Bye, Bye, Bill's Wife


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Even the most obtuse Liberal must take a look at these Clintons....and their behavior must give 'em pause.

This doesn't mean they won't vote for the crooks....after all, look at their choice in 2012.

1. "In “The Sun Also  Rises,” one character asks,  “How did you go bankrupt?” and another responds: “Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.”

The exchange captures Hillary Clinton’s red alert. She’s been going politically bankrupt for a long time, and now faces the prospect of sudden collapse.

2. The ghosts of scandals past are gaining on her ....

3. ... claims that she and Bill Clinton sold favors while she was secretary of state for tens of millions of dollars for themselves and their foundation don’t need to meet the legal standard for bribery. She’s on political trial...

4. ....25 years of corner-cutting and dishonest behavior, accumulation is her enemy.....we’re just waiting for public opinion to catch up to the facts.

5. ... the sizzling reports of corrupt deals are coming from major news organizations that reliably tilt left. With supposed friends making the case against her,....

6. ....the New York Times, the Washington Post, Politico, Reuters, Bloomberg News and others are not likely to be content with stonewalling and half-truths, especially given her recent lies about missing emails.

7. There are several deals we know of, and more could emerge, that put money in the Clinton's pockets while helping businesses, including some loathsome international figures, make a killing. It is preposterous to argue that it’s all a coincidence.

8. ...she’ll insist she did nothing wrong, offer ambiguous answers to specific questions, take offense at persistent reporters and end by playing the victim....She can’t tell the truth. It will sink her.

9. None of those already in the race or committed to it — Martin O’Malley, Bernie Sanders, even Joe Biden — comes close to measuring up.

The only possible rival who does is Elizabeth Warren, the fire-breathing senator from Massachusetts. Gender aside, she is everything Hillary isn’t — an anti-Wall Street conviction populist with a record to match her rhetoric.

10. A movement to draft her started before Hillary hit the fan, so Warren would begin with a built-in constituency. So far, though, she insists she’s not running."
Hillary on the brink of collapse New York Post

A word in Hillary's favor:
Liberals/Progressives/Democrats have shown no hesitation in in pulling the lever for murderers, rapists, incompetents, or outright Marxists.....

...What the heck does a lying grifter have to fear?

Why not give her another chance to steal the White House furniture?
Our resident dims will be around to challenge your entertaining and robust intellect with Bumper Sticker slogans soon. Right now, they're a little butthurt.

Courtesy of moi....... :)

I'm loving it.

But they'll regroup soon. Meanwhile, I'll give the thread a little bump
This reminded me of this:

Hillary We struggled to make ends meet after leaving the White House Hot Air

Hillary Clinton isn’t rich. She’s you.

The Clintons, who are so fond of reminding voters that former President Bill Clinton left behind a budget surplus, were not so particular about their personal finances in the late 1990s. If you forgot that little historical detail, Hillary Clinton is happy to remind you that she, too, has “struggled” and knows what “dead broke” feels like.

This link was next in line:

How the Clintons went from dead broke to rich Bill earned 104.9 million for speeches - The Washington Post

Over seven frenetic days, Bill Clinton addressed corporate executives in Switzerland and Denmark, an investors’ group in Sweden and a cluster of business and political leaders in Austria. The former president wrapped up his European trip in the triumphant Spanish Hall at Prague Castle, where he shared his thoughts on energy to a Czech business summit.

His pay: $1.4 million.
Page 2.....??

Wow, PC. Our dimocrap contributors are a-skeert of you.

Or maybe it's because you ridicule them for using Bumper Sticker Slogans in place of intelligence, logic, reason and cogent arguments. :dunno:

Just more proof that the dimocrap scum on this board aren't interested in actual debate, they only want to disrupt Patriotic Americans and keep us from making a point.

If they can't shut down a thread by starting a shit-slinging contest, they ignore it.
Even if she admitted to killing Vince Foster, 40% of the American public would still vote for her. The Clintons are the Sopranos of American politics.
This type of stuff happens when politicians (note I did not single out Democrats) convince themselves they have been under paid and are somehow entitled to more, hence you see them engage in bribery and illegal dealings.

Years ago, hell maybe 20 years ago 60 Minutes did a story on and under cover sting on politicians, I 'think' it was in Colorado. These state politicians were caught on camera selling their votes on bills. One creep politician was selling a block of 8 or 10 votes on a bill, for $60k which was no small amount back then. He said on camera, "I don't give a shit about the people I'm in this for me". As I recall they indicted a couple dozen or more in this sting.
"Who watches the watchmen"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

audio quid ueteres olim moneatis amici,
"pone seram, cohibe." sed quis custodiet ipsos
cauta est et ab illis incipit uxor.

I hear always the admonishment of my friends:
"Bolt her in, constrain her!" But who will guard
the guardians?
The wife plans ahead and begins with them.

This is why character matters people.

Not to dimocrap scum. They have no character and therefore don't expect anybody else to have any character. Since they are universally thieves, liars and cheaters, they expect everybody else to be.

But I'm talking to normal Human Beings here.

Who watches people that powerful? Who?

If you were vested with the cash register at a highly profitable restaurant and there was no way you could get caught, no way for the owners to know someone was taking a little, tiny bit off the top...... NO way. And besides that, you work so hard and they don't pay you enough and they're so mean and you've got so many bills and the taxes and oh my God the rent and your daughter's teeth and, and.............

Would you?

The answer to that question lies in your character. I would not. I'm just not built that way. Seriously. I wouldn't know how to act. I just simply wouldn't do it.

Would most people? I don't know. Maybe. I think maybe more than we want to admit would.

When there is little to NO chance of getting caught stealing, people of low character will do it -- Every time. EVERY TIME.

It's why I call them dimocraps.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have our own crooks, too. But only at about the same percentage as is in the General Public.

dimocraps? They're a criminal institution.
"Who watches the watchmen"
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

audio quid ueteres olim moneatis amici,
"pone seram, cohibe." sed quis custodiet ipsos
cauta est et ab illis incipit uxor.

I hear always the admonishment of my friends:
"Bolt her in, constrain her!" But who will guard
the guardians?
The wife plans ahead and begins with them.

This is why character matters people.

Not to dimocrap scum. They have no character and therefore don't expect anybody else to have any character. Since they are universally thieves, liars and cheaters, they expect everybody else to be.

But I'm talking to normal Human Beings here.

Who watches people that powerful? Who?

If you were vested with the cash register at a highly profitable restaurant and there was no way you could get caught, no way for the owners to know someone was taking a little, tiny bit off the top...... NO way. And besides that, you work so hard and they don't pay you enough and they're so mean and you've got so many bills and the taxes and oh my God the rent and your daughter's teeth and, and.............

Would you?

The answer to that question lies in your character. I would not. I'm just not built that way. Seriously. I wouldn't know how to act. I just simply wouldn't do it.

Would most people? I don't know. Maybe. I think maybe more than we want to admit would.

When there is little to NO chance of getting caught stealing, people of low character will do it -- Every time. EVERY TIME.

It's why I call them dimocraps.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. We have our own crooks, too. But only at about the same percentage as is in the General Public.

dimocraps? They're a criminal institution.

I really liked reading that.

Adding to that post would be like painting a mustache on the Mona Lisa....

....but, I see the provenance of the malfeasance you've described as an attachment to materialism.

All that matters to folks such as you paint, is material wealth....and this is the outgrowth of Marxism.....the philosophy of materialism.

I attribute it largely to Franklin Roosevelt's adoration of Stalin, and his acceptance of communism.
This reminded me of this:

Hillary We struggled to make ends meet after leaving the White House Hot Air

Hillary Clinton isn’t rich. She’s you.

The Clintons, who are so fond of reminding voters that former President Bill Clinton left behind a budget surplus, were not so particular about their personal finances in the late 1990s. If you forgot that little historical detail, Hillary Clinton is happy to remind you that she, too, has “struggled” and knows what “dead broke” feels like.

This link was next in line:

How the Clintons went from dead broke to rich Bill earned 104.9 million for speeches - The Washington Post

Over seven frenetic days, Bill Clinton addressed corporate executives in Switzerland and Denmark, an investors’ group in Sweden and a cluster of business and political leaders in Austria. The former president wrapped up his European trip in the triumphant Spanish Hall at Prague Castle, where he shared his thoughts on energy to a Czech business summit.

His pay: $1.4 million.

I believe that too is a lie....they had book contracts and other money coming in......

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