Black lives matter, but the genocide of Native Americans. no problem

.... it would quickly devolve into a guerilla war with the vast majority of the revolutionaries dead or in hiding.
That's the reality.

Better to die on one's feet than live on one's knees in what this nation is becoming.
God I love idealism and false bravado...... :lmao:
The nation will become what it becomes, we can't go back no matter how much we want to and trying to more often than not results in something worse.
Here's a little light reading for ya......
God I love idealism and false bravado......
The nation will become what it becomes, we can't go back no matter how much we want to and trying to more often than not results in something worse.

As I see it there really is nothing worse than what this nation is becoming. If/when it occurs there will be no chance for humanity to save itself. At that point the only sensible choice is death
God I love idealism and false bravado......
The nation will become what it becomes, we can't go back no matter how much we want to and trying to more often than not results in something worse.

As I see it there really is nothing worse than what this nation is becoming. If/when it occurs there will be no chance for humanity to save itself. At that point the only sensible choice is death
Then why wait for the inevitable? :dunno:
It is if Martial Law is declared and armed insurrection on that scale it cause for Martial Law.

I still believe a large percentage of US Servicemen would refuse such an order. If not, then this,nation is already lost.
The nation is already lost to those who think it is, we are no longer the nation of growth and expansion, read the link I posted for you.
The nation is already lost to those who think it is, we are no longer the nation of growth and expansion, read the link I posted for you.

I'm not interested in growth or expansion. I'm interested in propriety and decency. I did read your link.
Your version of propriety and decency? One of the arguments all tyrants have put forth throughout history..........
Good luck with that one, I'm too old now so that would constitute murder. :thup:

I wasn't referring to the military, but rather all Liberals.
You do realize that most Americans aren't as nutty far right as you, that you and those like you make up a very small minority? Of course you don't, crazy people think the world revolves around them...... Sorry I almost forgot that....... :thup:
Your version of propriety and decency? One of the arguments all tyrants have put forth throughout history..........

It's not MY version of anything, and I've never claimed to be anything other than an Authoritarian (the ultimate form of Conservatism).
God I love idealism and false bravado......
The nation will become what it becomes, we can't go back no matter how much we want to and trying to more often than not results in something worse.

As I see it there really is nothing worse than what this nation is becoming. If/when it occurs there will be no chance for humanity to save itself. At that point the only sensible choice is death

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