Californians to pay more federal taxes next year

. mn,
I have talked to Californians. One that owned almond orchards, another that was Walgreens executive. My brother, that has since lost his house, my sister, that is wealthy and it doesn't effect her either way...None of them wanted sanctuary for illegal aliens. The gay rights thing, seemed to come out of nowhere. Well, My brother has gay daughter, and well, he's going to be a little biased. She's a good person, yes.
.But the rest never asked for gay rights or wanted sanctuary for illegal aliens, that was sort of a political unilateral thing. Somebody overstepped...
the right wing Only cares about natural and individual rights, when it is specifically about guns.
As far as California goes? My poor elitist older brother that was in Vietnam LOVES the whole liberal agenda thing. And he's a great guy. He's a lower middle class guy that is proud he voted for Obama. He thinks that absolves him of his sins, I don't know. He's living in his daughters basement because he was kicked out of his house by realtors and manipulators. My dear old sister is a wealthy republican, and is doing quite well. She voted for Trump. Me too..
You tell me what the moral of the story is...
Crony capitalism pays better than social advocacy for free?
I have talked to Californians. One that owned almond orchards, another that was Walgreens executive. My brother, that has since lost his house, my sister, that is wealthy and it doesn't effect her either way...None of them wanted sanctuary for illegal aliens. The gay rights thing, seemed to come out of nowhere. Well, My brother has gay daughter, and well, he's going to be a little biased. She's a good person, yes.
.But the rest never asked for gay rights or wanted sanctuary for illegal aliens, that was sort of a political unilateral thing. Somebody overstepped...
the right wing Only cares about natural and individual rights, when it is specifically about guns.
What does that mean? I was never asked about gay rights or sanctuary for illegal aliens, they were sort of forced on us. We don't like that. I am good with repealing the 2nd amendment, though. As long as we make it DEMOCRATIC, unlike the previous two, which were just sort of forced on us...
it is about natural and individual rights.
Try paying zero taxes and see how long either your society or your economy continues to exist! Simply put, without government, there is no economy and without an economy, there is no government.

Who is advocating paying zero taxes, Captain Straw Man? How about these high taxed states get their houses in order? New York, in particular, wastes a shit ton of money.

You missed the point - which was "without government, there is no economy and without an economy, there is no government."

At this point Republicans are a one pony trick - well, two pony trick - which is cut taxes and deregulate because government gets in the way. Believe it or not there are regulations that save money.

And about waste, conservatives see it everywhere, yet in Republican states they have cut states spending to the point where they cannot maintain their roads, pay for their schools, or in any significant way make the lives of the average citizens better.
so sad that red states are so poor that they need to over tax California, to bail them out... :rolleyes:

Why should Californians (or anyone else) get to claim a deduction on their federal taxes based on what they paid in state taxes?
Why shouldn't they??

Because the liberal BS programs driving the higher tax are denying those funds that would have gone to the Feds under a more typical state tax percentage. Why should the Feds compensate a State which has liberal agendas?

California ALREADY sends in federal income taxes to the federal government, MORE than the state gets back when the federal gvt distributes/spends that money....

California has NEVER used a dime or gotten a dime of federal money that came from another State. People in other states Have NEVER funded California for anything....

AND NOW with this new tax measure, California is giving the federal govt and all the other states in the USA even MORE of their own money.

WHY is that so hard to understand???

Because it doesn't make sense

so sad that red states are so poor that they need to over tax California, to bail them out... :rolleyes:

Why should Californians (or anyone else) get to claim a deduction on their federal taxes based on what they paid in state taxes?
Why shouldn't they??

Because the liberal BS programs driving the higher tax are denying those funds that would have gone to the Feds under a more typical state tax percentage. Why should the Feds compensate a State which has liberal agendas?

California ALREADY sends in federal income taxes to the federal government, MORE than the state gets back when the federal gvt distributes/spends that money....

California has NEVER used a dime or gotten a dime of federal money that came from another State. People in other states Have NEVER funded California for anything....

AND NOW with this new tax measure, California is giving the federal govt and all the other states in the USA even MORE of their own money.

WHY is that so hard to understand???

Because it doesn't make sense

if you read this article, it will explain it for you...and make sense!

Which States Are Givers and Which Are Takers?

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