Blatant double standard.

What should happen to the Masters of the Republicans?

The Koch Brothers
The Rockfellers
The Federal Society

And I could mention some other Republican Billionaires who have helped to get at least three Judges on the Supreme Court in order to help do away with Roe vs Wade, as well as many other things.

How about the banning of books in Florida? It infringes with the First Amendment and freedom of speech. It is not being done by Democrats.

But all I hear from you and other Republicans is what some Republican leaders are putting out there. Blame it on Soros. Make Soros responsible for everything, regardless of the fact......that he has had nothing to do with it.

The Republican leaders spreading the Soros lies, and Tucker Carlson and others, are doing nothing but putting any name out there for the Republican voters to go against, and there is nothing there. And they know it.
Those people are the New World Order and if you want to live in it, fine. It's getting late and I'm ready for bed so I will elaborate it further the next time. But I will leave you with some tidbits of truth.

Are you aware of how many thousands of politicians, celebrities, Hollywood actors and other notable people have been taken to Gitmo, tried,convicted and executed? And each of them have in their place a body double with life masks? Think about it.Their crimes were child trafficking, child sacrifice and Satanism. You can think I'm crazy but those are the facts. Nitey nite!
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Oh my gosh, I LOVED the trunk monkey commercials!

Those things would have me laughing as much as some of the funniest dog & cat videos
Tbh, that and are 2 of the best things ever on the internet.

Do not approach Camaromullet. Well, it's impossible to unless you go up in his attic when he's cooking meth.
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Altering financial records in furtherance of a crime is itself a crime.

The crime is obvious. Cohen went to jail for it .

Trump did this 34 times
Every time some poor Black guy gets beaten to death we hear the Right Wing pontificate about how the accused should be smart and fight it out in court. Black guy gets killed. He should have complied and fight it out in court.

Now. Trump is charged with a crime. I’ve said several times. I don’t know. I don’t know New York Law. Neither do you. I’m not a lawyer. Neither are any of you. But you are all outraged beyond any sense about Trump having the opportunity to fight it out in court.

If the charges are bogus that will come out. Trump has a collection of good attorneys. The ability for a well funded defense. Something many victims of corrupt law enforcement don’t have. His lawyers will argue the statute of limitations if there is any issue. His lawyers will challenge the law based upon precedence none of us know.

So far none of us have enough information to claim conviction is certain or that acquittal is guaranteed. We are only starting to glimpse the mountain of information that is involved.

But what I don’t understand is how this one event is the death nail of the nation or whatever. Hundreds of people were falsely convicted and exonerated. Police plant evidence everyday. Police lie everyday. People who expose it are targeted for reprisals. Now none of that is happening to Trump.

It isn’t as if the Judge has ruled that Trump will be tried as a Black Man.

Seriously. Calm down. Wait for the information to come out. Wait for the process.

So Trump surrendered to the police without fighting them or grabbing their gun? Im not seeing the double standard then. :cuckoo:
It's blatantly obvious to all but liberals that Trump is being railroaded by the crooked Nazi government that Demoncrats have hatched since Satan's handmaidens took over starting with Slick Willie, The Magic Negro and Hiden' Biden.
Sorry but a person was already given 3 years for doing what Trump ordered him to do...

This is the law...
The DA felt he had enough evidence for a conviction... Therefore he sworn to up hold the law...

He will present his evidence to a jury where Trump's legal team will have plenty of time to amount a defence...

I do think the Judge made a mistake not to televise the trial. This is a political figure, the people have to understand what he did and we need the process as transparent as possible.
Nobody is banning books, you lying sack.

I suppose you think that keeping booze away from minors is prohibition too, huh?

Tell that to the Librarians who were accused of being pedophiles for wanting books in the library.

But hey, I’m filing a complaint to my local school district about Algebra being woke. If we are going to dumb down the kids, we should really go all the way.
"Say, boy, you ain't from 'round here is ya?"
Yep. Trouble was, the Sheriff and his deputies weren't from around where they arrested us (73 of us, including mayor's kids, preacher's kids, kid's of well connect families to both counties, and the state, and out of state power,etc) either. An out of state federal judge (longtime friend of my father) intervened for me, to suggest to the Sheriff it might be unwise for the Sheriff to actually file charges or pursue the matter, and recommend the Sheriff find a way to make good on damages to my father's brand-new van and processions of mine in my van. I had forgotten, his name was also on the title (as he co-signed the note), but dad didn't. Strange experience. Interesting who you meet in a county jail, you haven't seen for a while.
Yep. Trouble was, the Sheriff and his deputies weren't from around where they arrested us (73 of us, including mayor's kids, preacher's kids, kid's of well connect families to both counties, and the state, and out of state power,etc) either. An out of state federal judge (longtime friend of my father) intervened for me, to suggest to the Sheriff it might be unwise for the Sheriff to actually file charges or pursue the matter, and recommend the Sheriff find a way to make good on damages to my father's brand-new van and processions of mine in my van. I had forgotten, his name was also on the title (as he co-signed the note), but dad didn't. Strange experience. Interesting who you meet in a county jail, you haven't seen for a while.
Was it a HS beer party?
Trump is not only an ex-president, but the current front runner by a large margin to be the Republican candidate in 2024. We are less than ten months from the first Presidential primary. If this isn’t strictly political, I don’t know what it is.
Of course this is "political."
Trump is obviously a criminal who shouldn't be anywhere NEAR the White House.

The sooner the criminal justice system can prove that the safer we will be.
Was it a HS beer party?
Yep. HS graduation beer party at some sand pits, literally in the middle of nowhere without a house around for a mile or two. Chasing unarmed kids through wood and swamp shooting shotguns over their head to scare them, pissed off all the right people, not to mention false arrest, confiscation of private vehicles for public use across county lines of jurisdiction without knowledge of the county authorities he went into, as well as minor manhandling 16-17 year old kids out of his home county. Our own Sheriff was pissed, when he found out, by getting an ear full from many of his prominent constituents.
Of course this is "political."
Trump is obviously a criminal who shouldn't be anywhere NEAR the White House.

The sooner the criminal justice system can prove that the safer we will be.
Yeah, we're in such great hands now. :rolleyes-41:

No other president has deliberately set out to make Americans instantly 15% poorer ever before. Biden did on day 1 of his term.

Biden is the worst president America has ever seen.
Yeah, we're in such great hands now. :rolleyes-41:

No other president has set out to make Americans instantly 15% poorer ever before. Biden did on day 1 of his term.

Biden is the worst president America has ever seen.
Did you actually lose 15% or is that based on stats and studies? I am not saying the numbers to prove aren't out there. At the same time, I know stats and studies can prove anything if applied to prove a point. I simply don't know anybody that lost 15% this time, unlike Bush's actual crash, where I didn't know anybody that didn't lose at least that much.
Did you actually lose 15% or is that based on stats and studies? I am not saying the numbers to prove aren't out there. At the same time, I know stats and studies can prove anything if applied to prove a point. I simply don't know anybody that lost 15% this time, unlike Bush's actual crash, where I didn't know anybody that didn't lose at least that much.
Dude, it hasn't fully happened yet. When the world moves off of the petrodoallar, that's when the effects hit home.

Hillary assassinated Khadafi to stop the 9% drop what he was doing was going to cause.

Have you not noticed the price of things are doubled or more than doubled at the grocery store?

Power bill 50% up?

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