Holder Pays Off Left-Wing Groups In On $17 Bil BofA Deal


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Yep .. Just another pay off to the left by this Administration to get more votes.

These people belong in jail.

Holder Cut Left-Wing Groups In On 17 Bil BofA Deal - Investors.com

Radical Democrat activist groups stand to collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder's record $17 billion deal to settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America.
Buried in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups. In effect, the government has ordered the nation's largest bank to create a massive slush fund for Democrat special interests.


According to the list provided by Justice, those groups include come of the most radical bank shakedown organizations in the country, including:
• La Raza, which pressures banks to expand their credit box to qualify more low-income Latino immigrants for home loans;
• National Community Reinvestment Coalition, Washington's most aggressive lobbyist for the disastrous Community Reinvestment Act;
• Neighborhood Assistance Corporation of America, whose director calls himself a "bank terrorist;"
• Operation Hope, a South Central Los Angeles group that's pressuring banks to make "dignity mortgages" for deadbeats.
Worse, one group eligible for BofA slush funds is a spin-off of Acorn Housing's branch in New York.

Yes, you read that right .. More NINJA loans. Creating yet more housing debt that will be bad.
Yes, you read that right .. More NINJA loans. Creating yet more housing debt that will be bad.

Has the left ever touched anything that hasn't turned to shit? I'm surprised they chose Bank of America for this extortion hustle. BA was (probably still is) the leading supplier in the financial industry of credit cards for illegal aliens. They also outsourced more than 36,000 American jobs. But they're a shadow of what they once were before the crash.

I smell something rotten in Denmark. BA is about the most left-leaning of America's major banks. They've always supported Democratic Party criminality. They were one of the biggest recipients of bailout billions. The way they and General Motors "paid back" their bailout welfare deserved an Academy Award for special effects in accounting. They didn't pay back anything.

Which leads me to suspect that this is simply a giant paper shuffle allowing BA and the pimps currently in charge of the country to steal billions of dollars from the American taxpayer, again. It doesn't surprise me that Acorn is a major recipient of chiseled millions. Why wouldn't Obama and Holder put an organization that supports child prostitution on top of their graft list? And then they chortle about the immorality of Isis. Ha!

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