- Blow Out - { 2024 }


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
Not to be confused let alone conflated with the popular
John Travolta/Brian De Palma { 1981 } techno thriller.
But the man of the Hour.The man of the Year is indubitably
a winner.Sir Donald Trump ... His Highness.Maybe Imperial
Highness.Having gotten more than half the Votes { 51 % } in
yesterday nights Iowa caucus.Where Mother Nature also made
her point.Indubitably to no effect.Which means Historic.
In some capacity.Where in some circles the name Trump alone is
banned and shunned or disparaged to the dung heap of
unfit.Unworthy,So many negative adjectives used to also No Effect.
So naturally Sir Donald felt obligated to spell-out what to watch for.
A nutter stealing of a General Election.THE Only hope the Democrats
have at this point.Trump again mentioning the hazards of Mail-in
ballots and also cited Jimmy Carter's { 2004 Commission on Federal Election
Reform }. And by the way Voter I.D. { Ploy used by drat Democrats to
eliminate it's use }. Going back to Same Day Voting.With paper ballots.
Like France { s'il vous plait } But Democrats don't please anything or
anyone cep'tn themselves and their hare-brained schemes.
The Last thing our precious Founders had in mind.
So there ya have it.No disputing.No whining or changing the subject.
That's what Lifer Convicts are relegated to.Constant stewing over
things like BAd Luck.NO! Ya did wrong and got caught.
Our Country still craves Brave and Courageous Men of action
and results.Even though Sir Donald does and will talk up a
Storm ,he also can back it up.Of course with numerous adjectives.
Last night was No Adjective Storm until His Imperial Highness
gave his Victory speech.So sue the guy.I'm sure drat Democrats will
try in some vain.So let them have their spoils.
No incidental benefits reaped by winner here.
Political Patronage enjoyed by a successful party. ?
That's both to be seen and heard.
Two forms of Virtue are Courage and Magnificence.Especially
when confronted with a Caucus during an Arctic blast.
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He should have had 75% as the former President and the head of his party.

10% of those who turned out will vote Biden over Trump.
He should have had 75% as the former President and the head of his party.

10% of those who turned out will vote Biden over Trump.
I could say ... Um ... What's Up Doc.
Trump only ousted former Presidential Candidate Bob Dole
with a high water % of 13%. Trump managing 20 % last night.
Trump Beat the democrats in virtually every demographic.
Plus exposed the Frauds in the MSM ... Big Time.
By the networks and cable outlets { CNN/MSNBC } virulently
refusing to carry his acceptance speech.And then nutters like
Rachel Maddow acting as if some kind of Victory in bragging
rights by admitting On Air she won't cover Trump's Iowa
anything.But then of course had a laundry list of Why Trump
deserves scorn.By using the usual techniques.
Hyper distortions of Trump's Presidency and those who
likely want more.Using some concoctions of Evangelical
Bias.That Trump's Base is a far majority of Evangelical Bigots.
White Christian Bible-toting racist.Who don't cotton Illegal
anything.Makes a lot of sense don't it.
Sounds like why Old Joe backed George Wallace back when.
Again ... Attempting to resurrect what guys like Bull Connor
was known for.Connor was NO Republican,let alone an
articulate conservative.But to MSNBC's snarky/snarly band
of virulent haters of any and all things anti-democrat,it
passes for something.Not Americanism.More like a
pedigree of insane dictators like Stalin,Hitler and Mao.
That's the apparent route today's Democrats feel
emboldened towards.AUTHORITARIANISM.
I get it.Because Democrats don't loath after Big Brother
Government.But Trumps MAGA Brigades surely do.
What a pathetic,silly sloppy distortion.
Today's GOP like yesteryear want less Government.
Not more.
Dennis Prager said it most affinitively w/o undue Agnosticism :
The Bigger the Government ... the Smaller
the Citizen
That was then, this is now, and media is everything.

Let's see how NH turns out.
Changing the subject reflects your dispensation to
Ignore how Biden did not take Iowa in his bid
for the Presidency.In fact,it took the efforts { arm twistings }
Of Super Democrat James Clyburn to get Biden on
steady ground.The 3rd ranking Democrat { Clyburn }
who virtually had a leadership title created for him by
Pelosi.This was around the time the Tea Party was
truly sprouting wings.
Pelosi seeking to " avert a Democrat battle "
grants the new Title { Assistant Leader } for the
South Carolina { Majority Whip }. Nov. 2010
Clyburn dispensing of the title in 2020 in order
to help Biden take South Carolina .
Pete Buttigieg eventually snuck by win
in Iowa for 2020.
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The subject was how he did. He should have done better. He got 37% of GOP college graduates, a plurality, not a majority, not a blow out.

Let's see how NH goes and if you have reason to be crowing.
Two events in 2024 will end with Biden dragged out of the white house an a 90% vote victory for Trump.

Biden will order American military to Ukraine to fight Russia.

After a crippling terrorist attack, Iran will declare war on the United States.

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