Can you impeach and entire political party?

And what do the kids, pregnant single mothers, homeless people get from me if I put that $3 bucks straight in their pockets?

Giving directly to homeless people might make you feel better for a moment, but ultimately it's not what they need. What they need is food, shelter, health care, and a job. Giving a homeless person $3 on the street solves none of those problems in the long-term. And furthermore, we shouldn't have to rely on the benevolence of a few in order to help the needy. That sort of patriarchal nonsense is and always has been a joke.

So your answer is take $3 bucks from me, keep $2.89 and give 12 cents back to them..

Fuck you...

LMFAO, now you get what trump is doing playing you on the left at your own game..

The left doesn't collude with spies from hostile foreign powers to win elections.

Russia saved our constitution from you

<Russian Active Measures>

Not sure what any of what you're saying has to do with the lack of strategy from Trump and why, despite chemical weapon attacks by Assad on March 30th and April 4th, Trump launched strikes on April 7th, less than 24 hours after the news of Nunes recusing himself from the Russia investigation?

Don't change back quotes, little fascist, it is a violation of the Board TOS.

I know you can't support your position and are just a Soros drone posting hating points, but knock off the crap.
Correlation is not proof of causation.

Exactly. So "letting people (really, the rich) keep more of what they earn" does not cause increased economic activity, thereby undermining the central premise of your argument. Boy, that was easy. If the tax cuts are not the cause of the skyrocketing household debt and diminished savings rate, how come both spike dramatically anytime taxes are cut? That's what the data on the chart shows. Now, please proceed with your emotional argument like you're some kind of hysteric who is guided by emotions and not facts.

...or maybe there was a delay....or maybe savings went up?

As I said before; nothing but excuses. The tax cuts were not sold as a time-release benefit that "kicks in" after a certain amount of time. Who ever heard of such a thing? Sounds like a weak sauce excuse to me. When Brownback cut taxes in Kansas he promised they would be "a shot of adrenaline into the Kansas economy". They weren't. I'm no scientist, but even I know adrenaline doesn't take years to start.

And no, savings didn't go up. That is not what the chart of data says. So here's a case of a Conservative refusing to accept reality because it's too important for you to make an emotional argument. Yeeesh. All these emotions! Are you on your period or something?

So "letting people (really, the rich) keep more of what they earn" does not cause increased economic activity,

Prove it.

If the tax cuts are not the cause of the skyrocketing household debt and diminished savings rate, how come both spike dramatically anytime taxes are cut?

After Obama raised taxes, savings fell and debt increased.

As I said before; nothing but excuses.

There is no excuse for your lack of additional examples.
[Russia played NO part in the election. NO one changed their vote because of anything Russia did. There was no tampering with voting machines, there was no flood of absentee ballots there was not a person I have heard say that their vote was changed because of anything the Russians did. All I hear is the left wing chirping trying to come up with an excuse for them losing other then they just suck.

Wrong. Russia played a very large part in this election by employing KGB Active Measures and flooding the media with trumped-up allegations, misinformation, and most importantly, illegally hacking into the DNC.

Dirty tricks are common in American politics. Colluding with a hostile foreign power to employ dirty tricks is not. That's why this is a big deal. What Trump did was pretty much what Nixon did; have his operatives break into his political opponents in order to find anything that can be used as an Active Measure in the campaign. The difference is that Nixon had American operatives do the break-in, while Trump used Russians. Seems worse, doesn't it?
All you now need do is prove it. I realize that to a liberal wanted to believe and saying it is all they need do to shape their reality. But come on, you can't say this kind of made up crap without a shred of evidence.

Hillary and Bill were criminals. From running tanks into a tinder box and Waco and killing all those children to 40 crimes proven and prosecuted during the Whitewater investigation. They are dirty and we should be happy we are done with them. But I doubt you are objective enough to realize the damage they did.
Don't change back quotes, little fascist, it is a violation of the Board TOS.

Whining to the refs isn't going to make the timeline of Trump's Syria strike change.

March 30th: Assad launches Chemical Attack
April 4th: Assad launches Chemical Attack
April 6th: Nunes recuses himself from the Russia investigation
April 7th: Trump bombs Syria

Pretty obvious why the strike happened on April 7th and not March 31st, April 1st, April 2nd, April 3rd, April 4th, April 5th, or April 6th.
Don't change back quotes, little fascist, it is a violation of the Board TOS.

Whining to the refs isn't going to make the timeline of Trump's Syria strike change.

March 30th: Assad launches Chemical Attack
April 4th: Assad launches Chemical Attack
April 6th: Nunes recuses himself from the Russia investigation
April 7th: Trump bombs Syria

Pretty obvious why the strike happened on April 7th and not March 31st, April 1st, April 2nd, April 3rd, April 4th, April 5th, or April 6th.

I didn't whine to anyone, I told you straight out to behave. When you finish high school you'll understand to do this on your own.

Now, as for the evidence of the March 30 attack?

You love post hate memes from the Reich sites, but you virtually NEVER cite anything to support your crap.
Prove it.

That is not how debate works, friend. Furthermore, there is a fundamental flaw at the heart of your belief system. That flaw being that a tax cut translates to increased economic activity. It wasn't the case during Reagan and Bush the Dumber, it wasn't the case in Kansas during Brownback, it wasn't the case in Louisiana during Jindal, and it isn't the case in Wisconsin under Walker. So when has it ever happened in any meaningful or empirical way? Reagan raised taxes on the middle class almost immediately after he cut the top tax rate down from 70%. Congress also increased spending, per Reagan's request, by $32B for 1983 which is coincidentally the year the economy started moving.

The goalposts on the effect of tax cuts seem to always be moving with you guys. Sometimes, you say the tax cut will have an immediate effect, like "a shot of adrenaline". Other times you say that they need time to work. All times, the premise behind them is flawed. It would help if you had some consistent, coherent policy.

After Obama raised taxes, savings fell and debt increased.

Not true and not supported by the data. Try again.
Now, as for the evidence of the March 30 attack?

Turns out I was wrong. There wasn't just one attack on March 30th. There were two attacks prior to the one on April 6th; on March 25th and March 30th, according to the Washington Post:

"The Assad regime has launched attacks with industrial chemicals several times since 2013, including at least twice during the Drumpf administration, U.S. officials said. Senior military officials said last week at the Pentagon that attacks occurred March 25 and March 30, leading up to the more serious attack with a nerve agent April 4."

You love post hate memes from the Reich sites, but you virtually NEVER cite anything to support your crap.

I don't post memes at all. You are confused.
All you now need do is prove it.

That is what the four active investigations are in the process of doing. Did you hear the latest news? The dossier on Trump (the one that alleged he was peed upon by Russian prostitutes) is looking more and more reliable, according to the FBI.

The dossier that was proven to be fraud and political hack job last year? :eek:

You of the Soros Reich are gutter scum.

A former British intelligence officer, who is now a director of a London private security-and-investigations firm, has been identified as the author of the dossier of unverified allegations about President-elect Donald Trump’s activities and connections in Russia, according to the Wall Street Journal. A Christopher Steele, a director of London-based private intelligence company, Orbis, purportedly prepared the dossier under contract to both Republican and Democratic adversaries of then-candidate Trump. The poor grammar and shaky spelling plus the author’s use of KGB-style intelligence reporting, however, do not fit the image of a high-end London security company run by highly connected former British intelligence figures.

The PDF file of the 30-page typewritten report alleges that high Kremlin officials colluded with Trump, offered him multi-billion dollar bribes, and accumulated compromising evidence of Trump’s sexual escapades in Russia. That the dossier comes from former British intelligence officers appears, at first glance, to give it weight especially with Orbis’ claim of a “global network.” The U.S. intelligence community purportedly has examined the allegations but have not confirmed any of them. We can wait till hell freezes over. The material is not verifiable.

President-elect Trump has dismissed the dossier’s contents as false as has the Kremlin. Trump is right: The Orbis dossier is fake news.

I have studied Russia and the Soviet Union professionally since the mid-1960s. I have visited Russia as a scholar, as the head of a multi-year petroleum legislation project, and as a business consultant close to one hundred times. My first visit was in 1965 shortly after Nikita Khrushchev’s removal. I have a wide circle of friends and acquaintances in Russia, and I follow the Russian press regularly. I personally witnessed the creation in the early 90s of Russia’s giant energy concerns in the offices of the oil minister. I met with St. Petersburg officials in the early 90s but do not remember meeting then deputy mayor, Vladimir Putin. I have written and co-authored reports for the State Department, Congress, and the intelligence community; so I sort of know how these things work.

With the brief exception of the early to late 1990s, Russia has had a non-transparent system of rule that deliberately reveals little about itself. Both insiders and outsiders must look for subtle signs and signals. Russians and Russian experts are gossip junkies. They recite their tales of who is up and who is down to those foolish enough to listen. Outside researchers must grasp for flimsy straws to write their scholarly articles and books. Despite the greater openness of contemporary Russia, we are back to Kremlinology to learn how Putin’s kleptocracy works.}

The Trump Dossier Is Fake -- And Here Are The Reasons Why

You Brownshirts and the little Goebbels of Certainly Not News (CNN) are beyond despicable.
It is hard for me to believe that the GOP had no idea of the collusion between Trump and Russia. Not when Trump's eventual Chief-of-Staff, Reince Priebus, ran the RNC before taking the job in the White House. How could the RNC and by extension, the RSCC, the RCCC, Pence, McConnell, Ryan, McCarthy, Fox News, right-wing media, all of them not know or be a party to this? I am through giving them the benefit of the doubt. These people are compromised by Russian intelligence until they can prove otherwise. In the meantime, the entire agenda from Trump and the GOP should be put on indefinite hold until we can figure out what the hell is going on!!
Only at the ballot box
Prove it.

That is not how debate works, friend. Furthermore, there is a fundamental flaw at the heart of your belief system. That flaw being that a tax cut translates to increased economic activity. It wasn't the case during Reagan and Bush the Dumber, it wasn't the case in Kansas during Brownback, it wasn't the case in Louisiana during Jindal, and it isn't the case in Wisconsin under Walker. So when has it ever happened in any meaningful or empirical way? Reagan raised taxes on the middle class almost immediately after he cut the top tax rate down from 70%. Congress also increased spending, per Reagan's request, by $32B for 1983 which is coincidentally the year the economy started moving.

The goalposts on the effect of tax cuts seem to always be moving with you guys. Sometimes, you say the tax cut will have an immediate effect, like "a shot of adrenaline". Other times you say that they need time to work. All times, the premise behind them is flawed. It would help if you had some consistent, coherent policy.

After Obama raised taxes, savings fell and debt increased.

Not true and not supported by the data. Try again.

That flaw being that a tax cut translates to increased economic activity.

It seemed to work for Coolidge, LBJ, Reagan and GWB.

It wasn't the case during Reagan and Bush

You're mistaken.

Reagan raised taxes on the middle class almost immediately after he cut the top tax rate

He cut middle class taxes. Tell me more about his hike.

After Obama raised taxes, savings fell and debt increased

Not true and not supported by the data.

Obama hiked taxes in January 2013.

Now, as for the evidence of the March 30 attack?

Turns out I was wrong. There wasn't just one attack on March 30th. There were two attacks prior to the one on April 6th; on March 25th and March 30th, according to the Washington Post:

"The Assad regime has launched attacks with industrial chemicals several times since 2013, including at least twice during the Drumpf administration, U.S. officials said. Senior military officials said last week at the Pentagon that attacks occurred March 25 and March 30, leading up to the more serious attack with a nerve agent April 4."

You love post hate memes from the Reich sites, but you virtually NEVER cite anything to support your crap.

I don't post memes at all. You are confused.

Stupid AND dishonest? Yep, you're a Nazicrat! :thup:

From your own link;

{Nerve agents such as VX and sarin are among the most deadly chemical weapons, and are subject to the agreement Syria reached with the Organization for the Prohibition of Weapons in 2013. Other chemicals such as fluorine and chlorine are considered dangerous, but are not typically as deadly and can be used in industry. That has allowed the regime to continue possessing them, and created what some analysts call a loophole in the agreement.}

So the April 6 attack was the first that violated the treaty.

You brownshirts are something else; not even a HINT of integrity...
BTW Uncle Vlad is looking to run the table and sweep all 25 democrat Senators out of office in 2018 and..there's not a single fucking thing you can do to stop him!

Not me, US.

It's ironic that after hearing for nearly 80+ years from Conservatives that liberals want to turn the US into the Soviet Union, those same Conservatives are now defending an ex-KGB officer's attempts to subvert American democracy and break apart the western alliance.

The Conservatives have no integrity. I don't think they ever did.
It's only somewhat ironic. Republicans can tolerate a level of cognitive dissonance that would make a thinking man's head explode.

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