Breaking news! The economy and debt still sucks

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
This administration is dead set on changing the topic of discussion for 2012. But the numbers don't lie. Despite being a newfound lover of gays and suing every other state for bogus reasons Obamas job performance still sucks. Less people in the work force than in the last decade despite the population growth. More debt in 3 years than any previous president in 8. A new lawsuit against the American people every other week. Tying the hands of our soldiers in combat with ridiculous rules of engagement. Bailing out private American companies only to have them use the money to open up shop overseas. Busting the balls via the epa of our energy industry.

God I hope this man is soundly defeated in November.
True but O and the media are frothing into a frenzy over condoms, gays, and any other social issues to try to make the electorate forget about the horrid economy, massive debt, high unemployment, energy issues. Classic dodge, deflect, and divert away from the dire state of the country.
This administration is dead set on changing the topic of discussion for 2012. But the numbers don't lie. Despite being a newfound lover of gays and suing every other state for bogus reasons Obamas job performance still sucks. Less people in the work force than in the last decade despite the population growth. More debt in 3 years than any previous president in 8. A new lawsuit against the American people every other week. Tying the hands of our soldiers in combat with ridiculous rules of engagement. Bailing out private American companies only to have them use the money to open up shop overseas. Busting the balls via the epa of our energy industry.

God I hope this man is soundly defeated in November.

You sound just like Jimmy Carter. :lol: What a whiney pussbag.
True but O and the media are frothing into a frenzy over condoms, gays, and any other social issues to try to make the electorate forget about the horrid economy, massive debt, high unemployment, energy issues. Classic dodge, deflect, and divert away from the dire state of the country.

Yea, but those real problems don't send a tingle up their legs. The reporter I heard today was practically giddy when he announced that Obama completed his evolution.

The people suffering aren't able to forget their circumstances and probably aren't jumping for joy because of anything Obama says. People want results, not more worthless lip service.
This administration is dead set on changing the topic of discussion for 2012. But the numbers don't lie. Despite being a newfound lover of gays and suing every other state for bogus reasons Obamas job performance still sucks. Less people in the work force than in the last decade despite the population growth. More debt in 3 years than any previous president in 8. A new lawsuit against the American people every other week. Tying the hands of our soldiers in combat with ridiculous rules of engagement. Bailing out private American companies only to have them use the money to open up shop overseas. Busting the balls via the epa of our energy industry.

God I hope this man is soundly defeated in November.

But the WH is making sure the conversation in this country is about birth control and gay pride.For weeks now this has been what the media has focused on. :mad:
What changed in this country with Obama evolving ? What was so historic and courageous ? Did the President sign some piece of legislation?
He said what most people thought he felt already.
Just another smokescreen to get the media talking about something other then his job performance.
Just another something to keep the media focus away from some really major problems this country is facing.
The WH with the help of the media has the country focused on someone changing a flat tire when behind them is a 50 car pileup on the freeway...
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Look.......another nutter circle-jerk!

You want we should talk about Ann Romney's T-shirt instead?

Yea, they would rather discuss anything other than the economy, unemployment, record foreclosures, impossible debt and the most divisive president ever.

I guess Obama promoting amnesty for illegals, birth control and gay marriage will magically make everyone's problems go away. So far, Obama has talked and talked and talked and the things he's actually done aren't things he's talking about. His biggest accomplishment is what the SEALS did 'on his behalf.' I hope on election day, the majority of the country will do something 'on his behalf', like free him up to find another job.
Thanks for the Depression, the stupidest longest wars ever, and now paralysis. Fuq the stupid debt, the economy is getting better faster than anyone expected 4 years ago, especially with these "un-American" (TIME) pubs, who gave us the worst economy in 80 years. Pelosi my azz- how dumb can you get?!?
Hey, but the Obama girls are in a competition of which can make the bestest Mother's Day Card! Don't you DARE use those girls!
Would a nutter like to count the number of threads started by liberals here where the topic is, in fact, the economy? We LOVE talking about it. It is a great story............and if told truthfully, will lead to President Obama's re-election.
Would a nutter like to count the number of threads started by liberals here where the topic is, in fact, the economy? We LOVE talking about it. It is a great story............and if told truthfully, will lead to President Obama's re-election.

I don't know of a democrat who's ever told anything truthfully. you guys are lying evil scumbags..
This administration is dead set on changing the topic of discussion for 2012. But the numbers don't lie. Despite being a newfound lover of gays and suing every other state for bogus reasons Obamas job performance still sucks. Less people in the work force than in the last decade despite the population growth. More debt in 3 years than any previous president in 8. A new lawsuit against the American people every other week. Tying the hands of our soldiers in combat with ridiculous rules of engagement. Bailing out private American companies only to have them use the money to open up shop overseas. Busting the balls via the epa of our energy industry.

God I hope this man is soundly defeated in November.

Bu......bu......bu we have a surplus!
Barry and his posse have no choice. They sure as hell can't talk about the economy or his signature legislation HC clusterfuck or UE.

Give the guy a break. He's talking about bs because thats apparantly all he has.
They are making such a huge deal about the President doing something about gay marriage....
What did he do exactly????

He kicked it back to the States....
But since he's Obama he needs to be praised every day.

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