religioso.

Lenin López, un joven de 19 años de edad, acusó en julio pasado al ex vicario de la catedral metropolitana de la ciudad de Oaxaca, Carlos Franco Pérez, de haberlo violado dos meses atras, sin embargo, el clérigo fue declarado inocente por falta de pruebas.

Enviá tu comentario
His name is in this news story - look -
El sacerdote José Ataulfo García confesó haber abusado sexualmente de al menos 30 niñas indígenas en Oaxaca a pesar de estar contagiado del Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana
The mothers and fathers in the video are enraged against these officials - they clearly are very, very angry! I don't need to understand their language to see how upset they are.
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Not so fast.

Here he is:


HIV-Infected Priest Who Confessed to Ra’ping Over 30 Young Girls, Acquitted by Catholic Church in Mexico

The Catholic Church has exonerated an HIV-infected priest who has confessed to raping close to 30 young girls between the ages of five and 10 years old.

According to a shocking report, the priest, Jose Garcia Ataulfo, was forgiven of any offense by the Archdiocese of Mexico.
Ataulfo has admitted to sexually assaulting indigenous young girls from Oaxaca, a state in southern Mexico known for its large indigenous population.

The priest has yet to face any criminal charges, most likely due to the significant influence that the Catholic Church wields in Mexico, particularly in areas populated by indigenous ethnic groups.

This confirms Luddly's story. As for the Catholic people here, SassyIrishlass, Weatherman, Penelope, Meriwether, I would like to ask you a question. Why can you not put aside your concern for the reputation of Roman Catholicism and consider the suffering these children endured at the hands of this priest? He confessed. Why can't any of you accept that and address it? I would like to remind each of you that God sees everything. That none of you have shown any sign of compassion for these children ages 5 years old to 10 years old is highly disturbing. Your response concerning this story is very troubling. There is no excuse to insinuating the story is untrue or highly exaggerated. The priest confessed. What more would you need?

Your source for the picture? One can find all sorts of images for that name. Need a source linking that image to a priest of that name in the diocese of Mexico, or the one that adjoins it.

No major news source is carrying this story, and it supposedly broke three days ago.
His photograph is at the top of the news story about how he admitted to raping 30 children ages 5 to 10 years old. Had you clicked the link you would have seen it. It does not appear that you are searching very hard for the truth. Doesn't take too much effort to click a news link, meriwether.

HIV-Infected Priest Who Confessed to Ra’ping Over 30 Young Girls, Acquitted by Catholic Church in Mexico
click the link and see his photograph
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It would be nice to see those who tried to bury this story and claimed it wasn't true - make an apology to the victims, their parents and a few news reporters who refused to be bullied into silence by the Vatican like major media news sources in the USA appear to have been. It's the right thing to do. Don't you think so?

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