Boehner: Job Creators are essentially on strike.

Again, all you're doing in this post is parroting GOP propaganda -- healthcare cost uncertainty! environmental uncertainty! -- and claiming that you've got a business and together these two things are supposed to constitute an argument. I see no facts or evidence here, just more claims that you could easily back up but refuse to.

And exactly what healthcare or environmental uncertainty is there? The healthcare bill has been enacted and cap and trade has been dropped for the forseeable future.

now wait a minute....

Why is it parroting GOP propoganda anymore than what you are doing is parroting left propoganda?

I mean, I personally hate that argument...If I say something....I am parroting Rush if he ALKSO said it.

So if I say the sky is blue and so does I saying it becuase Rush said it?
Dam..I hate that argument. for healthcare....there is great uncertainty.....

Obama said it will decreasehealthcare costs....

This year alone we have seen the costs rise on OUR plan by over 15%.....and that was AFTER it was passed.

However, the mandatory purchase of healthcare is in the courts...THAT is going to either make premiums skyrocket (if the courrtsd find it unconsitutional) or simply increase as they do every year.

Thus why my industry and many other lobbied (to no avail) to have it go to the SCOYTUS immediately...but the White House refused.....

But trust me...if the mandatory purchase of healthcare is tossed out...then people will game the system....and not purchase healthcare until they need it...and premiums will skyrocket by well over 100%...and per the other terms of the law, corporations will bear the brunt of it...

Am I wasting my time with you? Be honest. I am making very valid points...but if I am wasting my time...tell me.

It's parroting GOP propaganda because you're saying exactly, word for word what the GOP are saying. Healthcare, environmental regulation etc. I'm not parroting left wing propaganda, I'm posting the results of surveys of actual small businesses. Actual facts and evidence. See the difference?

There's no more uncertainty about helthcare than there was before Obamacare came along. Firstly it only applies to about 45 million people who don't currently have insurance, the vast majority of people in employer-provided healthcare schemes -- like you! -- aren't affected. Your healthcare bill is going up because healthcare is going up. It went up 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare! So you don't even know basic facts about it and you're writing business plans for other businesses? Ha.

I fear you dont know much about the healthcare law.
2000 pages and I dont blame you.

Let me ask you this....

What will happen to premiums oif the law is modified and you no longer are mandated to purchase healthcare for yourself?
Again, all you're doing in this post is parroting GOP propaganda -- healthcare cost uncertainty! environmental uncertainty! -- and claiming that you've got a business and together these two things are supposed to constitute an argument. I see no facts or evidence here, just more claims that you could easily back up but refuse to.

And exactly what healthcare or environmental uncertainty is there? The healthcare bill has been enacted and cap and trade has been dropped for the forseeable future.

now wait a minute....

Why is it parroting GOP propoganda anymore than what you are doing is parroting left propoganda?

I mean, I personally hate that argument...If I say something....I am parroting Rush if he ALKSO said it.

So if I say the sky is blue and so does I saying it becuase Rush said it?
Dam..I hate that argument. for healthcare....there is great uncertainty.....

Obama said it will decreasehealthcare costs....

This year alone we have seen the costs rise on OUR plan by over 15%.....and that was AFTER it was passed.

However, the mandatory purchase of healthcare is in the courts...THAT is going to either make premiums skyrocket (if the courrtsd find it unconsitutional) or simply increase as they do every year.

Thus why my industry and many other lobbied (to no avail) to have it go to the SCOYTUS immediately...but the White House refused.....

But trust me...if the mandatory purchase of healthcare is tossed out...then people will game the system....and not purchase healthcare until they need it...and premiums will skyrocket by well over 100%...and per the other terms of the law, corporations will bear the brunt of it...

Am I wasting my time with you? Be honest. I am making very valid points...but if I am wasting my time...tell me.

It's parroting GOP propaganda because you're saying exactly, word for word what the GOP are saying. Healthcare, environmental regulation etc. I'm not parroting left wing propaganda, I'm posting the results of surveys of actual small businesses. Actual facts and evidence. See the difference?

There's no more uncertainty about helthcare than there was before Obamacare came along. Firstly it only applies to about 45 million people who don't currently have insurance, the vast majority of people in employer-provided healthcare schemes -- like you! -- aren't affected. Your healthcare bill is going up because healthcare is going up. It went up 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare! So you don't even know basic facts about it and you're writing business plans for other businesses? Ha.

I just read your last line.....
You are an ass.
I know plenty about healthcare costs and how much they went up...nowhere did I say otherwise.

I also know the normal statatory cost of an employee hovers around much as 18%...this, of course, before bonuses.

I know about unemployment ratios...something you probably dont even know exists as it pertains to corporate operating costs.....

And I know what business owners think about. stick to that poll you referred and pa businesses with the only empoloiyees being ma, pa and uncle Jim...who is probably being paid in cash by ma and pa.

You are not worhty of my time. are an ass.
now wait a minute....

Why is it parroting GOP propoganda anymore than what you are doing is parroting left propoganda?

I mean, I personally hate that argument...If I say something....I am parroting Rush if he ALKSO said it.

So if I say the sky is blue and so does I saying it becuase Rush said it?
Dam..I hate that argument. for healthcare....there is great uncertainty.....

Obama said it will decreasehealthcare costs....

This year alone we have seen the costs rise on OUR plan by over 15%.....and that was AFTER it was passed.

However, the mandatory purchase of healthcare is in the courts...THAT is going to either make premiums skyrocket (if the courrtsd find it unconsitutional) or simply increase as they do every year.

Thus why my industry and many other lobbied (to no avail) to have it go to the SCOYTUS immediately...but the White House refused.....

But trust me...if the mandatory purchase of healthcare is tossed out...then people will game the system....and not purchase healthcare until they need it...and premiums will skyrocket by well over 100%...and per the other terms of the law, corporations will bear the brunt of it...

Am I wasting my time with you? Be honest. I am making very valid points...but if I am wasting my time...tell me.

It's parroting GOP propaganda because you're saying exactly, word for word what the GOP are saying. Healthcare, environmental regulation etc. I'm not parroting left wing propaganda, I'm posting the results of surveys of actual small businesses. Actual facts and evidence. See the difference?

There's no more uncertainty about helthcare than there was before Obamacare came along. Firstly it only applies to about 45 million people who don't currently have insurance, the vast majority of people in employer-provided healthcare schemes -- like you! -- aren't affected. Your healthcare bill is going up because healthcare is going up. It went up 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare! So you don't even know basic facts about it and you're writing business plans for other businesses? Ha.

I fear you dont know much about the healthcare law.
2000 pages and I dont blame you.

Let me ask you this....

What will happen to premiums oif the law is modified and you no longer are mandated to purchase healthcare for yourself?

Again, this only applies to the 40 odd million currently uninsured. it has no effect on the rest of the country. you know what happens if the individual mandate is scrapped? Obamacare is unworkable and falls apart and everything goes back to how it was before it was enacted, essentially 40 million uninsured. That's it. No effect on the existing healthcare system. Like i said before, you don't even know basic stuff about Obamacare and then you claim you're writing business plans for other businesses and advising them about healthcare? Hilarious.
It's parroting GOP propaganda because you're saying exactly, word for word what the GOP are saying. Healthcare, environmental regulation etc. I'm not parroting left wing propaganda, I'm posting the results of surveys of actual small businesses. Actual facts and evidence. See the difference?

There's no more uncertainty about helthcare than there was before Obamacare came along. Firstly it only applies to about 45 million people who don't currently have insurance, the vast majority of people in employer-provided healthcare schemes -- like you! -- aren't affected. Your healthcare bill is going up because healthcare is going up. It went up 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare! So you don't even know basic facts about it and you're writing business plans for other businesses? Ha.

I fear you dont know much about the healthcare law.
2000 pages and I dont blame you.

Let me ask you this....

What will happen to premiums oif the law is modified and you no longer are mandated to purchase healthcare for yourself?

Again, this only applies to the 40 odd million currently uninsured. it has no effect on the rest of the country. you know what happens if the individual mandate is scrapped? Obamacare is unworkable and falls apart and everything goes back to how it was before it was enacted, essentially 40 million uninsured. That's it. No effect on the existing healthcare system. Like i said before, you don't even know basic stuff about Obamacare and then you claim you're writing business plans for other businesses and advising them about healthcare? Hilarious.


So it took 2000 pages to say:

1) all must purchase healthcare
2) there is nothing more

you really need to get a reality check.
The very first 6 months showed an increase by 15%

In the meantime, what is happening in the courts is concerning.

If they eliminate the madatory purchase of healthcare, premiums will jump by over 100%....THAT IS A people will not purchase healthcare until they need it...which means limited revenue for the uinsurance companies...

But emp;loyers will not be able to game the game. YThey will still need to purchase healthcare for their employees.....and therefore bear the brunt of the increase in premiums.

The whole thing has created such an air of uncertainty...and I understand the left saying it is a talking is....becuase it is all the business owners are talkiung about.

Obamacare doesn't even start to come into effect until next year and you're blaming it for increases now? You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.
The very first 6 months showed an increase by 15%

In the meantime, what is happening in the courts is concerning.

If they eliminate the madatory purchase of healthcare, premiums will jump by over 100%....THAT IS A people will not purchase healthcare until they need it...which means limited revenue for the uinsurance companies...

But emp;loyers will not be able to game the game. YThey will still need to purchase healthcare for their employees.....and therefore bear the brunt of the increase in premiums.

The whole thing has created such an air of uncertainty...and I understand the left saying it is a talking is....becuase it is all the business owners are talkiung about.

Obamacare doesn't even start to come into effect until next year and you're blaming it for increases now? You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.

uh...and you say I dont know what I am talking about?
Certain aspectsd of Obamacare went into affect immediately...causing premiums to go up.

For example....

Now a child is elgible to be on a family plan to the age of 26.

That child had his own plan for about 4K a year and dropped it IMMEDIATELY and is now back on his parents plan....with no increase in premium...UNTIL now the insurance industry was getting 4K from a kid who is no longer paying that premium...b ut is still insured in the industry....

and what happens?


you need to educate yourself about this law. You know squat and you are making an ass of yourself.
I fear you dont know much about the healthcare law.
2000 pages and I dont blame you.

Let me ask you this....

What will happen to premiums oif the law is modified and you no longer are mandated to purchase healthcare for yourself?

Again, this only applies to the 40 odd million currently uninsured. it has no effect on the rest of the country. you know what happens if the individual mandate is scrapped? Obamacare is unworkable and falls apart and everything goes back to how it was before it was enacted, essentially 40 million uninsured. That's it. No effect on the existing healthcare system. Like i said before, you don't even know basic stuff about Obamacare and then you claim you're writing business plans for other businesses and advising them about healthcare? Hilarious.


So it took 2000 pages to say:

1) all must purchase healthcare
2) there is nothing more

you really need to get a reality check.

No, there's a lot more to it than that. But the whole thing falls apart if buying insurance isn't mandatory. For starters there won't be the funds to run the programme so you can see the whole mandatory purchase thing is quite crucial. If mandatory purchase is declared unconstitutional Obamacare collapses and everything goes back to how it was pre-Obamacare. the fact didn't know that and thought for some reason it would entail 100% premium increases tells me everything I need to know about how legit all your claims in this thread are. Go and write a business plan for somebody advising them about their future healthcare premiums.
The very first 6 months showed an increase by 15%

In the meantime, what is happening in the courts is concerning.

If they eliminate the madatory purchase of healthcare, premiums will jump by over 100%....THAT IS A people will not purchase healthcare until they need it...which means limited revenue for the uinsurance companies...

But emp;loyers will not be able to game the game. YThey will still need to purchase healthcare for their employees.....and therefore bear the brunt of the increase in premiums.

The whole thing has created such an air of uncertainty...and I understand the left saying it is a talking is....becuase it is all the business owners are talkiung about.

Obamacare doesn't even start to come into effect until next year and you're blaming it for increases now? You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.

uh...and you say I dont know what I am talking about?
Certain aspectsd of Obamacare went into affect immediately...causing premiums to go up.

For example....

Now a child is elgible to be on a family plan to the age of 26.

That child had his own plan for about 4K a year and dropped it IMMEDIATELY and is now back on his parents plan....with no increase in premium...UNTIL now the insurance industry was getting 4K from a kid who is no longer paying that premium...b ut is still insured in the industry....

and what happens?


you need to educate yourself about this law. You know squat and you are making an ass of yourself.

Premiums went up over 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare was enacted. The fact that they're going up is not a new thing.
Again, this only applies to the 40 odd million currently uninsured. it has no effect on the rest of the country. you know what happens if the individual mandate is scrapped? Obamacare is unworkable and falls apart and everything goes back to how it was before it was enacted, essentially 40 million uninsured. That's it. No effect on the existing healthcare system. Like i said before, you don't even know basic stuff about Obamacare and then you claim you're writing business plans for other businesses and advising them about healthcare? Hilarious.


So it took 2000 pages to say:

1) all must purchase healthcare
2) there is nothing more

you really need to get a reality check.

No, there's a lot more to it than that. But the whole thing falls apart if buying insurance isn't mandatory. For starters there won't be the funds to run the programme so you can see the whole mandatory purchase thing is quite crucial. If mandatory purchase is declared unconstitutional Obamacare collapses and everything goes back to how it was pre-Obamacare. the fact didn't know that and thought for some reason it would entail 100% premium increases tells me everything I need to know about how legit all your claims in this thread are. Go and write a business plan for somebody advising them about their future healthcare premiums.

listen up bro...

It is not rocket scinece to know that the whole law falls apart if the madatory pourchase is is the offset to the elimination of the pre existing condition thing.

But Obama has refused to say he will repeal it if the mandatory thing is eliminated...and to the contrary, he intentionally refused the decision to be allowed to go to the SCOTUS.....letting it flounder in the lower courts until after 2012.....

So you listren up are a naive hack and you are no longer worthy of my time.

So long.
Obamacare doesn't even start to come into effect until next year and you're blaming it for increases now? You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.

uh...and you say I dont know what I am talking about?
Certain aspectsd of Obamacare went into affect immediately...causing premiums to go up.

For example....

Now a child is elgible to be on a family plan to the age of 26.

That child had his own plan for about 4K a year and dropped it IMMEDIATELY and is now back on his parents plan....with no increase in premium...UNTIL now the insurance industry was getting 4K from a kid who is no longer paying that premium...b ut is still insured in the industry....

and what happens?


you need to educate yourself about this law. You know squat and you are making an ass of yourself.

Premiums went up over 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare was enacted. The fact that they're going up is not a new thing.

15% in 6 months relates to 300% over ten years.

And that is not ammortized. It would be closer to 350%.

Go play elsewhere. I am way to bright for you.

So it took 2000 pages to say:

1) all must purchase healthcare
2) there is nothing more

you really need to get a reality check.

No, there's a lot more to it than that. But the whole thing falls apart if buying insurance isn't mandatory. For starters there won't be the funds to run the programme so you can see the whole mandatory purchase thing is quite crucial. If mandatory purchase is declared unconstitutional Obamacare collapses and everything goes back to how it was pre-Obamacare. the fact didn't know that and thought for some reason it would entail 100% premium increases tells me everything I need to know about how legit all your claims in this thread are. Go and write a business plan for somebody advising them about their future healthcare premiums.

listen up bro...

It is not rocket scinece to know that the whole law falls apart if the madatory pourchase is is the offset to the elimination of the pre existing condition thing.

But Obama has refused to say he will repeal it if the mandatory thing is eliminated...and to the contrary, he intentionally refused the decision to be allowed to go to the SCOTUS.....letting it flounder in the lower courts until after 2012.....

So you listren up are a naive hack and you are no longer worthy of my time.

So long.

So you're now admitting that the whole thing will fall aprt if the mandate is declared unconstitutional. Excellent. So if it is declared unconsitutional, hopw does Obamacare fund itself? See, it doesn't matter if Obama repeals it or not, the programme can't pay for itself and can't get funds from congress. So that's it! Looks like all that "business plan advice" you've been giving out was a bit flawed.
uh...and you say I dont know what I am talking about?
Certain aspectsd of Obamacare went into affect immediately...causing premiums to go up.

For example....

Now a child is elgible to be on a family plan to the age of 26.

That child had his own plan for about 4K a year and dropped it IMMEDIATELY and is now back on his parents plan....with no increase in premium...UNTIL now the insurance industry was getting 4K from a kid who is no longer paying that premium...b ut is still insured in the industry....

and what happens?


you need to educate yourself about this law. You know squat and you are making an ass of yourself.

Premiums went up over 100% in less than ten years before Obamacare was enacted. The fact that they're going up is not a new thing.

15% in 6 months relates to 300% over ten years.

And that is not ammortized. It would be closer to 350%.

Go play elsewhere. I am way to bright for you.

Amortized? Don't you mean compounded? Go google a compound interest calculator and work out exactly how incredibly far you were off with your guess. :lol:
The very first 6 months showed an increase by 15%

In the meantime, what is happening in the courts is concerning.

If they eliminate the madatory purchase of healthcare, premiums will jump by over 100%....THAT IS A people will not purchase healthcare until they need it...which means limited revenue for the uinsurance companies...

But emp;loyers will not be able to game the game. YThey will still need to purchase healthcare for their employees.....and therefore bear the brunt of the increase in premiums.

The whole thing has created such an air of uncertainty...and I understand the left saying it is a talking is....becuase it is all the business owners are talkiung about.

Obamacare doesn't even start to come into effect until next year and you're blaming it for increases now? You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.

And when you see ignorance in action, Thank Faux Snooze!
The very first 6 months showed an increase by 15%

In the meantime, what is happening in the courts is concerning.

If they eliminate the madatory purchase of healthcare, premiums will jump by over 100%....THAT IS A people will not purchase healthcare until they need it...which means limited revenue for the uinsurance companies...

But emp;loyers will not be able to game the game. YThey will still need to purchase healthcare for their employees.....and therefore bear the brunt of the increase in premiums.

The whole thing has created such an air of uncertainty...and I understand the left saying it is a talking is....becuase it is all the business owners are talkiung about.

Obamacare doesn't even start to come into effect until next year and you're blaming it for increases now? You honestly don't have a clue what you're talking about.

And when you see ignorance in action, Thank Faux Snooze!

so sad BD Boop. I thought you were more in the know.

One of the major cost increasing parts of the law went into affect months ago...

Children are eligible to remain on a parents plan to the age of 26.

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