Blame the Federal Reserve for the tanking stock market

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
There needed to be a trump beatdown somehow, and with Mulehead apparently stymied, the fed is the currently the path of least resistance to accomplishing it.

i would like to see a fed beatdown somehow....or at least a Seth Rich of those in charge of it!

Ok, so what in the 21st century could lead a stock market to the worst December since the Great Depression year of 1931?

Let’s start by saying I have always liked Fed Chair Jay Powell’s pragmatic image. I only hope I wasn’t fooled.

He has the ideal experience mix of Washington finance and private sector, so he ought to be able to tell the forest from the trees.

But last week’s Fed meeting was even more disastrous than the one in September.

Since the September meeting — when the Fed hiked rates because the economy was displaying “strong labor market conditions and a sustained return to 2 percent inflation” — stocks have sold off.

Then came Wednesday’s meeting, when the Fed hiked again despite all being well in the economy.

With good growth, good employment and no inflation to speak of, this hike sent the market spinning into a state of disbelief. The market closed down 352 points, and Thursday subtracted 464 more.

This correction is now all on the Fed. It over-reached just like virtually every other academic Fed, combating Ghosts of Inflation Past that haven’t appeared in decades.

Powell needs to expand his Rolodex to include more than just policy types and start speaking with some real-world practitioners.

For example: FedEx CEO Fred Smith. If there’s anyone who would have a read on the pulse of the economy, he’d be it. FedEx’s stock is down 40 percent since September.

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This isn't about "getting Trump."

This is about a strengthening economy.

When the economy strengthens, you raise rates. When it's weakening, you lower rates.

That's how it works.

The stock market was elevated because interest rates were too low. Now that interest rates are rising, stocks are going down.

Stocks are also going down because people are getting nervous about tariffs. Executives are beginning to delay capital expenditures, waiting to see what tariff policies will be. That's self-induced by the President.

But it's mostly about a strengthening economy.
There needed to be a trump beatdown somehow, and with Mulehead apparently stymied, the fed is the currently the path of least resistance to accomplishing it.

i would like to see a fed beatdown somehow....or at least a Seth Rich of those in charge of it!

Ok, so what in the 21st century could lead a stock market to the worst December since the Great Depression year of 1931?

Let’s start by saying I have always liked Fed Chair Jay Powell’s pragmatic image. I only hope I wasn’t fooled.

He has the ideal experience mix of Washington finance and private sector, so he ought to be able to tell the forest from the trees.

But last week’s Fed meeting was even more disastrous than the one in September.

Since the September meeting — when the Fed hiked rates because the economy was displaying “strong labor market conditions and a sustained return to 2 percent inflation” — stocks have sold off.

Then came Wednesday’s meeting, when the Fed hiked again despite all being well in the economy.

With good growth, good employment and no inflation to speak of, this hike sent the market spinning into a state of disbelief. The market closed down 352 points, and Thursday subtracted 464 more.

This correction is now all on the Fed. It over-reached just like virtually every other academic Fed, combating Ghosts of Inflation Past that haven’t appeared in decades.

Powell needs to expand his Rolodex to include more than just policy types and start speaking with some real-world practitioners.

For example: FedEx CEO Fred Smith. If there’s anyone who would have a read on the pulse of the economy, he’d be it. FedEx’s stock is down 40 percent since September.

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Too bad Trump just HAD to get rid of Janet Yellen because Obama. But Trump only hires the best people... must be 4D chess! That’s it!!! :lmao:
Trump attacking Powell makes things worse, not better.

If investors think that the Fed is making policy at the whims of the politicians, they will lose confidence in the central bank and the selling will intensify.
Powell is just terrible! Who nominated this asshole!? :mad:
Powell is just terrible! Who nominated this asshole!? :mad:

"I only hire the best!"

Ironically, Powell's doing a good job IMHO, better than most of Trump's appointments.

This is one of the few appointment I was happy he made. The last person we need being a political lickspittle is the Fed Chair.
Any attempt by Trump to push out Powell would have potentially devastating ripple effects across financial markets, undermining investors’ confidence in the central bank’s ability to shepherd the economy without political interference. It would come as markets have plummeted in recent weeks, with the major stock indexes already down sharply for the year.​

Bloomberg - Are you a robot?

Absolutely true.
Having declared the rate of illegal immigration an invasion Trump has all of the power he needs to build the wall and he can solicit contributions for defense. That kind of passing the hat has been done for centuries Including here in the US. Not building the wall is the big problem. And during a declared foreign invasion collaboration such as sanctuary cities and states is a criminal act. Trump needs to get his head out of his ass and bring the collaborators into court. He is not sticking to the platform that got him elected.

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