Can a True Christian Church be closed due to the fake Coronavirus?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2008
Brooklyn, NYC
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.

It sort of falls under the heading of:
Matthew 22:21 Jesus said "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's; and to God the things that are God's." Romans 13:1 "Let every person be in subjection to the governing authorities."

Our relationship with Christ need not suffer due to a temporary lapse of a brick and mortar meeting. We have phones and texts and internet, and a ton of preachers on TV. Give the congregation homework...
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the HolYou as an idiot!y Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


YOU are an idiot!
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.

The Church is the people ... not the building ... a bit of a difference there ...
We just have to stay ten feet away from our neighbors ... plenty of good works to be had ...

Do you not believe in God's help?
Even through the Middle Age while plaque all churches were open.
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the HolYou as an idiot!y Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


YOU are an idiot!

Care for your synagogues and stay away from our Christian business.
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


If Christians were caught meeting in the former USSR they would all be shot.

Talk about safety risks.
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


You can claim that it is a fake thing, and that's fine... but...

Christians have been called to be wise, not just faithful. The Bible even says in Luke 16:8 that
"The rich man had to admire the dishonest rascal for being so shrewd. And it is true that the children of this world are more shrewd in dealing with the world around them than are the children of the light." -Jesus​

And this current situation is illustrating it pretty clearly. Whether you choose to believe it, there is a health risk, and people need to handle it wisely.

Because acting the fool, will not only possibly harm your own people, but it will do damage to the name of Christ. Being a moron, doesn't help the Kingdom of G-d. It just makes christians look like a bunch of suicidal anti-science lemmings.

And what pagan wants to be part of that?
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


If Christians were caught meeting in the former USSR they would all be shot.

Talk about safety risks.

So let me guess.... they all met routinely every Sunday in public view?

No, they acted wisely. Possibly meeting in smaller numbers, or even 1 on 1. They met in basements, and sometimes during the week only.

They acting with wisdom.

We should do the same.
Baron - Corona (Covid-19) is not fake - please consider the actual scientific evidence.

You refer to Easter and later that you prefer the KJV translation. Did you realize the only occurrence of "Easter" in KJV is a mistranslation and should read "passover?" The Greek is pascha btw. Did you know that KJV removes almost all of the nearly 7,000 occurrences of the Divine Name in the Hebrew text? (H3068/Yehovah) However, at least KJV does read "Jehovah" is 4 of these occurrences, notably Psalms 83:18.

But you are correct that the clergy of Christendom are mostly money lovers - in contrast with Jesus who did not accept a salary for his preaching. [Our elders are also not paid a salary] Yet, even most of them have stopped passing the collection plate since they know this could be fatal to many.
Jesus did not teach us to pray to him - see John 14:6. Who do you think Jesus prayed to? (He was Jewish btw).

The Bible teaches us to comply with superior authorites in Romans 13:1-5, even saying if we take a stand against them we are actually taking a stand against the arrangement of God. It is true that we are to obey God as ruler rather than men (Acts 5:29) but this only applies to governmental laws which conflict with God's law (see the books of Daniel and Esther). The wise governmental direction to shelter in place and to stop having public gatherings is NOT against God's law since we can (and we do) meet together via computer download (we are using Zoom and phone conference calls - we have also stopped going door to door btw - Acts 5:42; 20:20 - since we can share the good news of God's kingdom (Matthew 24:14) with people in many other ways.).

The plain truth is that any religion that persists in meeting at public gatherings will have innocent blood on their hands!
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


If Christians were caught meeting in the former USSR they would all be shot.

Talk about safety risks.

Russia executes those meeting at public gatherings now? I doubt that, btw. Though some of us are prosecuted on false charges in Russia.

But the superior authorities have the God-given right to "bear the sword":

Romans 13:1-5
Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities,+ for there is no authority except by God;+ the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.+ 2 Therefore, whoever opposes* the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves. 3 For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad.+ Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good,+ and you will have praise from it; 4 for it is God’s minister* to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing what is bad.

5 There is therefore compelling reason for you to be in subjection, not only on account of that wrath but also on account of your conscience.+

It surprises me that in the United States those who persist in meeting together in public gatherings and taking a stand against the direction to 'shelter in place' are not criminally prosecuted for "doing what is bad."
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


If Christians were caught meeting in the former USSR they would all be shot.

Talk about safety risks.

So let me guess.... they all met routinely every Sunday in public view?

No, they acted wisely. Possibly meeting in smaller numbers, or even 1 on 1. They met in basements, and sometimes during the week only.

They acting with wisdom.

We should do the same.

Yes, we should shelter in place. That is not only the wise course but also shows love to our neighbors, the second greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus (Mark 12:28-34; Matthew 22:37-40; Leviticus 19:18).

[The greatest commandment in the Bible according to Jesus is the beginning of the Jewish Shema at Deuteronomy 6:4,5]
This week will be a deal breaker for us down these parts. Semana Santa is an entire week of "vacations" for bunny worshippers. The law dawgs have some serious penalties for those who try and I already hear the bead carrying bleats of " Gods law over rules Costa Rican law"
OTOH Idolaters aren't allowed to read their own script without approval from a Pedo in a stand up coffin jerking off while listening to the confessors sexual escapades last week.
The script clearly states abide by the law of the land.

Many will get themselves in a world of shit. Confiscated vehicles and huge fines.....Maybe Mama Maria and Saint Antonio will rain money to cover them ?
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the HolYou as an idiot!y Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


YOU are an idiot!

Care for your synagogues and stay away from our Christian business.

JimH52 is one too? Well well. And the pattern becomes more obvious.
Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.


If Christians were caught meeting in the former USSR they would all be shot.

Talk about safety risks.

Russia executes those meeting at public gatherings now? I doubt that, btw. Though some of us are prosecuted on false charges in Russia.

But the superior authorities have the God-given right to "bear the sword":

Romans 13:1-5
Let every person be in subjection to the superior authorities,+ for there is no authority except by God;+ the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God.+ 2 Therefore, whoever opposes* the authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God; those who have taken a stand against it will bring judgment against themselves. 3 For those rulers are an object of fear, not to the good deed, but to the bad.+ Do you want to be free of fear of the authority? Keep doing good,+ and you will have praise from it; 4 for it is God’s minister* to you for your good. But if you are doing what is bad, be in fear, for it is not without purpose that it bears the sword. It is God’s minister, an avenger to express wrath against the one practicing what is bad.

5 There is therefore compelling reason for you to be in subjection, not only on account of that wrath but also on account of your conscience.+

It surprises me that in the United States those who persist in meeting together in public gatherings and taking a stand against the direction to 'shelter in place' are not criminally prosecuted for "doing what is bad."

Nowhere Jesus said to be in subjection to the Devil. We are leaving in the Last Says and we can see the fulfillment of Revelation's prophesys. Your 'authoriities' are almost to 100pct talmudist-satanists, pedophiles, sexual-deviant pizza maniacs, commies and murder of children. Nowhere Jesus demanded to keep obedience to such trash of humanity.
Almost 98% of all 'churches' are subverted by Devil from within and are dead. Only Jesus himself and the Holy Bible (KJV) can lead believers, no traitorous whores 'priests' who are kissing satanist 'authorities' on a...
Baron - watch your language - you might want to review what the Bible teaches about speaking abusively - for example:

Colossians 3:8
(NW)But now you must put them all away from you: wrath, anger, badness,+ abusive speech,+ and obscene talk+ out of your mouth.

Ephesians 4:31
Put away from yourselves every kind of malicious bitterness,+ anger, wrath, screaming, and abusive speech,+ as well as everything injurious.+

We (Jehovah's Witnesses) obey the governmental authorities in harmony with Romans 13:1-5, unless they pass a law that is in contradiction to God's law (Acts 5:29).

In harmony with sheltering in place during calamity (e.g. the current pandemic), this is what the Bible says (likely literally referring to tornadoes):

Isaiah 26:20
“Go, my people, enter into your interior rooms, and shut your doors behind you.+ Hide yourself for but a moment until the denunciation passes over.+

Proverbs 22:3
The shrewd one sees the danger and conceals himself,
But the inexperienced keep right on going and suffer the consequences.*
Proverbs 27:12
The shrewd one that has seen the calamity has concealed himself;+ the inexperienced that have passed along have suffered the penalty.+
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Just remember the true Christians of the ancient church. It is difficult to believe they will close their church even through the more severely epidemic, not a fake one.Never in the entirely history of Christianity so many Churches were closed, especially through Easter.
When a 'church' comply with authorities and close itself it should be a sign of a dead church described in Revelation.It is a wasting of time to looking for Jesus there.. Nothing else except atheist money-loving 'priest' and politically correct dumb congregation.
To search for God in a dead church is equal to expect virginity by one octogenarian whore.
Better read the Holy Bible of the right translation ( KJV) and pray to Jesus directly without cowardly greedy traitors.

Any 'church' which closes itself due to the fake pandemic COVID-19 is a Fake Church.

So....when you are you go to Church and cough on others. Don't be a fool. Think of your brothers and sisters and worship at home.....or go down to Wal-Mart and start shaking hands.

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