Can any of you explain to me why some Americans care about the Royal Family?

Harry has done nothing worth respect. He always wanted to rebel against his family and picked the worst way.
Harry is a regular guy
Fought in Afghanistan, drank beer with his mates, didn’t get all worked up in being a Prince
Harry has always poked a stick in his family's eye. He dressed as a Nazi officer for a party, had a whore filled booze and cocaine party in Las Vegas. He never liked his family except for his brother. Then he married a genuine American professional victim. That took even his brother.

The costume party was stupid. As we have seen in the news over the last year, many have done something similarly stupid in their youth. The Vegas thing? Really? The hookers need a week off after a Baptist convention. Lots of people do exactly the same thing in Vegas. So do I hold Harry to an impossibly high standard because he is/was a royal when he and his military mates went to Vegas? Or do I shrug and say Vegas Baby?

If you don’t like his choice for wife, don’t marry her.

It is a curious fact. In one breath people declare the Royals are no better than everyone else. In the very next people denounce the Royals for being no different than everyone else.

The entire upbringing of the Royal family is supposed to be different from the similarly stupid so that they don't do the same stupid shit. Harry however always seemed more calculated. He intended to hurt and humiliate his family. This includes his choice of a wife. It was a stick in the eye of the monarchy. He just miscalculated on how disagreeable a professional victim can be.

Oh nonsense. Harry has made some mistakes. We all have. But he has also done the right thing more than once.

First openly gay solider says Prince Harry saved him from homophobic bullies

Harry has shown leadership in the Military. It is public life where he is sometimes coming up a little short. Yet I ask the same question again. Name political leaders in our nation who send their children into the service. When will we see the Bush Girls, or the Obama Girls, or the Trumps headed to the Recruiters?

How many times have we started running around like our hair was on fire because the Obama girls or Bush Girls were daring to drink underage? Actions easily found on every College Campus in the nation. Oh no. Get the cops. They broke the law.

I will give Harry respect. He went to war three times. I wish him the best. Growing up in a spotlight could not have been easy. As for his stupid mistakes, if that is the worst he has done, then he is better than 90% of the rest of us.
Harry made no mistakes. He acted deliberately every time.
If you compare the amount of press coverage for people that have done nothing of importance can anyone explain our fascination with the Kardashians?

It's mostly the women and a few gays with the media itself completely obsessed.

It's probably just that the media has this crying need for copy, 24/7/365. They've got to write about SOMEthing. I've never heard American women talking about the British royals ever.

I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?
It's mostly the women and a few gays with the media itself completely obsessed.

It's probably just that the media has this crying need for copy, 24/7/365. They've got to write about SOMEthing. I've never heard American women talking about the British royals ever.

I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.
It's mostly the women and a few gays with the media itself completely obsessed.

It's probably just that the media has this crying need for copy, 24/7/365. They've got to write about SOMEthing. I've never heard American women talking about the British royals ever.

I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.

Hey, good response.

Big difference, America influences Canada and the world and they CANNOT become like Canada, or the West is finished. While the Royal Family have zero influence on America and are precisely what the Americans fought to get away from.
It's mostly the women and a few gays with the media itself completely obsessed.

It's probably just that the media has this crying need for copy, 24/7/365. They've got to write about SOMEthing. I've never heard American women talking about the British royals ever.

I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.

Hey, good response.

Big difference, America influences Canada and the world and they CANNOT become like Canada, or the West is finished. While the Royal Family have zero influence on America and are precisely what the Americans fought to get away from.

Irrelevant, eh. Every country influences others, especially neighbouring ones. That's << Canadian spelling in case you don't recognise it. Oops, did it again.

The point is you're asking why country "US" pays any attention to country "UK" while 100% of your posts from country "CA" are entirely paying attention to country "US". Even down to media that doesn't live where you purportedly live.

It's all aboot consistency. Either it's legitimate to nose in on the affairs of another country, or it isn't. Can't have it both ways, soory aboot that eh.
It's mostly the women and a few gays with the media itself completely obsessed.

It's probably just that the media has this crying need for copy, 24/7/365. They've got to write about SOMEthing. I've never heard American women talking about the British royals ever.

I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.

Hey, good response.

Big difference, America influences Canada and the world and they CANNOT become like Canada, or the West is finished. While the Royal Family have zero influence on America and are precisely what the Americans fought to get away from.

Well they didn't get away from them. An American is now a member of the Royal Family. HRH, no less.

God save the Queen.

A Canadian also is a member. Daughter-in-law to Princess Anne.
It's probably just that the media has this crying need for copy, 24/7/365. They've got to write about SOMEthing. I've never heard American women talking about the British royals ever.

I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.

Hey, good response.

Big difference, America influences Canada and the world and they CANNOT become like Canada, or the West is finished. While the Royal Family have zero influence on America and are precisely what the Americans fought to get away from.

Well they didn't get away from them. An American is now a member of the Royal Family. HRH, no less.

God save the Queen.

A Canadian also is a member. Daughter-in-law to Princess Anne.

I believe Winston Churchill was half-Yank was he not?

Then again, Eric Clapton is half-Canadian. He plays way better lead guitar than Sir Winston.
I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.

Hey, good response.

Big difference, America influences Canada and the world and they CANNOT become like Canada, or the West is finished. While the Royal Family have zero influence on America and are precisely what the Americans fought to get away from.

Well they didn't get away from them. An American is now a member of the Royal Family. HRH, no less.

God save the Queen.

A Canadian also is a member. Daughter-in-law to Princess Anne.

I believe Winston Churchill was half-Yank was he not?

Then again, Eric Clapton is half-Canadian.

No wonder Clapton couldn't get over playing the blues...
I honestly don't blame them. They have been born into this show, and their attitudes towards other has been regressive through generations of the same treatment and God like treatment. Just as I try and understand the poor single mother or her poor child born into the world, the super wealthy have a similar circumstance, it just happens to be on the other side of the spectrum.

Regardless, I find they are National Enquirer stuff. I'm glad Harry thumbs his nose at them. He at least can go out in the world with some level of respect, even if I will probably mock them and disagree with many of their "progressive" decisions. If they are free citizens, whatever.

Note: Even Tucker and now Hannity is covering it. I bet you Laura will too. LOL. Why?!

Why are you? If you don't give a shit about them?

It's kind of ironic that a "Canadian" (or so he claims) spends all his time here creating threads about the politics and even the media of a country that isn't his own, then wants to turn around and demand why people in that country follow the affairs of a third country's royalty. Nuttin' like consistency, eh.

Hey, good response.

Big difference, America influences Canada and the world and they CANNOT become like Canada, or the West is finished. While the Royal Family have zero influence on America and are precisely what the Americans fought to get away from.

Well they didn't get away from them. An American is now a member of the Royal Family. HRH, no less.

God save the Queen.

A Canadian also is a member. Daughter-in-law to Princess Anne.

I believe Winston Churchill was half-Yank was he not?

Then again, Eric Clapton is half-Canadian. He plays way better lead guitar than Sir Winston.

And Trump is half British.

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