Cantor pulls out of Biden debt talks

Yes you can do it by attacking half the equation. When you cut spending the tax dollars that are saved from that cut can then be spent elsewhere. Lowering the debt expenditures in essence raises your disposable income.
I know the concept is complicated but as with learning to ride a bike if you keep trying one day you'll get it!

When you ignore revenue you have to cut twice as much spending. Given the limited amount of discretionary spending, it is not as easy as Republicans claim

Would you agree to a tax increase that was 100% dedicated to debt reduction?

I probably would depending on the scope of the tax. Ie one time tax and cuts would have to be huge and I'm not talking about cuts to one time expenditures.
But there is a box you can check on your tax return to do just that. How many times have you checked that box?

We have added $8 trillion in debt since the Bush/Obama tax cuts. This debt is the result of the costs of two wars, Medicare Part D, TARP, Stimulus, war on terror while we cut our revenue

Poor fiscal responsibility
When you ignore revenue you have to cut twice as much spending. Given the limited amount of discretionary spending, it is not as easy as Republicans claim

Would you agree to a tax increase that was 100% dedicated to debt reduction?

I probably would depending on the scope of the tax. Ie one time tax and cuts would have to be huge and I'm not talking about cuts to one time expenditures.
But there is a box you can check on your tax return to do just that. How many times have you checked that box?

We have added $8 trillion in debt since the Bush/Obama tax cuts. This debt is the result of the costs of two wars, Medicare Part D, TARP, Stimulus, war on terror while we cut our revenue

Poor fiscal responsibility

Nice dodge. I'll ask again, how many times have you checked that box?
How soon will TM get up a post on Republican obstructionism and a Republican desire to trash the economy forever?

Repbulicans just want to starve seniors, kill baby seals, and beat redheaded stepchildren while putting minorities in the ghetto.

Did I do a good impression?

You forgot the most important part, give more money to the rich at the expense of the working class.

You fogot voting. Shit. How could your forget that the evil Reps keep minorities from voting?? She's proven it after all. LOL
I probably would depending on the scope of the tax. Ie one time tax and cuts would have to be huge and I'm not talking about cuts to one time expenditures.
But there is a box you can check on your tax return to do just that. How many times have you checked that box?

We have added $8 trillion in debt since the Bush/Obama tax cuts. This debt is the result of the costs of two wars, Medicare Part D, TARP, Stimulus, war on terror while we cut our revenue

Poor fiscal responsibility

Nice dodge. I'll ask again, how many times have you checked that box?


It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt
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I'm okay with it. Somebody needs to call Obama and the Dems on their disingenuous and faux attempts at bipartisanship.

“Each each side came into these talks with certain orders, and as it stands the Democrats continue to insist that any deal must include tax increases,” Cantor said in a statement. “There is not support in the House for a tax increase, and I don’t believe now is the time to raise taxes in light of our current economic situation. Regardless of the progress that has been made, the tax issue must be resolved before discussions can continue.”

“Given this impasse, I will not be participating in today’s meeting and I believe it is time for the President to speak clearly and resolve the tax issue. Once resolved, we have a blueprint to move forward to trillions of spending cuts and binding mechanisms to change the way things are done around here.”

Cantor pulls out of deficit talks - David Rogers -

How many House Republicans voted in favor of eliminating Federal subsidies for Ethanol? Did they not already vote for a tax increase by doing this? More BS and grandstanding from the likes of Eric Cantor.
This morning we find out that House Majority leader Eric Cantor is withdrawing from negotiations over the debt ceiling talks, citing the dems unwillingness to move from thir stance on tax hikes. Cantor says a tax hike cannot pass the House and so he pulled out of the meetings.

My opinion, he can spout off about it, but walking away does not look good. Reminds me of the dems that left Wisconsin or Indiana a little bit, you're supposed to keep fighting and talking rather than quit. I'm sure this is an attempt to apply political pressure on the president, McConnell is already saying the president has to lead. Maybe it makes political sense, but could backfire if the public's perception is that the GOP is being too stubborn and uncooperative. People want results not finger pointing.

This actually walking out on doing his doing, taxpayer pays him to do his job, I wonder what would happen if I walked out on doing my job?

Funny, you were cheering the Wisconsin dipshits when they were hiding out.......
We have added $8 trillion in debt since the Bush/Obama tax cuts. This debt is the result of the costs of two wars, Medicare Part D, TARP, Stimulus, war on terror while we cut our revenue

Poor fiscal responsibility

Nice dodge. I'll ask again, how many times have you checked that box?


It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By Penny Starr

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163 |

EXCUSE ME , if you liberals insist on slaugtering your kids, PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELVES and Planned Parenthood can suck it. Once 2012 is here, they're on their own, if not before.. the days of tax payer funded infanticide are coming to an end. Buy your own damn condoms, birth control and take some responsibility.. EVERY DIME COUNTS, NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD.
We have added $8 trillion in debt since the Bush/Obama tax cuts. This debt is the result of the costs of two wars, Medicare Part D, TARP, Stimulus, war on terror while we cut our revenue

Poor fiscal responsibility

Nice dodge. I'll ask again, how many times have you checked that box?


It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt

If everyone used that box the results wouldn't be silly. Just like people say votes don't count so why bother. I'm certainly not claiming that as an option to lower the debt. I was just curious how serious you were. And planned parenthood like every other business (oil, agriculture) should not be subsidized by public tax money.
I'm okay with it. Somebody needs to call Obama and the Dems on their disingenuous and faux attempts at bipartisanship.

“Each each side came into these talks with certain orders, and as it stands the Democrats continue to insist that any deal must include tax increases,” Cantor said in a statement. “There is not support in the House for a tax increase, and I don’t believe now is the time to raise taxes in light of our current economic situation. Regardless of the progress that has been made, the tax issue must be resolved before discussions can continue.”

“Given this impasse, I will not be participating in today’s meeting and I believe it is time for the President to speak clearly and resolve the tax issue. Once resolved, we have a blueprint to move forward to trillions of spending cuts and binding mechanisms to change the way things are done around here.”

Cantor pulls out of deficit talks - David Rogers -

How many House Republicans voted in favor of eliminating Federal subsidies for Ethanol? Did they not already vote for a tax increase by doing this? More BS and grandstanding from the likes of Eric Cantor.

Eric Cantor is wrong for walking out but your rotten liberal reps have ZERO credibility on this issue.. They never passed a budget to begin with when they had the freaking votes.. People in glass houses.
Nice dodge. I'll ask again, how many times have you checked that box?


It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By Penny Starr

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163 |

EXCUSE ME , if you liberals insist on slaugtering your kids, PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELVES and Planned Parenthood can suck it. Once 2012 is here, they're on their own, if not before.. the days of tax payer funded infanticide are coming to an end. Buy your own damn condoms, birth control and take some responsibility.. EVERY DIME COUNTS, NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

And if you idiot conservatives insist on forcing women to have children they cannot afford, who pays?
I'm okay with it. Somebody needs to call Obama and the Dems on their disingenuous and faux attempts at bipartisanship.

“Each each side came into these talks with certain orders, and as it stands the Democrats continue to insist that any deal must include tax increases,” Cantor said in a statement. “There is not support in the House for a tax increase, and I don’t believe now is the time to raise taxes in light of our current economic situation. Regardless of the progress that has been made, the tax issue must be resolved before discussions can continue.”

“Given this impasse, I will not be participating in today’s meeting and I believe it is time for the President to speak clearly and resolve the tax issue. Once resolved, we have a blueprint to move forward to trillions of spending cuts and binding mechanisms to change the way things are done around here.”

Cantor pulls out of deficit talks - David Rogers -

How many House Republicans voted in favor of eliminating Federal subsidies for Ethanol? Did they not already vote for a tax increase by doing this? More BS and grandstanding from the likes of Eric Cantor.

Eric Cantor is wrong for walking out but your rotten liberal reps have ZERO credibility on this issue.. They never passed a budget to begin with when they had the freaking votes.. People in glass houses.

I'm guessing you are not going to answer my question?

It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By Penny Starr

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163 |

EXCUSE ME , if you liberals insist on slaugtering your kids, PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELVES and Planned Parenthood can suck it. Once 2012 is here, they're on their own, if not before.. the days of tax payer funded infanticide are coming to an end. Buy your own damn condoms, birth control and take some responsibility.. EVERY DIME COUNTS, NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

And if you idiot conservatives insist on forcing women to have children they cannot afford, who pays?

HEY STOOPID, since when has it become the taxpayers responsibility to provide financial care for other people's kids?? How about keep your fuckin legs closed?? Gee, there's a concept.. CAN'T AFFORD KIDS??? Get on birth control OR REMAIN CELIBATE, otherwise you're on your own.. PERIOD. GOT IT?
Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By Penny Starr

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163 |

EXCUSE ME , if you liberals insist on slaugtering your kids, PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELVES and Planned Parenthood can suck it. Once 2012 is here, they're on their own, if not before.. the days of tax payer funded infanticide are coming to an end. Buy your own damn condoms, birth control and take some responsibility.. EVERY DIME COUNTS, NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

And if you idiot conservatives insist on forcing women to have children they cannot afford, who pays?

HEY STOOPID, since when has it become the taxpayers responsibility to provide financial care for other people's kids?? How about keep your fuckin legs closed?? Gee, there's a concept.. CAN'T AFFORD KIDS??? Get on birth control OR REMAIN CELIBATE, otherwise you're on your own.. PERIOD. GOT IT?

That's it. Force the children to be born, and then leave them in the street. You're all heart.

It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By Penny Starr

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163 |

EXCUSE ME , if you liberals insist on slaugtering your kids, PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELVES and Planned Parenthood can suck it. Once 2012 is here, they're on their own, if not before.. the days of tax payer funded infanticide are coming to an end. Buy your own damn condoms, birth control and take some responsibility.. EVERY DIME COUNTS, NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

And if you idiot conservatives insist on forcing women to have children they cannot afford, who pays?
HERE IT IS folks.. the LIBERAL mentality of , 'I can fuck around, get pregnant and if you don't pay for my abortion then you have to pay to raise my kids. LIBERALS = SICK DEPENDENT ASSHOLES
And if you idiot conservatives insist on forcing women to have children they cannot afford, who pays?

HEY STOOPID, since when has it become the taxpayers responsibility to provide financial care for other people's kids?? How about keep your fuckin legs closed?? Gee, there's a concept.. CAN'T AFFORD KIDS??? Get on birth control OR REMAIN CELIBATE, otherwise you're on your own.. PERIOD. GOT IT?

That's it. Force the children to be born, and then leave them in the street. You're all heart.

DIPSHIT, who forced you to spread your legs KNOWING you can't afford the consequences of YOUR OWN action??? DIPSHIT, who forced you to FOREGO birth control? Huh DIPSHIT?
This morning we find out that House Majority leader Eric Cantor is withdrawing from negotiations over the debt ceiling talks, citing the dems unwillingness to move from thir stance on tax hikes. Cantor says a tax hike cannot pass the House and so he pulled out of the meetings.

My opinion, he can spout off about it, but walking away does not look good. Reminds me of the dems that left Wisconsin or Indiana a little bit, you're supposed to keep fighting and talking rather than quit. I'm sure this is an attempt to apply political pressure on the president, McConnell is already saying the president has to lead. Maybe it makes political sense, but could backfire if the public's perception is that the GOP is being too stubborn and uncooperative. People want results not finger pointing.

It's alot more different then the Dems who walked out of Wisconsin, Cantor walked out because there was an impasse, the Wisconsin Dems left the state entirely because they did not want to be put on record with their votes. The latter was the more pussy thing to do.
It's okay though, after 2012 when the GOP has a super majority, the Dems that are left will have alot of vacation time to leave their states and DC altogether to avoid being put on the record.
HEY STOOPID, since when has it become the taxpayers responsibility to provide financial care for other people's kids?? How about keep your fuckin legs closed?? Gee, there's a concept.. CAN'T AFFORD KIDS??? Get on birth control OR REMAIN CELIBATE, otherwise you're on your own.. PERIOD. GOT IT?

That's it. Force the children to be born, and then leave them in the street. You're all heart.

DIPSHIT, who forced you to spread your legs KNOWING you can't afford the consequences of YOUR OWN action??? DIPSHIT, who forced you to FOREGO birth control? Huh DIPSHIT?

Your hatred is getting in the way of your comprehension. I could care less about the women, or the men for that matter. However, if NO ONE is to blame here, it is the innocent child that you want to force to be born, and then don't want your precious tax dollars used for care after the fact.
This morning we find out that House Majority leader Eric Cantor is withdrawing from negotiations over the debt ceiling talks, citing the dems unwillingness to move from thir stance on tax hikes. Cantor says a tax hike cannot pass the House and so he pulled out of the meetings.

My opinion, he can spout off about it, but walking away does not look good. Reminds me of the dems that left Wisconsin or Indiana a little bit, you're supposed to keep fighting and talking rather than quit. I'm sure this is an attempt to apply political pressure on the president, McConnell is already saying the president has to lead. Maybe it makes political sense, but could backfire if the public's perception is that the GOP is being too stubborn and uncooperative. People want results not finger pointing.

This actually walking out on doing his doing, taxpayer pays him to do his job, I wonder what would happen if I walked out on doing my job?

Funny, you were cheering the Wisconsin dipshits when they were hiding out.......

When did I do that Uncle Driveby?
Nice dodge. I'll ask again, how many times have you checked that box?


It is a gimmick that will do nothing to touch $14.5 trillion in debt. If we are going to be serious, we need to take serious measures to increase public revenue while decreasing spending.

Sacred cows need to be cut

- Social security
- Medicare
- Military

Silly boxes on your tax forms and killing Planned Parenthood is not attacking our debt

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163
Thursday, November 11, 2010
By Penny Starr

Planned Parenthood Got $349.6 Million in Tax Dollars, Performed 324,008 Abortions, Paid Its President $385,163 |

EXCUSE ME , if you liberals insist on slaugtering your kids, PAY FOR IT YOUR DAMN SELVES and Planned Parenthood can suck it. Once 2012 is here, they're on their own, if not before.. the days of tax payer funded infanticide are coming to an end. Buy your own damn condoms, birth control and take some responsibility.. EVERY DIME COUNTS, NO MORE TAX DOLLARS TO PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

Topic for another thread but Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than all of the rightwing obstructionist laws combined

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