California Disgrace to the World


May 23, 2014
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State
This has been happening since Ronald Reagan left the governorship of that state. More smart people are leaving it for better everything, even Bill Gates knows Californication is a lost cause. Just tells you how fucked up that state is when Bill, an uber wealthy liberal elite, leaves for more conservative areas...

Bill Gates has started laying out his plans for creating a “smart city” in Phoenix, Arizona, about 45 minutes west of downtown. Located in the far west valley, the piece of land is comprised of approximately 24,800 acres. Belmont, the proposed name for the city, will embrace and push forward innovation and technology.

Bill Gates Just Purchased an Enormous Amount of Land to ...
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State
It has become the most fascist state for sure. Remember that majorities there shot down gay marriage twice; the most recent in 2008. One gay judge took that democratic rule away by force & thugs in upper courts there & the 9th circus upheld that coup. Yet gay marriage remains illegal in the books to this minute.

CA fascist leaders are the disgrace. And the courts that facilitated that unilateral power grab from CA citizens.
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
If CA is a world social leader, that means the world disapproves of gay marriage.

Or did you mean to say CA is made up of the legislature + a few activist judges? You realize CA declares its intent via the initiative system, yes?
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
who is friends government?....
California is a world leader in social and financial areas. We also support 46 of the 50 states that make up this disunion. Ronnie Ray Goon set the state on it's spiral down in a financial hole. All the governors since except Gray Davis continued the spend it on friends government. You guys know so little about so many things I am surprised you try to even talk.
California is a laughingstock to the world. Makes the United States look bad.
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

Why would you start a thread with a year old article? Do you sit and obsess over a state you don't live in? Why?
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

Why would you start a thread with a year old article? Do you sit and obsess over a state you don't live in? Why?

I live here...that editorial is spot on, this place is a disgusting fucking shithole full of disgusting fucking human beings....PERIOD!
Weird that the dumbmothafuckers running this shithole can’t put it together....MORE WETBACKS = BIGGER SHITHOLE.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

Why would you start a thread with a year old article? Do you sit and obsess over a state you don't live in? Why?

I live here...that editorial is spot on, this place is a disgusting fucking shithole full of disgusting fucking human beings....PERIOD!
Weird that the dumbmothafuckers running this shithole can’t put it together....MORE WETBACKS = BIGGER SHITHOLE.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

You know you can leave anytime. If you own any property here you can sell it and live someplace in the racist south like a king!
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

I'm proud to be a native of both San Francisco and California; someone like you won't even let others know where you came form and where you reside - are you too embarrassed to admit you're a Rube?
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

Why would you start a thread with a year old article? Do you sit and obsess over a state you don't live in? Why?

I live here...that editorial is spot on, this place is a disgusting fucking shithole full of disgusting fucking human beings....PERIOD!
Weird that the dumbmothafuckers running this shithole can’t put it together....MORE WETBACKS = BIGGER SHITHOLE.
COMMENTARY: Illegal immigrants have turned California into the American Nightmare

You know you can leave anytime. If you own any property here you can sell it and live someplace in the racist south like a king!
Just promise you won't here in good ole South Carolina. California is a shit hole. I mean you have to document shit on your side walks to keep tourist away from it.
This State has a mentally ill person leaving office and another person entering office who advocates naked gay men parades in front of little children. The state advocates welfare and hatred for white people. Bluest state in the Union...go figure. Idiots from desert to coast.
California Has Become a Disgraceful State

I'm proud to be a native of both San Francisco and California; someone like you won't even let others know where you came form and where you reside - are you too embarrassed to admit you're a Rube?

"Rube", anyone who disagrees with anything you think you should be able to make us do.

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