Cain got caught in a lie.

I don't believe in slavery. We should of just let them be. Every human being deserves to be free within his or her land.

This is their land jackoff. Its as much theirs as it is ours. Hell, we stole it from the Native Americans. Your just an idiot who has no clue about history or geography

I know 10 times more about History and geography then you will ever know. Tell me, can you name a single people(society) that hasn't been taken over by another? Guess what the way this world works is the stronger society takes over the weaker one...Rules of the jungle are how this world once worked. Heck, why not give all of north America and Europe to the fucking Muslims if you believe what you're saying. :eusa_whistle: This is why we have borders.

What kind of future are you asking for?:eek:

So you should understand 500,000 displaced people with no common sense of identity and a land who's resources have been pillaged aren't necessarily at fault for poverty and instability...

No identity you say aren't all black people related? hahaha
So under your logic where black people are equals poverty? You think African Americans are to blame for Detroit? I got news for you that shit would be fucked up if you and all your cousin brothers occupied every trailer and project.

Haiti thrived on Slavery and Zimbabwe colonization before revolutions took place. France was a wreck after the white mobs ruined that country in its revolution

What you are saying is repulsive... so the 500,000 blacks should have remained slaves for the better of the 30,000 whites?

People like you make me hate being a conservative because you make us all look as idiotic and ignorant as you.

What a fucken idiot

I don't believe in slavery. We should of just let them be. Every human being deserves to be free within his or her land.

This is their land jackoff. Its as much theirs as it is ours. Hell, we stole it from the Native Americans. Your just an idiot who has no clue about history or geography

Right and I'm sure US stole California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and on and on and on....from mexico.

Can't wait.
I don't believe in slavery. We should of just let them be. Every human being deserves to be free within his or her land.

This is their land jackoff. Its as much theirs as it is ours. Hell, we stole it from the Native Americans. Your just an idiot who has no clue about history or geography

I know 10 times more about History and geography then you will ever know. Tell me, can you name a single people(society) that hasn't been taken over by another? Guess what the way this world works is the stronger society takes over the weaker one...Rules of the jungle are how this world once worked. Heck, why not give all of north America and Europe to the fucking Muslims if you believe what you're saying. :eusa_whistle: This is why we have borders.

What kind of future are you asking for?:eek:

Aztec culture comes to mind but why are you changing the subject? This isnt the jungle by the way............
I don't believe in slavery. We should of just let them be. Every human being deserves to be free within his or her land.

This is their land jackoff. Its as much theirs as it is ours. Hell, we stole it from the Native Americans. Your just an idiot who has no clue about history or geography

Right and I'm sure US stole California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and on and on and on....from mexico.

Can't wait.

You are completely missing the point...
This is their land jackoff. Its as much theirs as it is ours. Hell, we stole it from the Native Americans. Your just an idiot who has no clue about history or geography

I know 10 times more about History and geography then you will ever know. Tell me, can you name a single people(society) that hasn't been taken over by another? Guess what the way this world works is the stronger society takes over the weaker one...Rules of the jungle are how this world once worked. Heck, why not give all of north America and Europe to the fucking Muslims if you believe what you're saying. :eusa_whistle: This is why we have borders.

What kind of future are you asking for?:eek:

So you should understand 500,000 displaced people with no common sense of identity and a land who's resources have been pillaged aren't necessarily at fault for poverty and instability...

No identity you say aren't all black people related? hahaha

Africa is far bigger then europe. So it surely isn't because of resources. Please look at a iq chart of the place to get a clue. There is three times the resources in Africa for crying out loud then Europe. Ever wonder why every colonist power on earth wented it? There's your answer.

Lincoln had started to ship them back to Africa near the time of his death...To bad he didn't live to go through with it.. Anyways, I personally believe that all human beings should be left alone with there cultures. As we're all special...I wish like hell slavery never occurred as it has hurt us all. It was a evil. Humanity is happiest when it is left the hell alone. We made mistakes that may of costed us our very right of survival in the long term.
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Would/could Herman Cain be a candidate for President of the United States today without benefit of the struggle and rights achieved as a result of the Civil Rights Movement - that he failed to participate in when he could have? I seriously doubt it. Therein lies my rub...
So, Blacks are only allowed certain jobs - they have more necessary standards to meet than most others to have certain jobs.

Fucking racist. Fucking discriminating racist.
I know 10 times more about History and geography then you will ever know. Tell me, can you name a single people(society) that hasn't been taken over by another? Guess what the way this world works is the stronger society takes over the weaker one...Rules of the jungle are how this world once worked. Heck, why not give all of north America and Europe to the fucking Muslims if you believe what you're saying. :eusa_whistle: This is why we have borders.

What kind of future are you asking for?:eek:

So you should understand 500,000 displaced people with no common sense of identity and a land who's resources have been pillaged aren't necessarily at fault for poverty and instability...

No identity you say aren't all black people related? hahaha

Africa is far bigger then europe. So it surely isn't because of resources. Please look at a iq chart of the place to get a clue. There is three times the resources in Africa for crying out loud then Europe. Ever wonder why every colonist power on earth wented it? There's your answer.

Lincoln had started to ship them back to Africa near the time of his death...To bad he didn't live to go through with it.. Anyways, I personally believe that all human beings should be left alone with there cultures. As we're all special...I wish like hell slavery never occurred as it has hurt us all. It was a evil. Humanity is happiess when it is left the hell alone.

Trying to back pedal out of your clear racism now? To late.......... you own it
Well if you understood history as well as you claim you would know I was talking about the Haiti reference... they had 500,000 people with no resources...

Far more black people were alive in Africa and the U.S. by 1864...

Your ignorance is just reinforced by the point you made that Lincoln was sending them back and he was somehow correct in doing so. Perhaps he was when in when you look at it through the view of historicism, I honestly can't begin to comprehend how chaotic that time period must have been.

However, to support that today is nothing short of terribly ignorant and anti-american
So you should understand 500,000 displaced people with no common sense of identity and a land who's resources have been pillaged aren't necessarily at fault for poverty and instability...

No identity you say aren't all black people related? hahaha

Africa is far bigger then europe. So it surely isn't because of resources. Please look at a iq chart of the place to get a clue. There is three times the resources in Africa for crying out loud then Europe. Ever wonder why every colonist power on earth wented it? There's your answer.

Lincoln had started to ship them back to Africa near the time of his death...To bad he didn't live to go through with it.. Anyways, I personally believe that all human beings should be left alone with there cultures. As we're all special...I wish like hell slavery never occurred as it has hurt us all. It was a evil. Humanity is happiess when it is left the hell alone.

Trying to back pedal out of your clear racism now? To late.......... you own it

Just saying what I believe. We whites got greedy and fucked up...We may go extinct because of it.
Would/could Herman Cain be a candidate for President of the United States today without benefit of the struggle and rights achieved as a result of the Civil Rights Movement - that he failed to participate in when he could have? I seriously doubt it. Therein lies my rub...
So, Blacks are only allowed certain jobs - they have more necessary standards to meet than most others to have certain jobs.

Fucking racist. Fucking discriminating racist.

it's amazing how the people who are dedicated to the left can't see their own racism but accuse others and stick to it when absolutely no evidence is present

We support a black person, we must be racist supporting a token character to eliminate some image.

It's ridiculous and offending and if anybody wants to accuse me of it to my face, I'm on Clifford Ave in Rochester NY all the time. Ride through, I bet you won't get out of your car.

I'll give you fair warning though, you say it I'm gonna smack the shit outta you.
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You're a fuckin abject LIAR!

Cain was a civilian employee of the US NAVY. He still had to register for the draft. His number was never called, like millions of other american males.

Cain did his part for this great country. Civilian employees are just as important to the effort as those who serve........What have YOU done, to serve this great country, slapdick?

Lets see if a whiney slapdick such as yourself, even has the balls to answer.

I've yet to see any proof one way or the other whether Cain had a deferment while working for the Navy.

By Noel Sheppard

CAIN: Lawrence, first of all, I wanted to clarify the record because I didn't want to be accused later of saying that I served in the Navy. And if you read the book closely, it says I worked for the Department of the Navy. Now, your choice of words to say, “How did I avoid the Vietnam War?” I wasn't trying to avoid the Vietnam War. Here's what happened, Lawrence. I was working in a critical area called exterior ballistics. I worked on something called the rocket-assisted projectile for the Department of the Navy. It was my local board in Atlanta, Georgia, that told me, we would rather for you to continue to do that analytical work to help the Navy rather than us drafting you. Secondly, when they had the lottery, I made myself available. The year that they had the lottery for the draft they did not draft me because they didn't get to my number. So I think that's a poor choice of words on your part, to say that I avoided the Vietnam War. I made myself available to my country, and they did not draft me. The rest of the time I was serving my country in a critical role called exterior ballistics analysis. So I am offended with your choice of words in terms of what I was doing during the Vietnam War.

More: MSNBC's O'Donnell Accuses Herman Cain -- Who Worked for the Navy -- of Being a Draft Dodger |

So, we have Cain's word on this. I suspect more vetting will follow...
Thanks for proving the point............Cain is absoluteuly right. He still had to register. Still had the chance of his number being called.

Now, what have YOU done to serve this country in ANY capacity?

You're up here talking shit about a man who CLEARLY served this great country, and did his part for the effort, but seem not to be able to show how YOU SERVED, lil' man.

If you're going to sit up here and talk the talk, then walk the walk, motherfucker.

Otherwise, maybe you would better be served to just STFU.:eusa_whistle:

Are you on drugs? I've already told you about my service during Vietnam. I'm not going to repeat it.
Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but grew up in Georgia. He attended Samuel Howard Archer High School in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1963. He then attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1967.

Picture of the Day: Herman Cain in High School and College - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

How in the hell could an able, intelligent black man living in ATLANTA, GEORGIA during the 60s not participate in the civil rights movement?
Gee, maybe he was busy getting an education, working hard, and setting a TRUE example for all blacks.

You truly are a fuckin' idiot.:cuckoo:
Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but grew up in Georgia. He attended Samuel Howard Archer High School in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1963. He then attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1967.

Picture of the Day: Herman Cain in High School and College - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

How in the hell could an able, intelligent black man living in ATLANTA, GEORGIA during the 60s not participate in the civil rights movement?

Will you shut up, we get it you're dumb. You've proved that already.
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Did Herman Cain benefit from the Civil Rights Movement that he failed to participate in?

There was more to the Civil Rights movement than just marching and protesting. Some folks set a good example and inspired others. Before the Civil Rights legislation it was damn difficult for a working class student to attend college and obtain a degree in Mathematics. Even at Morehouse, students had to be better than their white peers (at other Atlanta area colleges) just to be on the same level. For a working class black man getting a job that led to a decent career was next to impossible for years after the legislation was passed unless one was in the true upper crust of intellect.

You think Cain failed to participate in the Civil Rights movement? He was a pioneer. He stuck to the basics his father taught him and has given that same advice for decades. It worked, too.
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Would/could Herman Cain be a candidate for President of the United States today without benefit of the struggle and rights achieved as a result of the Civil Rights Movement - that he failed to participate in when he could have? I seriously doubt it. Therein lies my rub...
So, Blacks are only allowed certain jobs - they have more necessary standards to meet than most others to have certain jobs.

Fucking racist. Fucking discriminating racist.

Seems you have twisted the man's words a bit there, heh? A bit less than intelllectually honest, heh?
Cain was born in Memphis, Tennessee, but grew up in Georgia. He attended Samuel Howard Archer High School in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1963. He then attended Morehouse College in Atlanta, from which he graduated in 1967.

Picture of the Day: Herman Cain in High School and College - Chris Good - Politics - The Atlantic

How in the hell could an able, intelligent black man living in ATLANTA, GEORGIA during the 60s not participate in the civil rights movement?
Gee, maybe he was busy getting an education, working hard, and setting a TRUE example for all blacks.

You truly are a fuckin' idiot.:cuckoo:

Yep, apparently he was - and also sitting in the back of the bus... Rosa Parks decided to sit up front.
I've yet to see any proof one way or the other whether Cain had a deferment while working for the Navy.

More: MSNBC's O'Donnell Accuses Herman Cain -- Who Worked for the Navy -- of Being a Draft Dodger |

So, we have Cain's word on this. I suspect more vetting will follow...
Thanks for proving the point............Cain is absoluteuly right. He still had to register. Still had the chance of his number being called.

Now, what have YOU done to serve this country in ANY capacity?

You're up here talking shit about a man who CLEARLY served this great country, and did his part for the effort, but seem not to be able to show how YOU SERVED, lil' man.

If you're going to sit up here and talk the talk, then walk the walk, motherfucker.

Otherwise, maybe you would better be served to just STFU.:eusa_whistle:

Are you on drugs? I've already told you about my service during Vietnam. I'm not going to repeat it.
I don't believe you!:eusa_liar:

No true vet would disparage the work of a civilian employee, whose efforts are just as important. Whose efforts help save the lives of those out on the field of battle.

You're full o' shit, lil' man!
This is their land jackoff. Its as much theirs as it is ours. Hell, we stole it from the Native Americans. Your just an idiot who has no clue about history or geography

Right and I'm sure US stole California, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Texas, and on and on and on....from mexico.

Can't wait.

You are completely missing the point...

It's above your head and below your kneesssssss

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