Canada is building Us a bridge


יעקב כהן
Oct 19, 2010
They're paying for it anyway. All that oil money up there... Surpluses and stuff:cool:

Canada, Michigan announce new Detroit-Windsor bridge


Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Michigan Governor Rick Snyder announced a deal on Friday to build a new bridge linking Detroit and Windsor, a $4 billion project that officials say will help speed the flow of goods across North America's busiest commercial land border crossing.

The new bridge, which has been years in the making, involves a creative financing approach because the Michigan legislature blocked Snyder from using state funds.

Harper went as far as to say that he expects that finding a way to get the new bridge built be will his biggest accomplishment as prime minister.

"This is a great act of confidence in the future of the North American economy at a critical time," said Harper as he announced the pact in Windsor.

Canadian exporters have complained for years of congestion on the 83-year-old Ambassador Bridge that now serves as the main commercial connection between Windsor and Detroit, which they say has made it difficult to meet delivery deadlines and is hampering business.

The Windsor-Detroit corridor is Canada's most important trade artery. Nearly $200 billion of commerce crosses the Windsor-Detroit border corridor annually, Canadian officials say.

Under the deal, which Canadian transport officials say will create 10,000 to 15,000 jobs in Ontario and Michigan, Canada will fund the bridge, roadwork and other associated costs of the bridge.

Canada is to pay up to $550 million to cover Michigan's expense on the bridge, which will then allow the state to get up to $2 billion in U.S. federal matching funds.

Once the bridge opens, Michigan is to repay Canada for its portion of the cost with toll collections. Snyder said there will be no cost burden to Michigan taxpayers in building the bridge.

Several Canadian officials said construction of the new bridge will take four to five years, and one Canadian official said planning plus construction of the bridge will take six to seven years.

The total project, including construction of the bridge, customs inspection plazas, interstate interchanges and other work is expected to cost up to C$4 billion ($3.92 billion), Canadian officials say.

Canada, Michigan announce new Detroit-Windsor bridge | Reuters

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