BLM Is Going To Burn Down Ohio Over Idiot Trying to Run Over Cops


Diamond Member
Aug 28, 2022
Here we go again.

Salty makes the great point that the pregnant driver had more than just a "clump of cells" in her body, and the Left will see it that way on this particular occasion because it serves their narrative.

That said, the pregnancy is just the cherry on this fecal sundae.

I'm confident he'd be predicting "social justice" mayhem regardless.

On paper his wager seems pretty sound.

This story is like nitroglycerine for sparking Leftist chaos.

Let's hope he's wrong.

What difference.jpg

America is OVER!
These folks will burn down their own neighborhoods. They are welcome to it. Should they attack any government facility, be it police station, jail, or courthouse watch how nobody on the left will see the obvious insurrection.
No, no, no.

When you burn and destroy things and break the law for Left wing issue, it is not insurrection, it is social justice.
Here we go again.

Salty makes the great point that the pregnant driver had more than just a "clump of cells" in her body, and the Left will see it that way on this particular occasion because it serves their narrative.

That said, the pregnancy is just the cherry on this fecal sundae.

I'm confident he'd be predicting "social justice" mayhem regardless.

On paper his wager seems pretty sound.

This story is like nitroglycerine for sparking Leftist chaos.

Let's hope he's wrong.

A shit opinion piece by a dickhead, That girl did not have to die. Life is cheap in the US.
I'd say another chance to loot and steal...but they're doing that daily now

I think Salty's insinuating mass monster riots like the ones in summer of 2020.

I'd say if this was 2024 he'd be almost guaranteed to be on the money.

Everyone knows Democrats throw their electoral hissy fits to serve the Social Justice Gods.

And capitalism and safety must be sacrificed at their altar.

Since it's only 2023, hopefully this gets lost in the ether.

I suppose we'll find out soon enough.
I think Salty's insinuating mass monster riots like the ones in summer of 2020.

I'd say if this was 2024 he'd be almost guaranteed to be on the money.

Since it's only 2023, hopefully this gets lost in the ether.

I suppose we'll find out soon enough.

If the woman had just complied her and her child would still be alive

Pretty simple
If the woman had just complied her and her child would still be alive

Pretty simple

They comply if some stranger "expert" on TV tells them to wear a mask, stay home, and pump experimental mRNA into their genetic codes.

But a cop standing in front of their car?

They will not comply.

Their priorities are fucked, and their logic is non-existent.

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