BUSTED AGAIN! Think Progress gets caught faking another "Racist" Tea Party story!

In reality they named him as someone running as a Republican that was encouraging the tea partiers to cultivate racists.

Are you stupid or just a bad liar?

Says the one who's NEVER added anything intelligent to ANY conversation up here.

Must really suck for you to go through life so abjectly clueless.

But then, you're just the ptototypical lib so, no surprise there!

I didn't say you said the tea party was "white and only racist" why are you putting those words in my mouth? You claim that is the B.S. I am doing yet you are actually the one doing it yourself.

I typed the following words to you:
" Ok Dr.Smith Enjoy some truth now"
"whoa where did those guys come from?"
"<----oh oh oh proof of the media intentionally misrepresenting."
" say it ain't so the tea party kicking out racially insensitive people"
" wait what? I thought the tea party's were all for republicans, ooops guess not."
"yawn at all the repeated B.S. by the anti-teapartiers"

All I did was respond to your negative comments about the tea parties with 4 seperate threads, containing links to evidence, showing you that those comments and general attitudes are not entirely accurate or representative.

Instead of living up to my challenge of picking any one of them and trying to debate me on it you instead deflected and made a false attack on me by attempting to use the titles of one of the threads as a cop-out.

I'm still gladly waiting for you to bring me a challenge in any one of those threads, if your up for it.

You didn't respond to what I actually wrote. You posted links to your own BS opinion based threads that you CLAIM are the truth when the real TRUTH is that they couldn't be further from the truth. You present opinion as fact which is your usual tactic and as usual it and you fall flat.
In the end you failed to respond to what I actually wrote and still pretend that I am somehow the lesser because I didn't live up to your challenge as if the challenge of a cowardly hack who can't even address the actual content of a post is worth anything.
I would have to say that the following statement by Limbaugh fits the above poster to a tee:

"When liberals hurl epithets at you because you have pointed out the OBVIOUS error of their ways, just know that you have hit a nerve. If you criticize their behavior and they call you a pig, a bigot, or a fascist (in this case, "a cowardly hack"), their consciences must be giving them problems; or else they acquired their liberal values rote and without comprehension. They claim to have a monopoly on the market of open-mindeness and tolerence, but in truth are often closed-minded and intolerant"


When righties hurl epithets at you because you have pointed out the OBVIOUS error of their ways, just know that you have hit a nerve. If you criticize their behavior and they call you a pig, a bigot, or a fascist (in this case, "a cowardly hack"), their consciences must be giving them problems; or else they acquired their righty values rote and without comprehension. They claim to have a monopoly on the market of open-mindeness and tolerence, but in truth are often closed-minded and intolerant"

The sad thing is that this description applies to most of the right wingers on this board including you since all you ever seem to do is chime in to attack another poster personally. It's funny how you seem to have missed that. Did you also miss the fact that PP was referring to me in a similar fashion??

BTW can you actually address what was wrtitten or are you just as cowardly as PP?? No need to answer I am sure that you will just vandalize my car and then run away before I get back like you did that code pink girl. LOL

Fact is that PP tried to assign statements to me that I never made in attempt to support his avoidance of my actual statements. You are no better as you can only attack while offering nothing of substance.
It's called common sense but it's too bad for you that you don't have any.
If you allow them to continue to be part of your ranks then it is on you. Just don't whine and cry as you try desperately to play the helpless victim when you get called out for it.

How about some personal responsibility? Or do you hypocrites only preach that to others as you refuse to apply it to yourself?

LOL, as if the Tea Party can CONTROL every person who comes to their rallies. Just like the Democrats-lefties controlled all the people who attended the Anti-war protesting when they were burning American flags, camping out on Bush's lawn, etc etc.
I we are deserving of the label RACIST. then every damn Liberal Democrat who was behind the Anti-war protesters were DESERVING OF THE LABEL, UNAMERCIAN.
which is what you are showing yourself to be, big time.
what ever happen to the lefties battle cry, DISSENT IS PATROTIC. I guess that only goes for when they are doing it. And they are carring signs of Bush as everything disgusting you all could think up. the only difference there, is Bush was white, so NO BODY could scream racist as they do now evertime there is dissent againt the Obama.

It begs the question Steph. Was this drsmith Character whining about Robert Byrd. Did he demand the dem party remove him. Were the progressive loons demanding the dem's remove him?

Of course not. And we ALL know why.

You are absolutely right!.....Progressives are hypocrites to the core.

Whatever are you all gonna do with Byrd dead and gone? :(

(BTW....loling over you calling the people of West Virginia progressives)
see here folks, this says it all.
do as we say, or you will BE LABELED A RACIST.
that is what works for the Left-Liberlas-Progressive-commies, because they HAVE NOTHING ELSE.

It's called common sense but it's too bad for you that you don't have any.
If you allow them to continue to be part of your ranks then it is on you. Just don't whine and cry as you try desperately to play the helpless victim when you get called out for it.

How about some personal responsibility? Or do you hypocrites only preach that to others as you refuse to apply it to yourself?

LOL, as if the Tea Party can CONTROL every person who comes to their rallies. Just like the Democrats-lefties controlled all the people who attended the Anti-war protesting when they were burning American flags, camping out on Bush's lawn, etc etc.
I we are deserving of the label RACIST. then every damn Liberal Democrat who was behind the Anti-war protesters were DESERVING OF THE LABEL, UNAMERCIAN.
which is what you are showing yourself to be, big time.
what ever happen to the lefties battle cry, DISSENT IS PATROTIC. I guess that only goes for when they are doing it. And they are carring signs of Bush as everything disgusting you all could think up. the only difference there, is Bush was white, so NO BODY could scream racist as they do now evertime there is dissent againt the Obama.


How am I a hypocrite?? How am I un-American? I believe as I always have the dissent is patriotic and that every American has the right to speak their mind. I have the same beliefs I had back when W was in charge how many rigthies can say the same?? Not many.
The right tried to hold ALL of the left accountable for the few distasteful signs that were held when W was president as they argued that those who disagreed with a sitting president during a time of war were traitors, un-American, unpatriotic surrender monkeys who provided aid and comfort to the enemy. Yet, when the democrats came into power those same HYPOCRITES started preaching about how dissent is patriotic and started engaging in some of the very things that they argued against not long ago even as they argued that you can't hold the whole accountable for the acts of the few.

My attempts to point out the hypocrisy of the right does not change my views on dissent or anything else but apparently the right's position on it tends to change based on who is in power. You give a prime example of that hypocrisy as you try to call me un-American for pointing out the hypocrisy of the right.
LOL, as if the Tea Party can CONTROL every person who comes to their rallies.

Especially the liberals, ACORN members and other assorted, militant, progressive activist plants that go to act out and give the Tea Party a bad name intentionally.

What makes you think those holding racist signs were plants and not some fringe group attaching itself to the Tea Party?

Any proof?

The horrible far left hacks at Think Progress once again were caught lying about supposed racism in the tea party movement. On Monday they posted some random editorial – from early July – published in a New Hampshire paper – by some lone racist and try to link him to the tea party…. But if you read the whole editorial you see that “tea party” is not even mentioned in the racist editorial! The tea party is not linked to this racist in anyway.

Think Progress also admits that they don’t even know if Murdough is a tea partier. But, he did mention “tea party” in the comment’s section of the July article and therefore, according to these radical hacks at Think Progress, that proves that the tea party is racist.

Got that? The tea party is racist because some white supremacist mentioned their name. Using this same logic, Obama is Al-Qaeda because he was mentioned in a Zawahiri tape. Hillary Clinton is part of the Taliban because they mentioned her in a tape.

Read all of this Juicy Story! :lol::lol::lol:

Think Progress Manufactures Another Fake Tea Party Racism Story - Big Government

Logic? You want logic from a liberal? Anyone ever spend any time around here and read the stuff coming from the Obamabots? :lol::lol::lol:

November is coming closer and liberals are getting desperate to smear the tea party.

What they are doing without realizing is telling us who they REALLY FEAR! :lol::lol:

They know Obama's policies have FAILED big time and they don't have a good argument against the Tea Party so, all they have left is to lie, smear, lie, smear.

When you see this much hysteria and lying from the left, you know who YOU want to vote for, and it sure isn't the people Think Progress is shilling for.


Please tell me you aren't trying to break down someones credibility by posting a video from Brietbart...:cuckoo:
LOL, as if the Tea Party can CONTROL every person who comes to their rallies.

Especially the liberals, ACORN members and other assorted, militant, progressive activist plants that go to act out and give the Tea Party a bad name intentionally.

What makes you think those holding racist signs were plants and not some fringe group attaching itself to the Tea Party?

Any proof?

it could be any of the above...not to mention lonely isolated race haters that have nothing better to do and figured what the heck...cheap beer and music.

I remember on campus therew would be "protests" and half the people I knew went not caring OR knowing what they were for. It was an excuse to yell and scream.

I dont hold the tea partyers responsible for those signs anymore than I would hold an anti war protester responsible for the Bush?Hitler signs.

Only a fool would not realize that epopole capitalize on free food, music and PRESS COVERAGE.
in case you missed it there is a HUGE difference between OPEN terrorist supporters and the people at the office who don't go around advertising that they are terrorist supporters. In one instance you know the terrorist supporter is there and can actually do something about it and that CHOICE defines whether you are WILLING to tolerate the terrorist support or not and in the other you have no clue and can't do anything about it.

Way to go offtopic and show your desperation as you try to argue that one wrong is justified by another. However, do you have anything to say about what was actually said or is trolling and triyng to change the subject to avoid content you can't deal with all you have to offer??

I think what he was trying to do was to point out to you that when there is a msall minority of bad apples, most tend to ignore them and go on their way. They do not want to lend those bad apples any credibility and to be quite frank, most are afraid to rub a racist or pro terrorist the wroing way. I mean, if you can go in public with a sign with th N word on it, then you are a bit warped. Who knows what that person may do if you got in his face.

Smae holds true for those that carry pro terrorist signs. They are warped and could be quite dangerous.

I have learned to stay away from people that display warped behavior in public. And yes, I learned my lesson the hard way.

My points still stand, those people should be called out and you can't honestly pretend that they aren't there when criticism of your group arises based on their presence. If it exists, you only tend to lose credibility when you try to deny that fact as many have done as they tried to claim that racism does not exist within the tea party in spite of the fact that evidence has been shown that it does.
Furthermore, I am still waiting for a comment that's actually on topic but I doubt I will get one from dave.
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Way to go offtopic and show your desperation as you try to argue that one wrong is justified by another. However, do you have anything to say about what was actually said or is trolling and triyng to change the subject to avoid content you can't deal with all you have to offer??

I think what he was trying to do was to point out to you that when there is a msall minority of bad apples, most tend to ignore them and go on their way. They do not want to lend those bad apples any credibility and to be quite frank, most are afraid to rub a racist or pro terrorist the wroing way. I mean, if you can go in public with a sign with th N word on it, then you are a bit warped. Who knows what that person may do if you got in his face.

Smae holds true for those that carry pro terrorist signs. They are warped and could be quite dangerous.

I have learned to stay away from people that display warped behavior in public. And yes, I learned my lesson the hard way.

My points still stand, those people should be called out and you can't honestly pretend that they aren't there when criticism of your group arises based on their presence. If it exists, you only tend to lose credibility when you try to deny that fact as many have done as they tried to claim that racism does not exist within the tea party in spite of the fact that evidence has been shown that it does.
Furthermore, I am still waiting for a comment that's actually on topic but I doubt I will get one from dave.
So, can you provide proof that those people are actually members of the Tea Party?

Can you provide proof that they weren't plants, or fringers looking for attention?

If the tea party is racist, as you so bogusly claim, why are blacks allowed to attend the rallies. Why are there black members?

So far, your so called "points" are nothing more than tired old S&P talking points.

We're you making these same "points" about Robert Byrd?.....Why of course not!

It's called common sense but it's too bad for you that you don't have any.
If you allow them to continue to be part of your ranks then it is on you. Just don't whine and cry as you try desperately to play the helpless victim when you get called out for it.

How about some personal responsibility? Or do you hypocrites only preach that to others as you refuse to apply it to yourself?

LOL, as if the Tea Party can CONTROL every person who comes to their rallies. Just like the Democrats-lefties controlled all the people who attended the Anti-war protesting when they were burning American flags, camping out on Bush's lawn, etc etc.
I we are deserving of the label RACIST. then every damn Liberal Democrat who was behind the Anti-war protesters were DESERVING OF THE LABEL, UNAMERCIAN.
which is what you are showing yourself to be, big time.
what ever happen to the lefties battle cry, DISSENT IS PATROTIC. I guess that only goes for when they are doing it. And they are carring signs of Bush as everything disgusting you all could think up. the only difference there, is Bush was white, so NO BODY could scream racist as they do now evertime there is dissent againt the Obama.

It begs the question Steph. Was this drsmith Character whining about Robert Byrd. Did he demand the dem party remove him. Were the progressive loons demanding the dem's remove him?

Of course not. And we ALL know why.

You are absolutely right!.....Progressives are hypocrites to the core.

Once again the troll and my personal stalker chefjester chimes in with his usual moronic statements. What do the now deceased bird and his former beliefs have to do with the tea party and some the current beliefs that are being expressed by a few of it's members??

oh well it's nothing but the usual attacks from you as you try so desperately to post something valid and still fall so very short of the mark. LOL

BTW how do I qualify as a "progressive"
in case you missed it there is a HUGE difference between OPEN terrorist supporters and the people at the office who don't go around advertising that they are terrorist supporters. In one instance you know the terrorist supporter is there and can actually do something about it and that CHOICE defines whether you are WILLING to tolerate the terrorist support or not and in the other you have no clue and can't do anything about it.

Way to go offtopic and show your desperation as you try to argue that one wrong is justified by another. However, do you have anything to say about what was actually said or is trolling and triyng to change the subject to avoid content you can't deal with all you have to offer??
I understand that you object to what you use instead of logic being applied to you the same as you apply it to others.

If you don't mind the label then by all means keep terrorist supporters as part of your movement but then don't cry and whine when your group gets labeled terrorist supporters. If you allow it then you deserve the label.

I don't mind the logic but I have never been to an anti war rally but if I was and if I witnessed such behavior I would surely say something. Furthermore, the right tired to label the entire LEFT terrorist supporters based on what those few you mentioned did where as the majority of the people I have seen are not labeled the entier right or even the entire tea party as racsit based on the acts of a few so your spin loses touch with the logic. Or did you happene to miss that?

Furthermore, I am primarily concerned because you seem so desperate to avoid what was actually said as you try to change the subject in a desperate attempt to avoid what you don't wish to hear.
I ask again, can you address what was actually written or is trolling and avoidance all you have to offer??
LOL, as if the Tea Party can CONTROL every person who comes to their rallies. Just like the Democrats-lefties controlled all the people who attended the Anti-war protesting when they were burning American flags, camping out on Bush's lawn, etc etc.
I we are deserving of the label RACIST. then every damn Liberal Democrat who was behind the Anti-war protesters were DESERVING OF THE LABEL, UNAMERCIAN.
which is what you are showing yourself to be, big time.
what ever happen to the lefties battle cry, DISSENT IS PATROTIC. I guess that only goes for when they are doing it. And they are carring signs of Bush as everything disgusting you all could think up. the only difference there, is Bush was white, so NO BODY could scream racist as they do now evertime there is dissent againt the Obama.

It begs the question Steph. Was this drsmith Character whining about Robert Byrd. Did he demand the dem party remove him. Were the progressive loons demanding the dem's remove him?

Of course not. And we ALL know why.

You are absolutely right!.....Progressives are hypocrites to the core.

Once again the troll and my personal stalker chefjester chimes in with his usual moronic statements. What do the now deceased bird and his former beliefs have to do with the tea party and some the current beliefs that are being expressed by a few of it's members??

oh well it's nothing but the usual attacks from you as you try so desperately to post something valid and still fall so very short of the mark. LOL

BTW how do I qualify as a "progressive"
Funny, but i've been dealing with you for a couple o' years now. Never did I see you demand that the dem's remove Byrd. You're a fuckin' hypocrite to the core, Dr.

And i'll ask again, do you have proof that they are members?

Provide the proof. Otherwise, all you are doing is assuming. Assumptions carry about as much weight as the turd my dog laid out on the lawn this morning. That turd was summarily tossed in the trash where it belonged. Just the same as your lame assumptions should be.

It's really getting to be quite funny that as the Tea Party movement continues to gain strength, and Obama continues to fail on so many levels, all you people have is the race card. And we can fully expect that you people will play that card as often as possible in a lame attempt to cover for Obama's abject ineptness.

It truly is laughable, yet sad at the same time.
Especially the liberals, ACORN members and other assorted, militant, progressive activist plants that go to act out and give the Tea Party a bad name intentionally.

What makes you think those holding racist signs were plants and not some fringe group attaching itself to the Tea Party?

Any proof?

it could be any of the above...not to mention lonely isolated race haters that have nothing better to do and figured what the heck...cheap beer and music.

I remember on campus therew would be "protests" and half the people I knew went not caring OR knowing what they were for. It was an excuse to yell and scream.

I dont hold the tea partyers responsible for those signs anymore than I would hold an anti war protester responsible for the Bush?Hitler signs.

Only a fool would not realize that epopole capitalize on free food, music and PRESS COVERAGE.

What's hilarious is that the hack who thanked you for this was one of the most vocal on the msnbc message board in calling ALL on the left un-American or unpatriotic based on what a few at those protests said and the signs they held. He did not hold his attacks only for those who pretested but let them fly at ALL on the left.

So am I to take it that you were against the foxnews promotion of events when they sent their personalities to "cover" the events by hosting their programs live from within the events as they provided free entertainment and such even as foxnews tried to talk up the movement that they were enhancing with a free party??
I think what he was trying to do was to point out to you that when there is a msall minority of bad apples, most tend to ignore them and go on their way. They do not want to lend those bad apples any credibility and to be quite frank, most are afraid to rub a racist or pro terrorist the wroing way. I mean, if you can go in public with a sign with th N word on it, then you are a bit warped. Who knows what that person may do if you got in his face.

Smae holds true for those that carry pro terrorist signs. They are warped and could be quite dangerous.

I have learned to stay away from people that display warped behavior in public. And yes, I learned my lesson the hard way.

My points still stand, those people should be called out and you can't honestly pretend that they aren't there when criticism of your group arises based on their presence. If it exists, you only tend to lose credibility when you try to deny that fact as many have done as they tried to claim that racism does not exist within the tea party in spite of the fact that evidence has been shown that it does.
Furthermore, I am still waiting for a comment that's actually on topic but I doubt I will get one from dave.
So, can you provide proof that those people are actually members of the Tea Party?

Can you provide proof that they weren't plants, or fringers looking for attention?

If the tea party is racist, as you so bogusly claim, why are blacks allowed to attend the rallies. Why are there black members?

So far, your so called "points" are nothing more than tired old S&P talking points.

We're you making these same "points" about Robert Byrd?.....Why of course not!


WOW can you prove that they were ALL plants?? logic would conclude that since they are at tea party events that they are in fact members however, the burden of proof lies with you if you are actually trying to claim that ALL of the examples of racism at tea party events were plants.
The sad thing is NOW you admit that they were there and part of it but NOW and despite the fact that you have NO proof you are trying to claim that they were ALL plants. LOL
So let's see you put up or shut up. However, you and I both know based on your history that you won't/can't put up but that won't stop you from talking.
My points still stand, those people should be called out and you can't honestly pretend that they aren't there when criticism of your group arises based on their presence. If it exists, you only tend to lose credibility when you try to deny that fact as many have done as they tried to claim that racism does not exist within the tea party in spite of the fact that evidence has been shown that it does.
Furthermore, I am still waiting for a comment that's actually on topic but I doubt I will get one from dave.
So, can you provide proof that those people are actually members of the Tea Party?

Can you provide proof that they weren't plants, or fringers looking for attention?

If the tea party is racist, as you so bogusly claim, why are blacks allowed to attend the rallies. Why are there black members?

So far, your so called "points" are nothing more than tired old S&P talking points.

We're you making these same "points" about Robert Byrd?.....Why of course not!


WOW can you prove that they were ALL plants?? logic would conclude that since they are at tea party events that they are in fact members however, the burden of proof lies with you if you are actually trying to claim that ALL of the examples of racism at tea party events were plants.
The sad thing is NOW you admit that they were there and part of it but NOW and despite the fact that you have NO proof you are trying to claim that they were ALL plants. LOL
So let's see you put up or shut up. However, you and I both know based on your history that you won't/can't put up but that won't stop you from talking.
Of course they were there. But you can't provide proof that they were members of the party. YOU are the one making the claim, so prove it!

Fact is, the leader of a fringe group claiming to be part of the party authored an incredibly stupid and racist letter. The legitimate party immediaitely denounced him so, your points are a bunch of BS.
My points still stand, those people should be called out and you can't honestly pretend that they aren't there when criticism of your group arises based on their presence.
No one's saying they're not there, you idiot.

We're saying there aren't as many as you want to pretend. Furthermore, race-based criticism of the Tea Parties is mostly mindless knee-jerk.
If it exists, you only tend to lose credibility when you try to deny that fact as many have done as they tried to claim that racism does not exist within the tea party in spite of the fact that evidence has been shown that it does.
Again...who said it doesn't exist?
Furthermore, I am still waiting for a comment that's actually on topic but I doubt I will get one from dave.
You got some here in this post. Predictably, you will say they are not on topic. :lol:
It begs the question Steph. Was this drsmith Character whining about Robert Byrd. Did he demand the dem party remove him. Were the progressive loons demanding the dem's remove him?

Of course not. And we ALL know why.

You are absolutely right!.....Progressives are hypocrites to the core.

Once again the troll and my personal stalker chefjester chimes in with his usual moronic statements. What do the now deceased bird and his former beliefs have to do with the tea party and some the current beliefs that are being expressed by a few of it's members??

oh well it's nothing but the usual attacks from you as you try so desperately to post something valid and still fall so very short of the mark. LOL

BTW how do I qualify as a "progressive"
Funny, but i've been dealing with you for a couple o' years now. Never did I see you demand that the dem's remove Byrd. You're a fuckin' hypocrite to the core, Dr.

And i'll ask again, do you have proof that they are members?

Provide the proof. Otherwise, all you are doing is assuming. Assumptions carry about as much weight as the turd my dog laid out on the lawn this morning. That turd was summarily tossed in the trash where it belonged. Just the same as your lame assumptions should be.

It's really getting to be quite funny that as the Tea Party movement continues to gain strength, and Obama continues to fail on so many levels, all you people have is the race card. And we can fully expect that you people will play that card as often as possible in a lame attempt to cover for Obama's abject ineptness.

It truly is laughable, yet sad at the same time.

way to go troll, try to change the subject as you might but I am not taking the bait about bird.

YOU made the assumption (see your own post) that they are not part of the tea party when they were at tea party events so the burden of proof is on YOU. Prove that ALL of the examples that have ever been posted about racism at tea party events were ALL plants.

You can't prove your argument but that won't stop you from spinning and making a claim that you can't prove.

BTW, how do I qualify as a "progressive"?
I don't mind the logic but I have never been to an anti war rally but if I was and if I witnessed such behavior I would surely say something.
I can't find any proof any on the left said something to the terrorist supporters at their rallies. Can you?
Furthermore, the right tired to label the entire LEFT terrorist supporters based on what those few you mentioned did where as the majority of the people I have seen are not labeled the entier right or even the entire tea party as racsit based on the acts of a few so your spin loses touch with the logic. Or did you happene to miss that?
I guess you happened to miss the folks saying that the Tea Parties' sole motive is hatred of the black man in the Oval Office.
Furthermore, I am primarily concerned because you seem so desperate to avoid what was actually said as you try to change the subject in a desperate attempt to avoid what you don't wish to hear.
Yeah, that has to be it. It can't be that you don't think your own logic should be applied to you. No way.
I ask again, can you address what was actually written or is trolling and avoidance all you have to offer??
It doesn't matter what I say, you'll still call it trolling. :lol:
Once again the troll and my personal stalker chefjester chimes in with his usual moronic statements. What do the now deceased bird and his former beliefs have to do with the tea party and some the current beliefs that are being expressed by a few of it's members??

oh well it's nothing but the usual attacks from you as you try so desperately to post something valid and still fall so very short of the mark. LOL

BTW how do I qualify as a "progressive"
Funny, but i've been dealing with you for a couple o' years now. Never did I see you demand that the dem's remove Byrd. You're a fuckin' hypocrite to the core, Dr.

And i'll ask again, do you have proof that they are members?

Provide the proof. Otherwise, all you are doing is assuming. Assumptions carry about as much weight as the turd my dog laid out on the lawn this morning. That turd was summarily tossed in the trash where it belonged. Just the same as your lame assumptions should be.

It's really getting to be quite funny that as the Tea Party movement continues to gain strength, and Obama continues to fail on so many levels, all you people have is the race card. And we can fully expect that you people will play that card as often as possible in a lame attempt to cover for Obama's abject ineptness.

It truly is laughable, yet sad at the same time.

way to go troll, try to change the subject as you might but I am not taking the bait about bird.

YOU made the assumption (see your own post) that they are not part of the tea party when they were at tea party events so the burden of proof is on YOU. Prove that ALL of the examples that have ever been posted about racism at tea party events were ALL plants.

You can't prove your argument but that won't stop you from spinning and making a claim that you can't prove.

BTW, how do I qualify as a "progressive"?
I never said they were all plants. I never said there weren't any racists. I asked YOU to provide proof they are part of the party. Provide proof they weren't plants. Provide proof the Party is a racist organization.

BTW, progressives employ the tactics you so blatantly use. It's right out of the Soros playbook. It's only too fucking obvious.

Now, provide that proof!....Your spin and deflection is growing tiring.
So, can you provide proof that those people are actually members of the Tea Party?

Can you provide proof that they weren't plants, or fringers looking for attention?

If the tea party is racist, as you so bogusly claim, why are blacks allowed to attend the rallies. Why are there black members?

So far, your so called "points" are nothing more than tired old S&P talking points.

We're you making these same "points" about Robert Byrd?.....Why of course not!


WOW can you prove that they were ALL plants?? logic would conclude that since they are at tea party events that they are in fact members however, the burden of proof lies with you if you are actually trying to claim that ALL of the examples of racism at tea party events were plants.
The sad thing is NOW you admit that they were there and part of it but NOW and despite the fact that you have NO proof you are trying to claim that they were ALL plants. LOL
So let's see you put up or shut up. However, you and I both know based on your history that you won't/can't put up but that won't stop you from talking.
Of course they were there. But you can't provide proof that they were members of the party. YOU are the one making the claim, so prove it!

Fact is, the leader of a fringe group claiming to be part of the party authored an incredibly stupid and racist letter. The legitimate party immediaitely denounced him so, your points are a bunch of BS.

So despite the fact that you have NO proof to back up your claims, you are claiming that ALL of those examples of racism at the tea party events were ALL plants and then you are demanding that I prove your claim wrong when you can't prove it to be correct?? LOL now that is hilarious.
That would be like me asking you to go back and prove that ALL the "terrorist sympathizers" at anti war rallies were plants of the right. There is NO evidence to support such a ludicrous idea that I, as an honest person, would never even attempt to make such a claim.
As for your leader of a fringe group, he and his tea party express sponsored many events and was a part of your legitimate party until after he wrote that letter.

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