California to Triple Tax Credits to Hollywood


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
California proposes big tax breaks - only for Hollywood film industry.

No wonder Hollywood is so liberal. They don't get treated the same as other people when it comes to taxes. They can still preach about how the rest of us should pay more while they are singled out for big breaks.

The only thing wrong with this is that not enough people are being given tax credits. There are other businesses besides film makers that could use a break. California needs tax payers and if they would just expect everyone to pay a lower rate, they would be better off. Giving a select few tax credits while over taxing others is causing some to leave the state.

Curtis Dubay, a tax policy expert at The Heritage Foundation, explained that California’s attempt to lure businesses through incentives does not provide a long-term solution to the state’s problem.

"It’s no surprise California has to bribe its headline industry to stay in the state. Its taxes make it uncompetitive for any industry to operate in the state without such sweeteners. But targeted tax credits are bad tax policy," said Dubay. "It would be better if California lowered taxes for everyone, rather than bestow indulgences on the politically connected."
California proposes big tax breaks - only for Hollywood film industry.

No wonder Hollywood is so liberal. They don't get treated the same as other people when it comes to taxes. They can still preach about how the rest of us should pay more while they are singled out for big breaks.

The only thing wrong with this is that not enough people are being given tax credits. There are other businesses besides film makers that could use a break. California needs tax payers and if they would just expect everyone to pay a lower rate, they would be better off. Giving a select few tax credits while over taxing others is causing some to leave the state.

Curtis Dubay, a tax policy expert at The Heritage Foundation, explained that California’s attempt to lure businesses through incentives does not provide a long-term solution to the state’s problem.

"It’s no surprise California has to bribe its headline industry to stay in the state. Its taxes make it uncompetitive for any industry to operate in the state without such sweeteners. But targeted tax credits are bad tax policy," said Dubay. "It would be better if California lowered taxes for everyone, rather than bestow indulgences on the politically connected."
its a start.....they have been trying to get this for years.....look how many TV shows are filmed in Vancouver Canada.....
California hit the film industry hard with taxes and fees. Much of the industry went to Canada. Not only did California lose the extra taxes it wanted it also lost what they were getting.

On top of losing the film makers, it also lost thousands of support enterprise. Caterers, electricians, make up artists, hair stylists, all kinds of working people left.

Yes it would be much better to lower taxes for everyone but we have a bloated population of illegals to support.
Well they have figure out how to pay for their "Government's vision of filling the state with illegal immigrants and then when they can't find a job, they go on the taxpayer gravy train, welfare

and lo and behold it's to all them 1%'ers in Hollyweird. You little people who live there should feel, LOVED
I hate to see that state go down like it has. But I'm glad I lelf it behind in the 90s and you couldn't pay me to go live there under that commie government that has been installed on the people
This is good news for me..... But I'd like to see more tax breaks and incentives for all companies here. Not just the film industry.

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The wheels on the liberal hypocritical bus goes round and round.

Michigan began offering such breaks a few years ago to lure movie production companies. Quite a few have been shot in and around the Grand Rapids area since but not sure about other parts of the state, or if the program is a succcessful trade off of tax revenue vs. temporary spending by the movie folks while working here.
The only thing wrong with this is that not enough people are being given tax credits.

That is exactly incorrect. The problem is that too many people are being given tax credits. Tax expenditures should be totally banned.

Every tax expenditure has to be paid for out of someone else's pocket. Or else the money is borrowed, thus adding to the debt.
Every state gives tax breaks to get companies to open a business,if the company is large enough to warrant the tax break..

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