Business Economists say Raise Taxes and Cut Spending


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

Tell Obama to say he will raise them...before the election. Doubt he will say it.

From your source:

"Most of them think Congress should wait until 2014 before raising tax rates. Only a small minority favor a permanent extension of lower payroll tax rates. A higher percentage — between 35 percent and 45 percent — favor permanent extension of current tax rates on income, dividends, and capital gains."
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Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

And the demoncraps will keep on spending so wtf? don't cry, it won't take much longer for them to spend us right off the cliff.
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

And the demoncraps will keep on spending so wtf? don't cry, it won't take much longer for them to spend us right off the cliff.

Tax and spend..their mantra for decades.
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

First off the title was misleading. No surprise given we're dealing with a libderp.
Second, Obama also believes the middle class is 200-250k. Why aren't you criticizing him?

Another thread fail.
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

Obama and Biden think a Plumber grossing $250K as a small business makes him part of the wealthy. That is scary.
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

And Obama believes these people are rich. See how you're all being played?

Stating what is rich, middle or poor in income with a broad brush stroke is dishonest. The idea is relative to region.

Secondly, Obama has prledged to not rraise the taxes on the group making less than 250k. Then went ahead and gave us all Obama Tax.

You fell for it again.
Raise the taxes as long as you cut the spending.

Of course spending cuts aren't going to happen. I'm sure the tax raises are on the horizon though.
Obama is rich...far richer than anyone here will ever be. But he tells us Romney can't represent us because Romney's rich.

The guy is a walking enigma.

your meme of taxes are evil is about dead.

Its pretty much all the republican party is now.

taxes are evil and so are regulations.

your party needs to get soem new ideas that might work
I might add, that the current adiminstration certianly isn't working to make cuts in spending. It seems the only thing the useful idiots are bent on is raising the taxes on some. While this is probably a good way to add revenue, if the spending isn't cut significantly, it's an empty gesture.

From what i gather the 250K crowd tax increase adds 800 billion or so dollars to revenue over 10 years. That's around 100 billion a year in additional revenue. It doesn't even take on 10% of the deficit spending. Before anyone shoud have to shell out ONE SINGLE dollar more in taxes, the federal government should be making honest meqans of cutting spending significantly to show that they do in fact, intend to balance a budget and bring the debt down.

This "fair share" shit is a bunch of loaded rhetoric adn the useful idiots have been falling all over themselves for four years on this non-point.

You're being misled again by Obama. He's lied since day one on almost every single promise he made to the American people and you guys still actually listen to him without question.

It's sad.
It's quite laughable to see progressives posting shit like this while obummer ignored his own debt commission, until his acceptance speech of course, then it was time to implement it. He's ignored every bit of advice on how to cut spending, yet all they can do is talk about raising taxes, and say that he will someday, somewhere, somehow, cut some spending.

Fucking lyin' hypocrites know no bounds.
Granny says, "Dat's right - Obama gonna make dem rich folks pay dey's fair share o' taxes...
Obama demands tax rises for rich over fiscal cliff
9 November 2012 - President Obama: "We can't just cut our way to prosperity"
Newly re-elected President Barack Obama has said the wealthy must pay more taxes under any political settlement to avert a looming budget crisis. He said Congress must act against the so-called fiscal cliff, a package of tax rises and spending cuts due early next year. But in a duelling news conference, Republican House Speaker John Boehner said tax rises would not be acceptable.

Budget analysts warn the US will tip into recession unless a deal is struck. Mr Obama has repeatedly called for the affluent to pay more, but such a plan is anathema to Republicans. The fiscal cliff would see the expiry of George W Bush-era tax cuts at the end of 2012, combined with automatic, across-the-board reductions to military and domestic spending.

'Open to compromise'

In the East Room of the White House on Friday, Mr Obama said: "We can't just cut our way to prosperity. If we're serious about reducing the deficit, we have to combine spending cuts with revenue. And that means asking the wealthiest Americans to pay a little more in taxes." The Democratic president continued: "I want to be clear. I'm not wedded to every detail of my plan. I'm open to compromise. I'm open to new ideas... but I refuse to accept any approach that isn't balanced."

He repeated his oft-stated call for tax rises on earnings over $250,000 (£157,000), while urging Congress to extend existing rates for 98% of taxpayers. "This was a central question during the election," said Mr Obama. "It was debated over and over again. On Tuesday night, we found out that the majority of Americans agree with my approach." He also invited Democratic and Republican leaders to the White House next week to discuss how to move forward. A White House spokesman said afterwards the president would veto any bill extending tax cuts for those making more than $250,000.

More BBC News - Obama demands tax rises for rich over fiscal cliff
Granny says, "Dat's right - dem rich folks been gettin' away with not payin' dey's fair share o' taxes fer too long...
Barack Obama: US wealthiest must pay more tax
14 November 2012 - President Obama said his approach was that ''the wealthiest Americans pay a little bit more''
US President Obama has reiterated his call for high earners in the US to pay more in taxes, in his first news conference since winning re-election. He called for quick legislation to rule out tax rises on the first $250,000 (£158,000) of income, but refused to extend cuts for the wealthiest 2%. "We should not hold the middle class hostage while we debate tax cuts for the wealthy," Mr Obama said. The US faces an end-of-year "fiscal cliff" of spending cuts and tax rises. The fiscal cliff would see the George W Bush-era tax cuts expire in combination with automatic, across-the-board reductions to military and domestic spending.

Loophole offer

Some $607bn (£380bn) of savings and tax rises are planned, including reductions in the defence budget, the end of an employee tax holiday, changes to Medicare allowances and higher personal taxes. The lower paid are set to lose some child and income credits, but Mr Obama has made fewer references to other portions of the stimulus deal set to expire beyond the tax cuts. The fiscal cliff is due to take effect because Congress failed to reach a deal on deficit reduction after a stand-off over the US debt ceiling in mid-2011. Congressional Republicans have said since last week's US elections that they are open to raising revenue through tax reform and closure of loopholes, but oppose tax rises on the wealthy.

Glenn Hubbard, an economic adviser to Republican Mitt Romney's failed presidential bid, writing in the Financial Times, called on fellow Republicans to accept the need for the rich to pay more tax, albeit through closing loopholes such as tax deductions. Other Republicans favour ending the right of Americans to deduct mortgage interest payments from their taxable income - something analysts say is likely to hurt the middle classes far more than top earners. During his news conference on Wednesday, Mr Obama was dismissive of a loophole-only reform, telling reporters that "the math tends not to work" in helping to cut the deficit. "It really is arithmetic, not calculus," he said. The president has long opposed extending the Bush-era tax cuts for earnings above $250,000 a year, but gave into Republican demands in 2010 when the cuts were last up for renewal.

On Wednesday, Mr Obama said that would not happen this time. "A modest tax increase on the wealthy is not going to break their backs," he said. "They'll still be wealthy." But the president said he was confident that the White House and Congress could reach a deal before 1 January to avoid the "fiscal cliff", as the US economy could not afford it coming to pass. He suggested the immediate extension of all the expiring tax cuts except the top rate, followed by a more comprehensive reform of the tax code as well as some of the US' largest benefits programmes, including Social Security in 2013. In doing so, he distanced himself from some in his own party who want the combined tax rises and cuts to happen, in order to give Mr Obama a better negotiating position.

'Great distance'[/b]
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

Yeah--it's going to happen on January 1, 2013 in less than two months. But it's going to effect EVERYONE. The Bush tax cuts expire--and massive budget cuts will take place. There is no way Boehner is going to raise taxes on one segment of our population without raising taxes on everyone.

You Voted for higher taxes--you're going to get them.

A package of tax increases and spending cuts that will take effect Jan. 1, 2013, the "fiscal cliff" will affect every American that pays income tax — and even some that do not.

Unless congress can passes a budget deal before the first of the year, the economy will be hard hit by these cuts.

Some economists have even said the drastic budget changes could plunge the country back into a recession in the first half of the year.

Doctors who accept Medicare, people who get unemployment aid, defense contractors, air traffic controllers, national park rangers, no matter who you are, it will be all but impossible to avoid the pain.

Middle income families would have to pay an average of about $2,000 more next year, the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center has calculated.

Up to 3.4 million jobs would be lost, the Congressional Budget Office estimates. The unemployment rate would reach 9.1 percent from the current 7.9 percent. Stocks could plunge. The nonpartisan CBO estimates the total cost of the cliff in 2013 at $671 billion.
Effects of 'Fiscal Cliff' Unavoidable for Americans | Fox News Latino

Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

Obama and Biden think a Plumber grossing $250K as a small business makes him part of the wealthy. That is scary.

Hey shit for brains, you're not taxed on gross income. You're taxed on adjusted gross income.
Actually what they said is that tax rates shouldn't be changed. From your article:

Most of them think Congress should wait until 2014 before raising tax rates. Only a small minority favor a permanent extension of lower payroll tax rates. A higher percentage — between 35 percent and 45 percent — favor permanent extension of current tax rates on income, dividends, and capital gains.

The guy who wrote the article is a liar, and so are you.

Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!
Raise taxes and cut spending, business economists say - Economy Watch

The GOP will continue to reach for tax cuts for the wealthy. Their plan flys in the face of what the "job creators" say is needed. Mitt says Cut Taxes for the wealthy...and yet he still sees reducing the federal deficit...He will get rid of many of the tax dedcution the middle class need. That will offset his tax cut for the wealthy.

Oh and Mitt thinks Middle Class is $200,000 to $250,000...:lol: Maybe in his priviledged world it is!

and democrats will never have the balls to cut spending, so there ya are.

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