Calls for Full-Body Scanners Re-Ignite Privacy Concerns


Diamond Member
Sep 15, 2008
trust the ACLU? they don't give a shit if you are safe or not. :lol:

The calls for airports to expand the use of full-body scanners in the wake of the attempted bombing of a Northwest Airlines flight have re-ignited privacy concerns from groups and lawmakers who have long said the scanners produce graphic images that could make their way onto the Internet.

The Transportation Security Administration currently has only 40 of the scanners in operation, but it has purchased another 150 and plans to deploy them next year. The agency plans to buy another 300 next year, and some officials are calling on the agency to move quickly in using the new technology, which allows TSA officials to peer under clothing for any contraband. It is believed that the machines would have detected the PETN explosive sewn into the underwear of the alleged would-be bomber last week. - Calls for Full-Body Scanners Re-Ignite Privacy Concerns
While America dithers over the pros and cons of body scanning Muslims in burkas.... al-Qaeda is perfecting techniques for beating the scanners.

A body scanner at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport would not necessarily have detected the explosives which the would-be syringe bomber, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab had sewn into his underwear. A Dutch military intelligence source told De Telegraaf newspaper that Al Qaeda has its own security scanners and has been practicing ways of concealing explosives.

The terrorist group has even carried out test runs at smuggling explosives through European airports, the paper reports.
If you want to get on a plane, you must submit to full body scan and/or full body search.

This is not a violation of one's rights...because flying on a plane is not a right.

In the distant past, there was always the question, "Smoking or non-smoking?"

Maybe now we can have the question, "Smoking or full body scan?"

A new and improved "smoking section" question, but this time, the section is truly smoking after the flames have died down.
This is typical government. Instead of actually seeing what went wrong (In this case, procedures were not followed) they just add a layer of stupidity.

If procedures had been followed, this guy would not have been on the plane. A full body scan would not have changed anything really. There would still have been failure by the folks supposed to be doing their jobs.

I see no point to this except as an excuse to buy more toys and add a layer of humiliation to an already miserable experience.

They just need to follow the rules, and things will work.
The problem is not scanning those who are suspect, in FOREIGN COUNTRIES.

Even without the body scan, this Nigerian bloke should have been stopped and searched thoroughly....and better yet, he should NOT have been allowed to come to our country in the first place....he should not haveeven been issued a Visa to come here.

If I were the CIA, I would review every single opened visa and those suspect, should have their visa revoked, immediately.

As far as the usa and travel within it, those who are suspect here, should have to go through the full body scan and those traveling on a one way ticket, paying cash etc, no checked luggage should have to go through the extra measures....grandma at 80 should NOT....
trust the ACLU? they don't give a shit if you are safe or not

Well they did defend druggie Rush, so you might have a point.
If you want to get on a plane, you must submit to full body scan and/or full body search.

This is not a violation of one's rights...because flying on a plane is not a right.

This does not address the real problem, merely offers a response to a problem that has already occurred.


I need my government and the professionals in it to be proactive, to guess the new techniques and problems before they occur.

What would the new regs be if the enemy hid explosives in breast implants?

Although I'm certain that there will be answers that titillate, no pun intended, we need to out-think the foe.
Body scans?

Anyone who has been remotely following the potential for terrorist activity regarding air travel knows there are, among others, three red flags that security folks consider suspicious...paying cash for a ticket, purchasing only a one-way ticket, and not checking baggage. And this guy was guilty of all three - a red flag trifecta - yet no one did boo about it.

So, yeah, the solution is to spend millions on scanning equipment and add another layer of inconvenience for everyone traveling by air.

Beam me up, Scotty!
If you want to get on a plane, you must submit to full body scan and/or full body search.

This is not a violation of one's rights...because flying on a plane is not a right.

Personally, I think we should all be willing to board and fly naked. :eusa_whistle:

( Of course, turning up the heat on most planes would be required. )​

Then again, perhaps not...... :eusa_think: "Stiff Nipples Airlines" ....?
“Put anyone who is a suspicious Muslim in a separate airport line. That goes for anyone named Ahmed or Abdul or Muhammad, as well,” says conservative talk show host Mike Gallagher.

Rep. Peter King (R-NY): “100 percent of the Islamic terrorists are Muslim, and that is our main enemy today. So why we should not be profiling people because of their religion?”

Terrorism pundit Steven Emerson: “Remember, there have been so many complaints about quote, profiling, by the quote, Islamic civil rights groups, that they stopped basically profiling. And that basically led to not putting this guy onto the terrorist watch list.

Even better, force Muslims to fly on Muslim owned airlines.
This is typical government. Instead of actually seeing what went wrong (In this case, procedures were not followed) they just add a layer of stupidity.

If procedures had been followed, this guy would not have been on the plane. A full body scan would not have changed anything really. There would still have been failure by the folks supposed to be doing their jobs.

I see no point to this except as an excuse to buy more toys and add a layer of humiliation to an already miserable experience.

They just need to follow the rules, and things will work.
I agree.

They won't be satisfied until they make us fly naked after a body cavity search and with no luggage.
they already are charging $20-$25 bucks for each piece of luggage now....which is also ridiculous....they are encouraging you to make the ''watch list'' by not taking any luggage that you have to check in and pay for....:eek:
It is very easy to solve the problem. Make every person who wants to board a commercial aircraft take a bite of a bacon sandwich. Those that refuse will be subject to a cavity search. Problem solved.
I think this is a great idea. Who cares if it sees through your clothes? If it keeps my plane from blowing up while I'm on it due to some nutjob (any nutjob), so be it. I will say, after seeing the majority of the people at the Memphis airport last week, I will feel a little sorry for the screeners. You can't unsee what you have already seen. *shudder*
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It is very easy to solve the problem. Make every person who wants to board a commercial aircraft take a bite of a bacon sandwich. Those that refuse will be subject to a cavity search. Problem solved.

I'm a vegetarian, not a Muslim, so I wouldn't eat it.
This from the same folks who bungled cash-for-clunkers and is now experimenting with a socialized health care system? We want these guys "improving" airport security?
It is very easy to solve the problem. Make every person who wants to board a commercial aircraft take a bite of a bacon sandwich. Those that refuse will be subject to a cavity search. Problem solved.

I'm a vegetarian, not a Muslim, so I wouldn't eat it.

Then you'd be cavity searched. That way nobody is (god forbid!!!) "profiled".

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