Capitalism or Communism? Is communism really that horrible?

The historical Christ opposed Roman power and the monied elite. In his treatment of the poor he is a lot closer to Marx than the GOP leadership understands.

uber stupid but perfectly 100% liberal !!!! The USSR and Red China put 2 countries on liberal welfare programs and slowly starved 70 million to death, whereas when China switched and put them on Republican capitalism they instantly started getting rich!!

A child can understand this just not a liberal!!
The government regulated privateers and cannons for individuals.


The militia belong to Springfield and had been called out by the authorities. There was no private militia.


You are entitled to your wrong opinion about "infringe." Obama has no EO power to ban guns so I am not worried about that.

The only thing you worry about is posting the Soros talking points so that you can get your stipend check.

You will obey the legislatures, national and state, on these matters. Choices have consequences.

Your lust for a totalitarian dictatorship is indicative of your mental illness, but said dictatorship is not a reality at this juncture.
Uncensored believes there were no letters of marque.

The state leaders authorized a militia to operate officially, not privately, in subduing Shays.

Obama has no EO power to ban guns.

Uncensored is responsible for the consequences of choices: Nazis such as he hate that.
The government regulated privateers and cannons for individuals.

The militia belong to Springfield and had been called out by the authorities. There was no private militia.

You are entitled to your wrong opinion about "infringe." Obama has no EO power to ban guns so I am not worried about that.

You will obey the legislatures, national and state, on these matters. Choices have consequences.

Yeah I don't know what to tell you, everything you said is false.

From Wiki, if you have Wiki problems you can reference the source within wiki or I'll find you a scholarly one: " A militia raised as a private army defeated a Shaysite (rebel) attempt to seize the federal Springfield Armory in late January 1787, killing four and wounding 20. "

Your problem is that you seem to think every single thing the government does is good and needs to be obeyed. I could see you high stepping down central Berlin.
The quotation is false in that the militia had been authorized by competent authorized leadership. You need to do your own research.

Your final paragraph is a false assessment based on your own inadequacies not mine.
Uncensored believes there were no letters of marque.

The state leaders authorized a militia to operate officially, not privately, in subduing Shays.

Yeah, you're lying.

Obama has no EO power to ban guns.

He had no EO power to pass the Dream Act, but that didn't stop him/

Uncensored is responsible for the consequences of choices: Nazis such as he hate that.

You really are a retarded little monkey. A shit flinging feral baboon.

Jakematters; get thee to a baboonary.
Governor Bowdoin was unsympathetic to the farmers' cause and he dispatched a militia financed by Boston merchants headed by former Revolutionary War General Benjamin Lincoln as well as General William Shepard's local militia of 900 men to protect the Springfield court so that it could continue to process property confiscations. [13] Zinn, Howard. 1995. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper. p. 93.

All done at the direction of the governor. Nothing private.

Uncensored may go back to servicing his male customers. You NaziCons are despicable.
Governor Bowdoin was unsympathetic to the farmers' cause and he dispatched a militia financed by Boston merchants headed by former Revolutionary War General Benjamin Lincoln as well as General William Shepard's local militia of 900 men to protect the Springfield court so that it could continue to process property confiscations. [13] Zinn, Howard. 1995. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper. p. 93.

So even the Communist revisionist Zinn acknowledges that it was a private militia financed by Boston merchants.

What a fucktard you are.

All done at the direction of the governor. Nothing private.

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

Uncensored may go back to servicing his male customers. You NaziCons are despicable.

Jakematters, you're a shit flinging feral baboon.
This was done by government authorization not by the authority of a private militia.

Governor Bowdoin was unsympathetic to the farmers' cause and he dispatched a militia financed by Boston merchants headed by former Revolutionary War General Benjamin Lincoln as well as General William Shepard's local militia of 900 men to protect the Springfield court so that it could continue to process property confiscations. [13] Zinn, Howard. 1995. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper. p. 93.

So even the Communist revisionist Zinn acknowledges that it was a private militia financed by Boston merchants. What a fucktard you are.

All done at the direction of the governor. Nothing private.

Holy fuck but you're stupid.

Uncensored may go back to servicing his male customers. You NaziCons are despicable.

Jakematters, you're a shit flinging feral baboon.
The historical Christ opposed Roman power and the monied elite. In his treatment of the poor he is a lot closer to Marx than the GOP leadership understands. Of course, they use Christ to cajole red state America into the voting booth. Reagan was estranged from his children, and he passed the most liberal abortion policy in California's history. He never stepped foot in a church until he realized that the GOP needed the south and heartland to win elections. [of course, you can't tell republican voters this because they idolize their Washington leaders (like Reagan) more than the rest of us (who know that politicians lie about their values to get elected).]

I'm sorry, but in what was was Christ "close to Marx"? If you're going to make asinine statements like that, you'd better have REAMS of evidence to back it up.

As for Reagan, I fail to see what ANYONE'S family relationship problems have to do with anything, and coughing up long, LONG ago mistakes as representative of his whole lifelong political attitudes is too stupidly blatant to even deserve to be called disingenuous. I was a Communist for a whole year when I was 13, but I wouldn't expect anyone to believe that had jack shit to do with my positions NOW.

It never ceases to amaze me how leftists CHAMPION the right of people to be accepted as whatever they want to self-identify as, even down to self-determining their own gender, EXCEPT when they suddenly want to pull a Miss Cleo and tell us that someone wasn't REALLY a Christian, no matter what they said or what church they attended, because the "brilliant" leftist in question - who actually couldn't find his own ass with a map and a Native American guide - knows better than the person does what they're thinking, feeling, and believing.

I think that pretty much sums up everything that needs to be said about and to you at this point. Please come back if you need to be spit upon again.
So, if I use my money and build an army and then I let you borrow it, that's not still a private army lol? The man could have said no, it was done at the direction of the guy the Governor called.
So, if I use my money and build an army and then I let you borrow it, that's not still a private army lol? The man could have said no, it was done at the direction of the guy the Governor called.

The guy was operated with the legal authority of the state, not his own.

It was no longer a private militia, with the organization and the membership subject to the military laws of the State of Massachusetts.

Is this hard to understand? The militia could not act without the Governor's authorization.
I'm sorry, but in what was was Christ "close to Marx"? If you're going to make asinine statements like that, you'd better have REAMS of evidence to back it up.

a liberal sees welfare as Christ-like, but not capitalism simply because a liberal lacks the IQ to understand how capitalism works and the way it has transformed life on this planet.
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Governor Bowdoin was unsympathetic to the farmers' cause and he dispatched a militia financed by Boston merchants headed by former Revolutionary War General Benjamin Lincoln as well as General William Shepard's local militia of 900 men to protect the Springfield court so that it could continue to process property confiscations. [13] Zinn, Howard. 1995. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper. p. 93.

All done at the direction of the governor. Nothing private.

Uncensored may go back to servicing his male customers. You NaziCons are despicable.
Zinn? Really?

If your claims of being a moderate Republican ever had a shred of credibility, you just flushed it down the toilet.

Zinn is a progressive liar. Only other progressives quote him as a reliable source.
Governor Bowdoin was unsympathetic to the farmers' cause and he dispatched a militia financed by Boston merchants headed by former Revolutionary War General Benjamin Lincoln as well as General William Shepard's local militia of 900 men to protect the Springfield court so that it could continue to process property confiscations. [13] Zinn, Howard. 1995. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper. p. 93.

All done at the direction of the governor. Nothing private.

Uncensored may go back to servicing his male customers. You NaziCons are despicable.
Zinn? Really?

If your claims of being a moderate Republican ever had a shred of credibility, you just flushed it down the toilet.

Zinn is a progressive liar. Only other progressives quote him as a reliable source.

And even they can't do so with a straight face.
Governor Bowdoin was unsympathetic to the farmers' cause and he dispatched a militia financed by Boston merchants headed by former Revolutionary War General Benjamin Lincoln as well as General William Shepard's local militia of 900 men to protect the Springfield court so that it could continue to process property confiscations. [13] Zinn, Howard. 1995. A People's History of the United States. New York: Harper. p. 93.

All done at the direction of the governor. Nothing private.

Uncensored may go back to servicing his male customers. You NaziCons are despicable.
Zinn? Really?

If your claims of being a moderate Republican ever had a shred of credibility, you just flushed it down the toilet.

Zinn is a progressive liar. Only other progressives quote him as a reliable source.

It's no surprise that Fakey would refer to Howard Zinn. He recently got caught using propaganda from official organs of the Communist government of Cuba to defend that government.
bripat, a liar, recently got using propaganda sources from the fascist cuban ultra right and from communist sources of the World Health Organization. bripat is a a historian as well. :lol:

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