Calling Tea Party people racist is a S.I.N.


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Gold Supporting Member
Aug 10, 2008
The NAACP is doing the dirty work for the failed policies of the Obama Administration and the Congressional Democrats. Accusing the Tea Party movement as being racist shifts (S) the attention from the mishandling of the Gulf oil tragedy, the failed $862 billion stimulus spending bill, the lack of private sector job growth and an economy stuck on stalled.

The NAACP’s accusation also shifts attention away from the problems in the black community which they ignore (I) in their name calling (N) rhetoric, such as increased high school drop-out rates, increased incarceration rates, increased out-of-wedlock birth rates and unemployment rates among blacks that are 50 percent higher than the national average.

Although my invitation to the NAACP annual convention in Kansas City got lost in the mail, I suspect there were plenty of speeches blaming George W. Bush and greedy capitalists for those problems.

News and Articles by and about Herman Cain - the Hermanator Experience

Gosh I love Herman Cain!! Would love to see him run in 2012.
Read the rest of the's not long. ;)
The NAACP is doing the dirty work for the failed policies of the Obama Administration and the Congressional Democrats. Accusing the Tea Party movement as being racist shifts (S) the attention from the mishandling of the Gulf oil tragedy, the failed $862 billion stimulus spending bill, the lack of private sector job growth and an economy stuck on stalled.

The NAACP’s accusation also shifts attention away from the problems in the black community which they ignore (I) in their name calling (N) rhetoric, such as increased high school drop-out rates, increased incarceration rates, increased out-of-wedlock birth rates and unemployment rates among blacks that are 50 percent higher than the national average.

Although my invitation to the NAACP annual convention in Kansas City got lost in the mail, I suspect there were plenty of speeches blaming George W. Bush and greedy capitalists for those problems.

News and Articles by and about Herman Cain - the Hermanator Experience

Gosh I love Herman Cain!! Would love to see him run in 2012.
Read the rest of the's not long. ;)

"Although my invitation to the NAACP annual convention in Kansas City got lost in the mail, I suspect there were plenty of speeches blaming George W. Bush and greedy capitalists for those problems."

no doubt, true.


just attend any conservatively correct convention and you'll here deranged moronicons blaming all the ills of America on obama, liberals, demoncrats and progressives...


what's the dif?

both sides deserve culpability

both sides have managed to bring us to the state we are in

and any one who defends one side while blaming "it all" on the other is an idiot

and a DEFINITE FKN PART of the problem

methinks you might a part of the problem

thinks will NEVER get better as long as YOU blame 1 side while defending the other

YOU have ruined America
The NAACP is doing the dirty work for the failed policies of the Obama Administration and the Congressional Democrats. Accusing the Tea Party movement as being racist shifts (S) the attention from the mishandling of the Gulf oil tragedy, the failed $862 billion stimulus spending bill, the lack of private sector job growth and an economy stuck on stalled.

The NAACP’s accusation also shifts attention away from the problems in the black community which they ignore (I) in their name calling (N) rhetoric, such as increased high school drop-out rates, increased incarceration rates, increased out-of-wedlock birth rates and unemployment rates among blacks that are 50 percent higher than the national average.

Although my invitation to the NAACP annual convention in Kansas City got lost in the mail, I suspect there were plenty of speeches blaming George W. Bush and greedy capitalists for those problems.

News and Articles by and about Herman Cain - the Hermanator Experience

Gosh I love Herman Cain!! Would love to see him run in 2012.
Read the rest of the's not long. ;)

"Although my invitation to the NAACP annual convention in Kansas City got lost in the mail, I suspect there were plenty of speeches blaming George W. Bush and greedy capitalists for those problems."

no doubt, true.


just attend any conservatively correct convention and you'll here deranged moronicons blaming all the ills of America on obama, liberals, demoncrats and progressives...


what's the dif?

both sides deserve culpability

both sides have managed to bring us to the state we are in

and any one who defends one side while blaming "it all" on the other is an idiot

and a DEFINITE FKN PART of the problem

methinks you might a part of the problem

thinks will NEVER get better as long as YOU blame 1 side while defending the other

YOU have ruined America

I am sorry. I hope you understood what you said, because I sure didn't.
Gosh I love Herman Cain!! Would love to see him run in 2012.
Read the rest of the's not long. ;)

of course you love him... he's a self-hating black ....

same as anti-semites love self-hating jews.

he sounds like a moron.

WOW...can you prove that?
Gosh I love Herman Cain!! Would love to see him run in 2012.
Read the rest of the's not long. ;)

of course you love him... he's a self-hating black ....

same as anti-semites love self-hating jews.

he sounds like a moron.

wtf....he is a self hating black???

that is a racist thing to say and yoiu have no proof

there is nothing racist in that. what an absurd thing to say.
Gosh I love Herman Cain!! Would love to see him run in 2012.
Read the rest of the's not long. ;)

of course you love him... he's a self-hating black ....

same as anti-semites love self-hating jews.

he sounds like a moron.

wtf....he is a self hating black???

that is a racist thing to say and yoiu have no proof

Of course - any blacks who go off the Progressive Plantation must be self-hating.

In reality, they actually have enough self-respect not to eat the politically correct pablum served up by the left.
Of course she did. But she gets 10 Points for Consistency.
of course you love him... he's a self-hating black ....

same as anti-semites love self-hating jews.

he sounds like a moron.

wtf....he is a self hating black???

that is a racist thing to say and yoiu have no proof

Of course - any blacks who go off the Progressive Plantation must be self-hating.

In reality, they actually have enough self-respect not to eat the politically correct pablum served up by the left.

:blahblah: :blahblah:

nice use of the word plantation, though.

does that get you in touch with your roots?
wtf....he is a self hating black???

that is a racist thing to say and yoiu have no proof

Of course - any blacks who go off the Progressive Plantation must be self-hating.

In reality, they actually have enough self-respect not to eat the politically correct pablum served up by the left.

:blahblah: :blahblah:

nice use of the word plantation, though.

does that get you in touch with your roots?

You've been asked by two people to support your statement with why you say he is self-hating. Care to provide any additional information?
Make it three people who has asked.

Jillian what draws you to the conclusion that Cain is a self-hating black American?

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