Breitbart: "Wait Til They See What Happens March 1st"...

Not allowed to mention L.S. here. You did a boo boo. You in trouble.


If Larry Sinclair was Breitbarts boy toy there is nothing I can do about it

But you know he wasn't. You know who that boy toy belonged to. But like i said, mentioning L.S. here can bring you a lot of trouble. So be careful.

Not from my sources

In fact Breitbart had more contact with Larry Sinclair than President Obama ever did......and you can give Sinclair another lie detector on that
Call me crazy, but I think Andrew is watching all this stuff going on -- and not from heaven. Wouldn't surprised me if he faked his death to play a huge joke on everyone. After all, those recent Occupy vids with him screaming about rapists were a bit weird. He'd kind of looked like Harry Nilsson (bless his soul).
Breitbart died hours before planned release of damning Obama footage.

In a stunning coincidence, It appears Andrew Breitbart suffered his untimely death just hours before he was set to release damning video footage that could have sunk Barack Obama’s 2012 re-election campaign.

Around three weeks ago on February 9 during the ‘Blog Bash’ event in Washington DC, Breitbart made a prophetic comment that takes on a somewhat chilling nature given the fact that he died in the early hours of March 1st.

Speaking to Lawrence Sinclair of Sinclair News, Breitbart stated, “Wait til they see what happens March 1st.

It’s almost certain that Breitbart was referring to his plan to release damning footage of President Obama that he had been promising to reveal throughout the month of February.

As we reported yesterday, Breitbart spoke of his intention to release the tape during his CPAC speech last month. The footage shows Obama in his college days appearing alongside former Weather Underground terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. Observers had speculated that the footage could have derailed Obama’s hopes for a second term.

“I’ve got video from his college days that show you why racial division and class warfare are central to what hope and change was sold in 2008 – the videos are going to come out,” said Breitbart, adding that Obama would be vetted.

You don’t have to be a conspiracy theorist to appreciate the downright weirdness of Breitbart predicting a major event to occur on March 1st, only for him to end up dying on that very date. Breitbart was officially pronounced dead at 12:19am.

Although the cause of Breitbart’s death was hastily reported to be of “natural causes,” the Los Angeles County coroner’s office have refused to confirm anything until an autopsy has been performed.

Breitbart: I Have Obama College Films - YouTube

Read More:
» Breitbart: “Wait ‘Til They See What Happens March 1st” Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

The videos are going to be released within the next Ten Days...:eusa_shhh::eusa_whistle:
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I watched interviews with democrats yesterday about his death. Nearly all of them stated that if you met the man and spoke with him outside the political spotlight he was the most likeable person you'd ever meet.

Political opinions do not define who we are, they are a by product of living life.

Political opinions do not define who you are? Maybe, maybe not, but in America your profession certainly does. He chose to wage an incredibly mean spirited propaganda war on the left and earned all the ill will he received. I do not think he was a nice guy at all.

He turned the lefts nasty tactics back on them and they didnt like it..... The left has always been nasty, ugly, and mean spirited.

You turds just cant handle your own medication.

Ya bunch of pussies

You think we're that nasty? I'd say we're not nasty enough.
It was announced on Hannity last night the tapes will be aired next week on his show. It's gonna be ugly.
Time for OBBY to start selling shoes.

They'll be postponed. You watch.

And if "the videos" do come out, they'll show nothing but the wingnuts will claim they do anyway.
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If Larry Sinclair was Breitbarts boy toy there is nothing I can do about it

But you know he wasn't. You know who that boy toy belonged to. But like i said, mentioning L.S. here can bring you a lot of trouble. So be careful.

Not from my sources

In fact Breitbart had more contact with Larry Sinclair than President Obama ever did......and you can give Sinclair another lie detector on that

Do you really want to go there? You know exactly who that boy toy belonged to. And it wasn't Andrew Breitbart.
Nice guy in person? I suppose I'll take that on faith. Then again, Adolf Hitler was a vegetarian who loved small animals. Everyone has a redeeming feature or two, and pure evil is at least as rare in human beings as saintliness.

Oh, please.... I had you down as vaguely intelligent enough not to use the 6 million dead at the hands of Hitler for stupid partisan point scoring.

Call me crazy, but I think Andrew is watching all this stuff going on -- and not from heaven. Wouldn't surprised me if he faked his death to play a huge joke on everyone. After all, those recent Occupy vids with him screaming about rapists were a bit weird. He'd kind of looked like Harry Nilsson (bless his soul).

Except all those rapes really happened, and are still happening at OWS protests all across the country. And it's interesting you're far more outraged he pointed that out, than about the actual rapes themselves. What does that say about you? :cuckoo:
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I'm glad to be rid of the bastard. I hated the sight of him because he reeked with arrogant spitefulness. To hell with him.

Well, if politics were rid of those who reek with arrogant spitefulness, there would certainly be far fewer people on both ends of the spectrum.

Anyway, what are these videos supposed to show? An Obama screaming communist rant at a rally or something? This kind of thing can be overblown and/or backfire. The GOP may not want to do the happy dance just yet.

Too bad they're in such lousy shape that this would even matter.

So he really did know Bill Ayers


I'm glad to be rid of the bastard. I hated the sight of him because he reeked with arrogant spitefulness. To hell with him.

Well, if politics were rid of those who reek with arrogant spitefulness, there would certainly be far fewer people on both ends of the spectrum.

Anyway, what are these videos supposed to show? An Obama screaming communist rant at a rally or something? This kind of thing can be overblown and/or backfire. The GOP may not want to do the happy dance just yet.

Too bad they're in such lousy shape that this would even matter.

The tapes will show Obama's birth in Kenya.

I'm glad to be rid of the bastard. I hated the sight of him because he reeked with arrogant spitefulness. To hell with him.

Well, if politics were rid of those who reek with arrogant spitefulness, there would certainly be far fewer people on both ends of the spectrum.

Anyway, what are these videos supposed to show? An Obama screaming communist rant at a rally or something? This kind of thing can be overblown and/or backfire. The GOP may not want to do the happy dance just yet.

Too bad they're in such lousy shape that this would even matter.

The tapes will show Obama's birth in Kenya.

[ame=]Obama and the National Anthem - YouTube[/ame]
So he really did know Bill Ayers

Did you know? FDR: Allowed Pearl Harbor to happen on his watch,
Then "liberals" have controlled history for seventy years; our military expected the attack to come in the Philippines.
Can we stipulate that the majority of those who voted for the Predender in '08 will be swayed naught....
...could be a vid of the President standing over Breitbart with a dripping hypodermic needle, and there'd be folks with posters


paulitician, no data, no logic, no argument and no experience will dissuade the mob.

Got that vid?

1. Are you suggesting that you voted for him in '08, and a telling vid might dissuade you from making the same mistake again?
If that is the case, I have high hopes for you!

2. Would you accept as equal evidence the state of our nation three years after Obama promised the following:

[ame=]Obama Claiming He Can Halt the Rise of the Oceans - YouTube[/ame]

3. Next, pick up a copy of "Demonic" by Ann Coulter.

and Lincoln broke his promise about slaves in his first inaugural speech
and he was re-elected
'Silver Ponytails.' lol! Those dudes really do annoy me. Yeah, we're gonna miss Andrew Breitbart.
'Silver Ponytails.' lol! Those dudes really do annoy me. Yeah, we're gonna miss Andrew Breitbart.

As I stated yesterday? There will be others to take up the fight, but won't be able to fill his shoes.

He will be missed.
What about Rush, Beck, Drudge, and Coulter? Plenty of right wing commentators/entertainers out there.

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