BLM Vs McCarthyism


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2011
Midwestern U.S.
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
It was about many people who promote left wing views that were communist with a soap box to do it on and infected Americans. Well they have power today.
The inconvenient truth for lefties is that the democrat party organized the so-called "communist witch hunts" and when it all went sour the media blamed the whole thing on a single loud mouthed republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. HUAC was a tool of the democrat majority in congress. Right now it seems that BLM is an extortion scheme endorsed by the media and Black lives are still being lost in Chicago (11 last weekend) while BLM seems to be concerned with occupying a park in Washington D.C. Why can't BLM count their money and call a truce and move on?
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
It was about many people who promote left wing views that were communist with a soap box to do it on and infected Americans. Well they have power today.

And the 3rd Red Scare Continues. There never was, isn't now and never will be a Communist Government. List even one.
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I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I am still trying to work this out. You might be right. This current issue seems far more pernicious, and the grandstanding isn't limited to one person like McCarthyism. I am comparing the zeitgeist, the cultural attitude is far more angry and far more toxic NOW. But you would never know, you never experienced McCarthyism.
The inconvenient truth for lefties is that the democrat party organized the so-called "communist witch hunts" and when it all went sour the media blamed the whole thing on a single loud mouthed republican senator who didn't even chair a committee. HUAC was a tool of the democrat majority in congress. Right now it seems that BLM is an extortion scheme endorsed by the media and Black lives are still being lost in Chicago (11 last weekend) while BLM seems to be concerned with occupying a park in Washington D.C. Why can't BLM count their money and call a truce and move on?

You can't shift the blame of McCarthy away from the Republicans. That post in the Senate he held, even though many thought it was without power, enabled him to do a lot of damage. McCarthy was a dangerous person for everyone around him and used his position to further his own power. In the end, his going after Eisenhower's Military was his undoing and he lost all support from all the other Republican Senators. It was allowed to go on too long because the Republicans were covering for one of it's own. There are so many similarities between McCarthy and Rump it isn't even funny and the covering of "One of your Own".
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I am still trying to work this out. You might be right. This current issue seems far more pernicious, and the grandstanding isn't limited to one person like McCarthyism. I am comparing the zeitgeist, the cultural attitude is far more angry and far more toxic NOW. But you would never know, you never experienced McCarthyism.

Actually, it all stems from one person and others get caught up in the mayhem. I see so many similarities between McCarthy and Rump it's downright scary. And it took about the same time period for it to pass. The Gauntlet has been run and it's just about ended.
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
It was about many people who promote left wing views that were communist with a soap box to do it on and infected Americans. Well they have power today.

And the 3rd Red Scare Continues. There never was, isn't now and never will be a Communist Government. List even one.
Well, that issue, PHHT, its done. Please don't derail the topic. BLM is comparable to McCarthyism. Similarities like oomph...too many to mention. I am terrible at this debating stuff. Believe me, nobody was tearing down statues or creating anti cop polemics and Anti cop zones, this period in time is singular. Some of our young people are possessed by a popular mass delusion.
Um, lets see here. 100 people where shot, 9 of them fatally in Chicago last week. that wasn't by white cops, either. Most were negro males...Explain to me, as a ignorant white person, how shutting down police is going to make anything better? Explain that to me. With facts, no name calling or taking this off topic. Convince me.
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I am still trying to work this out. You might be right. This current issue seems far more pernicious, and the grandstanding isn't limited to one person like McCarthyism. I am comparing the zeitgeist, the cultural attitude is far more angry and far more toxic NOW. But you would never know, you never experienced McCarthyism.
Hmms? Can I say that comparing McCarthyrism to BLM seems hyperbolic? Not for nothing BLM is a protest movement against police brutality. Something that I would argue is something a person can support without reservation. McCarthyism was a movement that was malevolent in its purpose.

I also don't think that today is that much more toxic, not compared to the "red scare" or for that matter the decade after that, wich had both the Vietnam war protests and the Civil Rights movement, both protest movements were more violent.

What has changed is reporting, both sides are now in their information bubble and don't really see any objective reporting anymore.
Um, lets see here. 100 people where shot, 9 of them fatally in Chicago last week. that wasn't by white cops, either. Most were negro males...Explain to me, as a ignorant white person, how shutting down police is going to make anything better? Explain that to me. With facts, no name calling or taking this off topic. Convince me.
Well since most people aren't arguing for "shutting down police" I would ask why you need to be convinced of something that is not really argued?
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McCarthyism was bad enough, they were the original "cancel" culture. Getting people fired, shaming them, blacklist where bad enough. Because of things folks did 20 years earlier, youthful indiscretions or mistakes people make. But NOW hold on here. Somebody pointed out, this is different. Its worse. But the same. McCarthy didn't endeavor to destroy the fabric of American culture, McCarthyism was a tear, a pull at the thread...These BLM chaps want to pull down statues, destroy police and law enforcement and this doesn't benefit anyone. This is dire, far worse that McCarthy could have dreamt.
Um, lets see here. 100 people where shot, 9 of them fatally in Chicago last week. that wasn't by white cops, either. Most were negro males...Explain to me, as a ignorant white person, how shutting down police is going to make anything better? Explain that to me. With facts, no name calling or taking this off topic. Convince me.
I would rather argue that it might help to recognize that the legal system does not work the same for black people as it does for white people. White people don't get pulled over without reason, black people do. Black people get harsher sentences on average for the same crimes compared to white people.

I would argue that it might be a good idea to take a long hard look at police procedures, recruitment for policemen, or legal protections for policemen not available for regular people. I would argue to find a reason for and take measures against black versus white incarceration standing at over 5 to 1.

None of these things are easy to solve but acknowledging these problems exists instead of trying to demonize those that want solutions for those problems seems the right thing to do.
Chokeholds were among the non lethal force methods that replaced lethal force. Before chokeholds it was beat him in the head until the suspect loses consciousness.
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I am still trying to work this out. You might be right. This current issue seems far more pernicious, and the grandstanding isn't limited to one person like McCarthyism. I am comparing the zeitgeist, the cultural attitude is far more angry and far more toxic NOW. But you would never know, you never experienced McCarthyism.
Hmms? Can I say that comparing McCarthyrism to BLM seems hyperbolic? Not for nothing BLM is a protest movement against police brutality. Something that I would argue is something a person can support without reservation. McCarthyism was a movement that was malevolent in its purpose.

I also don't think that today is that much more toxic, not compared to the "red scare" or for that matter the decade after that, wich had both the Vietnam war protests and the Civil Rights movement, both protest movements were more violent.

What has changed is reporting, both sides are now in their information bubble and don't really see any objective reporting anymore.
I would like to point out you did say it was hyperbolic. You did that. I like objective facts. Like for instance shutting down the police and tearing down public statues is rather, um hysterical and , um rather the acts of a mob under a some delusion. That kind hyperbolism goes without notice. McCarthy overreached, but he didn't drive mobs to burn loot and destroy though. BTW, 10 black guys where slain cops last apposed to say X number blacks that killed each other. And the X number, look it up. Way more than a few questionable police interactions, and I think you know that. I am not a hater or a debater. Thank you, and have a nice evening
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I am still trying to work this out. You might be right. This current issue seems far more pernicious, and the grandstanding isn't limited to one person like McCarthyism. I am comparing the zeitgeist, the cultural attitude is far more angry and far more toxic NOW. But you would never know, you never experienced McCarthyism.
Hmms? Can I say that comparing McCarthyrism to BLM seems hyperbolic? Not for nothing BLM is a protest movement against police brutality. Something that I would argue is something a person can support without reservation. McCarthyism was a movement that was malevolent in its purpose.

I also don't think that today is that much more toxic, not compared to the "red scare" or for that matter the decade after that, wich had both the Vietnam war protests and the Civil Rights movement, both protest movements were more violent.

What has changed is reporting, both sides are now in their information bubble and don't really see any objective reporting anymore.
I would like to point out you did say it was hyperbolic. You did that. I like objective facts. Like for instance shutting down the police and tearing down public statues is rather, um hysterical and , um rather the acts of a mob under a some delusion. That kind hyperbolism goes without notice. McCarthy overreached, but he didn't drive mobs to burn loot and destroy though. BTW, 10 black guys where slain cops last apposed to say X number blacks that killed each other. And the X number, look it up. Way more than a few questionable police interactions, and I think you know that. I am not a hater or a debater. Thank you, and have a nice evening
I lived through the end of the communist witch hunts. McCarthyism hurt a lot of people for the sake grandstanding and they didn't care about the humans that are damaged or the facts or the after effects. But Senator Joe didn't urge people to violence either, but it created backlash we still feel today. I have no idea what BLM really is or what they really represent. But other than a nice title, they don't seem concerned with the lives of poor innocent blacks anymore than Joseph McCarthy was about fighting communism. Lets end this insanity. Stop the hate, learn to forgive and move on.

You are doing a false comparison. McCarthyism is nothing more than the 2nd Red Scare. We are currently involved in the 3rd Red Scare and it's just about run it's full course just like the 1st and the 2nd one did. So please stop the 3rd Red Scare insanity already.
I am still trying to work this out. You might be right. This current issue seems far more pernicious, and the grandstanding isn't limited to one person like McCarthyism. I am comparing the zeitgeist, the cultural attitude is far more angry and far more toxic NOW. But you would never know, you never experienced McCarthyism.
Hmms? Can I say that comparing McCarthyrism to BLM seems hyperbolic? Not for nothing BLM is a protest movement against police brutality. Something that I would argue is something a person can support without reservation. McCarthyism was a movement that was malevolent in its purpose.

I also don't think that today is that much more toxic, not compared to the "red scare" or for that matter the decade after that, wich had both the Vietnam war protests and the Civil Rights movement, both protest movements were more violent.

What has changed is reporting, both sides are now in their information bubble and don't really see any objective reporting anymore.
I would like to point out you did say it was hyperbolic. You did that. I like objective facts. Like for instance shutting down the police and tearing down public statues is rather, um hysterical and , um rather the acts of a mob under a some delusion. That kind hyperbolism goes without notice. McCarthy overreached, but he didn't drive mobs to burn loot and destroy though. BTW, 10 black guys where slain cops last apposed to say X number blacks that killed each other. And the X number, look it up. Way more than a few questionable police interactions, and I think you know that. I am not a hater or a debater. Thank you, and have a nice evening
I love people who are willing to state their opinion on here without taking it personally. I thank you for that. What I don't get is why someone who's capable of doing that would say he or she is not a debater. That's the first and I would argue most important step.
Joseph McCarthy

United States senator

Written By:

Last Updated: Apr 28, 2020 See Article History

Alternative Title: Joseph Raymond McCarthy

Joseph McCarthy, in full Joseph Raymond McCarthy, (born November 14, 1908, near Appleton, Wisconsin, U.S.—died May 2, 1957, Bethesda, Maryland), U.S. senator who lent his name to the term McCarthyism. McCarthy dominated the U.S. political climate in the early 1950s through his sensational but unproven charges of communist subversion in high government circles. In 1954, in a rare move, his Senate colleagues officially censured him for unbecoming conduct.
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A Wisconsin attorney, McCarthy served for three years as a circuit judge (1940–42) before enlisting in the U.S. Marine Corps in World War II. In 1946 he won the Republican nomination for the Senate in a stunning upset primary victory over Sen. Robert M. La Follette, Jr.; he was elected that autumn and again in 1952.
McCarthy was at first a quiet and undistinguished senator. He rose to prominence in February 1950 when his public charge—in a speech given in Wheeling, West Virginia—that 205 communists had infiltrated the State Department created a furor and catapulted him into headlines across the country. Upon subsequently testifying before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, he proved unable to produce the name of a single “card-carrying communist” in any government department. Nevertheless, he gained increasing popular support for his campaign of accusations by capitalizing on the fears and frustrations of a country weary of the Korean War and appalled by communist advances in eastern Europe and China. McCarthy proceeded to instigate a nationwide militant anticommunist “crusade”; he appeared to his supporters as a dedicated patriot and guardian of genuine Americanism, to his detractors as an irresponsible self-seeking witch-hunter who was undermining the country’s traditions of civil liberties.
McCarthy, Joseph R.
McCarthy, Joseph R.U.S. Sen. Joseph McCarthy testifies before a Senate subcomittee on elections and rules in an effort to link fellow U.S. Sen. William Benton to communism.Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

After McCarthy’s reelection in 1952, he obtained the chairmanship of the Committee on Government Operations of the Senate and of its permanent subcommittee on investigations. For the next two years he was constantly in the spotlight, investigating various government departments and questioning innumerable witnesses about their suspected communist affiliations. Although he failed to make a plausible case against anyone, his colourful and cleverly presented accusations drove some persons out of their jobs and brought popular condemnation to others. The persecution of innocent persons on the charge of being communists and the forced conformity that the practice engendered in American public life came to be known as McCarthyism. Meanwhile, other government agencies did, with less fanfare, identify and prosecute cases of communist infiltration.
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McCarthy’s increasingly irresponsible attacks came to include Pres. Dwight D. Eisenhower and other Republican and Democratic leaders. His influence waned in 1954 as a result of the sensational, nationally televised, 36-day hearing on his charges of subversion by U.S. Army officers and civilian officials. That detailed television exposure of his brutal and truculent interrogative tactics—which famously prompted Joseph Nye Welch, special counsel for the army, to ask McCarthy, “Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”—discredited him and helped to turn the tide of public opinion against him.
When the Republicans lost control of the Senate in the midterm elections that November, McCarthy was replaced as chairman of the investigating committee. On December 2, 1954, the Senate felt secure enough to formally condemn him on a vote of 67 to 22 for conduct “contrary to Senate traditions,” thus ending the era of McCarthyism. McCarthy was largely ignored by his colleagues and by the media thereafter and died before he had completed his second term in office.
This article was most recently revised and updated by André Munro, Assistant Editor.

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