Breaking Rumor: Trump considering Romney for Sec State?

I like it. I don't really care if Romney in the administration, but it shows that Trump is being magnanimous and trying to heal the party. He's also reaching out to Nikki Haley for a possible position.
Are you sure it is not all a guise, to fool people like you and me in to believing he is reaching out, even though he never had intentions of hiring any of them? His first 5 pick are all LOYALIST yes men.

You main Christie? No wait, he's out

Gingrich? No wait, he's not going to be in the cabinet

You obviously made up the yes men part, but as for loyalists, name a President who didn't rely on his supporters and allies? Why would they not do that?
Sure are a lot of career politicians in the “outsider” cabinet. Drain the swamp but send rescue boats for your crew???

Romney a DC insider? You're delusional. The guy's never had an office in DC.

And where did Trump say not one person who's ever gone up the Washington Monument is automatically out? Shut up and get back in the back of the bus where you belong.

On another subject, two months until I win our bet. I'm starting to think about statements for your sig ... They won't be anything with cursing or sex references or anything. Other than maybe a thought on a plot for a lesbian movie (just kidding). They won't be anything particularly inflammatory. More along the lines of you believe things because you want to, not because there's any evidence for it.

Any suggestions?
What's the bet?
Good idea. It shows Trump can forget and consolidate. More importantly, it gives status and dignity to the State Department, something sorely lacking especially in Hillary's tenure.
Sure are a lot of career politicians in the “outsider” cabinet. Drain the swamp but send rescue boats for your crew???

Romney a DC insider? You're delusional. The guy's never had an office in DC.

And where did Trump say not one person who's ever gone up the Washington Monument is automatically out? Shut up and get back in the back of the bus where you belong.

On another subject, two months until I win our bet. I'm starting to think about statements for your sig ... They won't be anything with cursing or sex references or anything. Other than maybe a thought on a plot for a lesbian movie (just kidding). They won't be anything particularly inflammatory. More along the lines of you believe things because you want to, not because there's any evidence for it.

Any suggestions?
What's the bet?

I made a mistake, the bet was with Bodecea, not CandyCorn. Candycorn offered me a bet on Trump but I turned it down because I'm not a Trump supporter and don't care to bet for him.

But the bet with Bodecea was that she said Obama would be impeached. I said no. We bet the winner puts a statement in the loser's sig for six months. That's why the bet's not over, it's not an election bet. I win when Obama leaves office
Good idea. It shows Trump can forget and consolidate. More importantly, it gives status and dignity to the State Department, something sorely lacking especially in Hillary's tenure.
outside of the President, the Secretary of State is the most important job in the cabinet....

I would love to see Romney in the position versus Guiliani or Haley or one of his cronies...

I can only pray, that he picks Romney.... I think he has the smarts and demeanor to be a good, rational, SOS...
Romney worked against the guy and Trump wants to give him a choice position? .....Romney for even considering that has as much character as Bernie Sanders does...and for trump to consider him...what a chump....
Romney worked against the guy and Trump wants to give him a choice position? .....Romney for even considering that has as much character as Bernie Sanders does...and for trump to consider him...what a chump....
If the consideration makes a chump of the far and alt right. But we will see.
Good idea. It shows Trump can forget and consolidate. More importantly, it gives status and dignity to the State Department, something sorely lacking especially in Hillary's tenure.
outside of the President, the Secretary of State is the most important job in the cabinet....

I would love to see Romney in the position versus Guiliani or Haley or one of his cronies...

I can only pray, that he picks Romney.... I think he has the smarts and demeanor to be a good, rational, SOS...

Haley would be a great choice. Charming lady, she'd do a great job.

I don't think Guiliani is a good pick only because of politics. He'd do a great job, but because of his consulting company's clients I think he'd be dogged the whole time with accusations of bias. While I think those accusations are exaggerated, I don't think they are without merit. I think any other office would be fine for him though. State is just too directly in conflict with his company
This would be a good move in reassuring that Trump really is with the mainstream GOP and will exclude the far and alt right from foreign policy. If Romney is appoint, want to bet Bannon starts wearing a flak jacket?

First on CNN: Donald Trump, Mitt Romney to meet -
15 hours ago - New York (CNN) President-elect Donald Trump will meet this weekend with one of his fiercest critics: 2012 Republican nominee Mitt Romney, a discussion that could include the position of secretary of state.
Mitt Romney: Secretary Of State Possible For Former Massachusetts ...
18 hours ago - MSNBC is reporting that sources with “direct knowledge” of the situation are stating that 2012 Republican presidential nominee and former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney is being considered for Secretary of State by President-elect Donald Trump. A meeting is planned ...
Trump considering Mitt Romney for secretary of state: NBC News
20 hours ago - U.S. President-elect Donald Trump is considering Mitt Romney, the 2012 Republican presidential nominee, for secretary of state, NBC News ...
Donald Trump considering Mitt Romney as secretary of state ...
President-elect Donald Trump is reportedly considering Mitt Romney for the position of secretary of state.

I would take Huntsman before Romney... If true then it show the left Trump has some sense and appoints the right people for the right position but Romney would be better suited in the economic advisor position instead...
Trump can't be considering Romney for any position. I just read a liberal post that declared Trump has a problem with holding a grudge, with 'revenge', abd has not reached out to anyone who did not support him, which Romney certainly did not do (at 1st). This must be a 'typo'. :p
Trump can't be considering Romney for any position. I just read a liberal post that declared Trump has a problem with holding a grudge, with 'revenge', abd has not reached out to anyone who did not support him, which Romney certainly did not do (at 1st). This must be a 'typo'. :p
I think he's just trolling Mitt. But Nikki didn't support him either, and I wouldn't be surprised if he picks her.

What trump hasn't done is chosen anyone who was from the never trump camp. But, thus far, he also has not engaged in the pay back sophomore stuff he's been known to do.
Trump can't be considering Romney for any position. I just read a liberal post that declared Trump has a problem with holding a grudge, with 'revenge', abd has not reached out to anyone who did not support him, which Romney certainly did not do (at 1st). This must be a 'typo'. :p
I think he's just trolling Mitt. But Nikki didn't support him either, and I wouldn't be surprised if he picks her.

What trump hasn't done is chosen anyone who was from the never trump camp. But, thus far, he also has not engaged in the pay back sophomore stuff he's been known to do.

He's only picked a few people and Romney, Nikki and even Ted Cruz have all been publicly under consideration.

I'm hoping he nominates Ted Cruz for the SCOTUS though. Linking him to the cabinet first may be a way to rehabilitate him so he could make that nomination. And I don't think he'd succumb to leftist pressure like Roberts and Kennedy
Nikki Haley is a remarkable woman who stepped into the SC 'Good Ol' Buy Network', took a load of criticism and shit, and kicked ass! She has an awesome record, has done a great job working on both sides of the aisle - She has been the best thing to come along for SC in decades!

It is way too early and way too far of a reach for now to suggest it, but she has the potential to be a Presidential candidate (at least).
Nikki Haley is a remarkable woman who stepped into the SC 'Good Ol' Buy Network', took a load of criticism and shit, and kicked ass! She has an awesome record, has done a great job working on both sides of the aisle - She has been the best thing to come along for SC in decades!

It is way too early and way too far of a reach for now to suggest it, but she has the potential to be a Presidential candidate (at least).

You said the key word to the left though, "woman." She will be targeted by the left for intense vitriol. Women are free to support Democrats or be destroyed. It's how they roll
All of the Alt Right haters of Romney are on board.

OK, maybe they are growing brains.

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