Breaking: Navy SEAL Squad Being Deployed To Berkeley To Protect Steve Bannon And Milo From Antifa

Now this is going to be epic. These Antifa Bolsheviks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise if they attack these conservative speakers during free speech week. Like I said in a thread yesterday, these Antifa un-Americans need to be given a 1970 Kent State moment of reality.These SEALS are that capable of doing it like the Guard did in 1970.

Kent State University-1970

The advance..weapons loaded and ready

The battle with unAmerican hippies



MILO To Bring Navy SEAL Squad To Berkeley 'Free Speech Week' As Security Fears Mount
Sounds like fake news. Isn't it illegal for the military to act as a domestic police force?
Now this is going to be epic. These Antifa Bolsheviks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise if they attack these conservative speakers during free speech week. Like I said in a thread yesterday, these Antifa un-Americans need to be given a 1970 Kent State moment of reality.These SEALS are that capable of doing it like the Guard did in 1970.

Kent State University-1970

The advance..weapons loaded and ready

The battle with unAmerican hippies



MILO To Bring Navy SEAL Squad To Berkeley 'Free Speech Week' As Security Fears Mount
Sounds like fake news. Isn't it illegal for the military to act as a domestic police force?
See Kent State-1970, like the op pics show.
Milo's probably hired a private bodyguard team, some of whom could be former spec ops.

The hippies can take consolation that it bites into Milo's speaking profits.
All they have to do is bake up some pot brownies and some pizza and Antifa Will lay down and take a nap....
Navy SEALS are protecting a Nazi and a pedophile? We are living in sad days.

What evidence do you have of either?
Remember the video of Milo praising pedophilia? The one that lost him his token gay status in the GOP? Did you miss that?

As for Bannon... well you're just plugging your ears and yelling to drown the world out at this point if you're still denying it.

He commented on the age of consent.. and as for Bannon being a fucking Nazi... back it up.
Now this is going to be epic. These Antifa Bolsheviks are going to be in for one hell of a surprise if they attack these conservative speakers during free speech week. Like I said in a thread yesterday, these Antifa un-Americans need to be given a 1970 Kent State moment of reality.These SEALS are that capable of doing it like the Guard did in 1970.

Kent State University-1970

The advance..weapons loaded and ready

The battle with unAmerican hippies



MILO To Bring Navy SEAL Squad To Berkeley 'Free Speech Week' As Security Fears Mount
Sounds like fake news. Isn't it illegal for the military to act as a domestic police force?
See Kent State-1970, like the op pics show.

That was the Ohio Guard.
Sounds like fake news. Isn't it illegal for the military to act as a domestic police force?
See Kent State-1970, like the op pics show.
Posse Comitatus Act - Wikipedia

The Act only specifically applies to the United States Army and, as amended in 1956, the United States Air Force. While the Act does not explicitly mention the United States Navy and the United States Marine Corps, the Department of the Navy has prescribed regulations that are generally construed to give the Act force with respect to those services as well. The Act does not apply to the Army National Guard and the Air National Guard under state authority from acting in a law enforcement capacity within its home state or in an adjacent state if invited by that state's governor.

i.e. Any current SEAL team would not be allowed to participate according to Navy regs.
I can understand. Radicalized Left/Democrats are very dangerous folks. Democrats have been inciting violence since Election Day. So they better have the best security possible.
I can understand. Radicalized Left/Democrats are very dangerous folks. Democrats have been inciting violence since Election Day. So they better have the best security possible.
Just not SEAL teams. That's B.S.

Maybe so, but i can understand. Democrats have been inciting violence 24/7 since Election Day. It's a mass radicalization process they've undertaken. Much like what you see with radical Islamic Terrorist Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. The Democratic Party is radicalizing Thousands & Thousands of people. I fully expect more violence from them. It's inevitable. So, i would advise having the best possible security.
I can understand. Radicalized Left/Democrats are very dangerous folks. Democrats have been inciting violence since Election Day. So they better have the best security possible.
Just not SEAL teams. That's B.S.

Maybe so, but i can understand. Democrats have been inciting violence 24/7 since Election Day. It's a mass radicalization process they've undertaken. Much like what you see with radical Islamic Terrorist Orgs like ISIS and Al Qaeda. The Democratic Party is radicalizing Thousands & Thousands of people. I fully expect more violence from them. It's inevitable. So, i would advise having the best possible security.
I believe during a coup attempt they are allowed.
They don't need Navy seals, they have Ben Shapiro and Ann Coulter!

I think this is freaking great. Poor Berkeley will never be the same.

I am sure the feds will be on hand as well.

Methinks the commie movement may be somewhat more subdued than it has been of late at Berkeley.

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