Kills COVID 19 Pastor Get Schooled By Dem Congressman Lieu


Diamond Member
Jun 15, 2019
Gold Coast
This is something else. Trump is going to the snake oil salesman's church.
Oh, pray for us all.

"A Democratic Congressman tried to educate the heads of a Phoenix megachurch where President Donald Trump will be appearing Tuesday after they announced they installed new technology created by some of their congregants that supposedly kills “99.9%” of the novel coronavirus within 10 minutes by ionizing the air."
“So when you come into our auditorium, 99% of COVID is gone,” Senior Pastor Luke Barnett adds. “So you can know when you come down here, you’ll be safe and protected. Thank God for great technology.”

Hate to tell that pastor, that while yes, ionized air will attract and catch the virus, it doesn't kill it, nor will it catch all of it.

This rally could end up being a virus hotspot. The really sad thing is that the preacher is giving everyone a false sense of security, meaning that more than likely NOBODY is gonna be wearing a mask.
Hate to tell that pastor, that while yes, ionized air will attract and catch the virus, it doesn't kill it, nor will it catch all of it.

This rally could end up being a virus hotspot. The really sad thing is that the preacher is giving everyone a false sense of security, meaning that more than likely NOBODY is gonna be wearing a mask.
Doesn't help when you touch or get breathed on from someone infected. All it takes. Direct exposure.
Hate to tell that pastor, that while yes, ionized air will attract and catch the virus, it doesn't kill it, nor will it catch all of it.

This rally could end up being a virus hotspot. The really sad thing is that the preacher is giving everyone a false sense of security, meaning that more than likely NOBODY is gonna be wearing a mask.
Doesn't help when you touch or get breathed on from someone infected. All it takes. Direct exposure.

Exactly. Someone who is infected but asymptomatic can spread the virus just by breathing, and I don't think the church's air filtration system is gonna be fast enough or strong enough to suck the virus up from the infected person before it can infect someone else.
Hate to tell that pastor, that while yes, ionized air will attract and catch the virus, it doesn't kill it, nor will it catch all of it.

This rally could end up being a virus hotspot. The really sad thing is that the preacher is giving everyone a false sense of security, meaning that more than likely NOBODY is gonna be wearing a mask.
Doesn't help when you touch or get breathed on from someone infected. All it takes. Direct exposure.

Exactly. Someone who is infected but asymptomatic can spread the virus just by breathing, and I don't think the church's air filtration system is gonna be fast enough or strong enough to suck the virus up from the infected person before it can infect someone else.
Selling falsities to congregants is bothersome. Or are those that fall for them just really stupid?
Our world today.
Hate to tell that pastor, that while yes, ionized air will attract and catch the virus, it doesn't kill it, nor will it catch all of it.

This rally could end up being a virus hotspot. The really sad thing is that the preacher is giving everyone a false sense of security, meaning that more than likely NOBODY is gonna be wearing a mask.
Doesn't help when you touch or get breathed on from someone infected. All it takes. Direct exposure.

Exactly. Someone who is infected but asymptomatic can spread the virus just by breathing, and I don't think the church's air filtration system is gonna be fast enough or strong enough to suck the virus up from the infected person before it can infect someone else.
Selling falsities to congregants is bothersome. Or are those that fall for them just really stupid?
Our world today.

I think it's a combination of both. The pastor needs to sell his snake oil so that the donations will continue to roll in. The congregants need to believe that the faith of their church and themselves is enough to keep them safe, so they will believe the pastor selling them the snake oil.

New Coronavirus Cases Have Reached Record Highs in 12 States; Here’s Why It Doesn’t Matter
Posted at 12:30 pm on June 23, 2020 by Elizabeth Vaughn


The media has been issuing ominous warnings about the resurgence of new cases of COVID-19 in many states. In fact, new cases are at record highs in at least a dozen states.

NPR published a list of states where new cases (as of Monday 11:59 pm, June 22) were higher than they’d been two weeks ago. Topping the list was Oklahoma, which has seen a 268% jump in new cases. Next up are Florida and Texas with increases of 184% and 154%, respectively. The list can be viewed here.

“So what,” says the Issues & Insights editorial board.



The link reveals that the death rate will stay low anyway.

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